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PODCAST: They’re coming after BLUEY now?!
Do good dads play with their kids, or is that a feminine trait? It's a wild question, right? But that's a large amount of an absolutely bonkers article from Jeremy Pryor where he criticized the kid's show "Bluey" because the dad, Bandit, isn't manly enough. I think...
Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted in Cases of Abuse?
Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted in Cases of Abuse? So many people ask for a robust Biblical investigation into whether divorce is allowed in cases of abuse, and considering how so much of the evangelical church treats divorce as an almost unforgivable sin, it’s a...
He Says Good Things: A Poem Inspired by Josh Howerton’s Jokes
We don't have to accept pastors demonizing little girls. Recently, I was sent a clip by someone who attends Lake Pointe church and was concerned–I don’t go looking for these. Josh Howerton, you may remember, is the same megachurch pastor who told women to “stand where...
On Al Mohler, Samantha Killary, Empathy, and the Romans
Jesus didn’t call out the Romans. Instead, he spent his life calling out the religious leaders of His day. He left the Romans pretty much alone. But what do we do? I have seen far too many pastors, and too many best-selling authors, making their main talking point...
PODCASt: Little Girls in Church Parking Lots in Baptistland
Some people spend their lives fighting injustice. And we need to listen to their stories! You know what's scarier than Hallowe'en? (And happy Hallowe'en today, everyone! Hope you get some candy!). Men high up in denominations who try to cover up child sexual abuse...
What Were You Wearing When Teenage You Was Harassed in Church?
A few years ago, one of our podcasts on the harm of the modesty message caused a ruckus online. And so I asked people, "if you were ever sexually assaulted in church, what were you wearing?" I had so many heartbreaking responses, and I turned them into a post. I...
What Were Your Own Emotions Around Puberty?
Nobody wants to pass on sexual shame to their kids! Being able to talk to your kids about sex without giving them the message that they should be ashamed of this part of themselves is such a gift you can give your kids. That's why we created The Whole Story, a course...
Talking to Kids about Puberty and Sex Means Confronting Your Own Hangups
Shame from our preteen introduction to sex is horrible. None of us wants shame about sex or about puberty, but a lot of us are carrying it. And how can we make sure we don't pass it on to our kids? One of the big messages at Bare Marriage is that it is possible to...
PODCAST: How Should We Handle the Sex Talk with Our Kids
What are the potential pitfalls of the sex talk with your kids? Having the sex talk with your kids can be so stressful! It feels awkward. What do you say? But one of the things we also know here at Bare Marriage, after surveying tens of thousands of people over the...
Top 10 Mistakes I Made Teaching My Kids about Sex and Puberty
Talking to your kids about sex can be daunting. Few parents escape unscathed after explaining what sex is--and what's going to happen to kids' bodies! And yet I think our kids get the worst end of it. This week we are so excited to be launching the totally revamped...