Finally, a data-driven marriage book that looks at what actually works!

Based on a matched pair survey of over 1300 couples, plus another 5000 respondents, The Marriage You Want gives healthy, evidence-based, Jesus-centered help for your marriage.

Instead of convincing you to stay in a marriage you hate, you’ll learn to create a marriage you love!

The Marriage You Want

Sheila and Keith (with Joanna, our statistician, of course!) are releasing our marriage book march 11!

And they are inviting you to be a part of their launch team! How do you do that?

And then you’ll get an email with pre-order bonuses!

get our alternate chapter as a pre-order bonus!

At the very last minute–just before the book went to the printers–Sheila decided to switch out the conclusion.

She felt the original conclusion was just too “on the nose” and controversial.

So Sheila and Keith wrote a different one (which they still like!)

But do you ever wonder, “What would that have been like with a different ending”? Now’s your chance to find out!

When you pre-order and send us your receipt, you’ll immediately receive a copy of the alternate conclusion!

Plus you’ll get an invite to our launch team! (more on that below).

Where can I pre-order?

You can pre-order The Marriage You Want at any of your preferred book vendors, including:

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No matter where you order from, simply forward your receipt using the button below to get your pre-order bonuses and access to the facebook group! 

And we’ve got a study guide to go with it!

The pre-order bonus is yours simply for ordering the book.

But we want everyone to know that we’ve got CURRICULUM that goes along with the book!

It can be used for small groups, for premarital curriculum, or even just a study to go through with your spouse!

(Preorder the study guide too wherever you preorder the book!)

The Marriage You Want with Study Guide

Want to help us get the word out about HEALTHY?

When you pre-order, you’ll also get an invite to join our launch team–which is where the party happens!

We’ll have weekly Facebook lives, Q&As, a great chance to connect with other like minded people, a chance to get to know us better behind the scenes, and more!

When you join,

  • You’ll get access to an electronic copy of The Marriage You Want as soon as the launch team opens–so you can start reading right away!
  • You’ll get a FREE audiobook version of the book once it’s available!
  • And there’s lots of chances for bonuses and prizes!

All we ask is that you leave an honest review on Goodreads and Amazon (or wherever else you bought the book! And wherever you can leave reviews!)

Plus we’ll give tips on how you can let your friends and church know about the book, and what you can do to create buzz for this.

Together, we can change the evangelical conversation about marriage. We can replace the bad books with stuff that’s healthy!

So pre-order today, and send us your receipt. We look forward to meeting you in the launch team!