All the Latest from "Connecting"

What is the Window of Tolerance? And What Does It Mean about Sex?

 The window of tolerance concept helps highlight emotional health.  On a recent podcast episode, I was honoured to have licensed counsellor, Jay Stringer, on as a guest.  One of the things he talked about was that evangelical views on gender roles and marriage are...

3 Ways Your Spouse Should Pass the Roommate Test

We love to say that spouses aren’t just roommates And they’re definitely not! Roommates share a living space, and little else. Spouses are supposed to share everything. But at the same time, there are some basic things that go into the roommate experience that may...

What if the 5 Love Languages Are Junk Science?

Do the 5 Love Languages stand up to scientific scrutiny? In January of this year, an article was published and was called Popular Psychology Through a Scientific Lens: Evaluating Love Languages From a Relationship Science Perspective in the Psychological Science...

Are Women Actually More Emotionally Intelligent than Men?

God Didn’t Make Women To Be Better at Relationships than Men. We talked in our first podcast of the month about four new studies on marriage & sex. This month we’re taking a deeper dive into the studies in some of our blog posts. So let’s look at this study:...
3 Ways Your Spouse Should Pass the Roommate Test

3 Ways Your Spouse Should Pass the Roommate Test

We love to say that spouses aren’t just roommates And they’re definitely not! Roommates share a living space, and little else. Spouses are supposed to share everything. But at the same time, there are some basic things that go into the roommate experience that may...

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