All the Latest from "Parenting Teens"

Why the Pastor Forcing the Pregnant Teen Girl to Apologize to the Church is Worse Than You Thought

Last Sunday, a disturbing video went viral of a teen girl apologizing for being pregnant in front of her church. It was an Apostolic church in Virginia. After her confession. The congregation applauded, but then the pastor got up and chastised them, saying that no one...

How Gentle Parenting and Harsh Parenting can Both Go Wrong

Has gentle parenting been given a bad rap? For good reason? We had an amazing podcast last week with Wendy Snyder from Fresh Start Families, and this Tuesday we're doing a FREE webinar with Wendy to talk about how to parent with both kindness and firmness. It's all...

Discipline That’s Compassionate, Not Punitive: FREE Workshop

We know that parenting is the biggest responsibility we will ever have. But we've been told such different things about the nature of that responsibility. If you grew up in an evangelical church, chances are you were told that a parent's job is to teach them to obey,...

Are Girls Responsible for Making Boys Feel Less Lonely?

 Are teen girls responsible for helping teen boys fit in? There's a disturbing trend I've noticed lately where, when a disturbed man goes on a killing spree, the blame is often put on the girls who wouldn't give him the time of day. I wrote a few thoughts about that...
What Were Your Own Emotions Around Puberty?

What Were Your Own Emotions Around Puberty?

Nobody wants to pass on sexual shame to their kids! Being able to talk to your kids about sex without giving them the message that they should be ashamed of this part of themselves is such a gift you can give your kids. That's why we created The Whole Story, a course...

Older posts from "Parenting Teens"

Is Purity Culture Trauma?

Is Purity Culture Trauma?

Welcome to a new season on the Bare Marriage blog! We're about to begin a new series, starting tomorrow, on obligation sex--how to understand it and get over it. But before we do that, I received this great article by Dr. Camden Morgante (known as Dr. Camden around...

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