Support our work through the Good Fruit Faith Initiative!

It’s time to stop toxicity and help people find wholeness!

If you believe in what we do, the Bosko Foundation, through their Good Fruit Faith Initiative, has given you the ability to partner with us to change the conversation about marriage and sex in evangelicalism. 

The Bosko Foundation is dedicated to creating partnerships with people doing innovative work “to help leaders and equip all those passionate about training others to serve.”

They explain: 

Today, we focus on advancing the mission of the global Church by supporting Majority World faculty and leaders, strengthening institutions and organizations, and mobilizing data and resources to inspire initiatives that impact society.

The Good Fruit Faith Initiative is one of those partnerships. 

The Bosko Foundation understands the importance of getting healthy, evidence-based advice into the global church, and because they loved the work we were already doing, they contracted us for one of their initiatives. And that’s how Good Fruit Faith was born! 

Through the Good Fruit Faith inititiative, we are able to conduct research; write research papers to spread the word in the academic community and the seminary community about what is happening in evangelical relationships; conduct pastor and counselor continuing education; and disseminate the findings of all of our work in English and beyond.

Funding the Good Fruit Faith Initiative allows our team to do research and teaching work that we couldn’t otherwise afford to do.

Donors like you make it possible to change the conversation about evangelical sex and marriage in academia, in seminaries, in Christian colleges, and even in the global church.

Yes, you get a tax-deductible receipt within the United States (we’re working on other countries!).

But more importantly–you become part of the solution to the huge problem of toxic teaching in the evangelical church. 

You become part of the movement to upend teachings that have caused pain, and help people find emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy relationships. 

Give a one-time donation, or, if you’re able, become a monthly sustaining donor!