Welcome to the Bare Marriage team all new marriage survey!

This time we’re conducting an all-new matched pair survey, which we’ve never done before.

A matched pair survey will allow us to look at how couples interact with each other and to investigate how each of them feels about how their marriage is going. From a statistical perspective we will be able to run a bunch of really powerful statistical tests and I’ve been dreaming about getting to run these stats for forever.

What are we going to use the statistics for?

  1. The statistical results will be included in Keith and Sheila’s upcoming marriage book!
  2. We’ll use them in future peer reviewed journal articles.
  3. We will also present results at scientific conferences.

More details

This survey is being done for research purposes through Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Dr. Keith Gregoire is our Principal Investigator. This study has been reviewed for ethical compliance by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board.

Who can participate?

  • Those who are 18 years old and older
  • Because we’re doing a matched pair survey we will only be able to have participants who are currently married
  • Due to the nature of our research question, we are investigating gender differences in heterosexual relationships between cisgender spouses
  • Because we will be investigating the effect of ideas prevalent in Christianity, we are looking for couples in which one or both are Christian.

How long does the survey take?

Approximately 30 minutes.

What are the benefits of participating?

We’ve got some fun freebies for participants. Sarah McDougal and Bren Wise have provided us with a set of grounding exercises which are being made freely available to participants. Additionally, we have a pdf download of 75 conversation starters for those who fill out the survey. And you’ll get the knowledge that you helped us learn a lot about important dynamics in marriage!

How on earth are you going to link results?

We have a couple of questions which create a unique code which will be used to link results of the couple. Once linking has been done we’ll delete the codes. Codes will NOT be included on any data archive if we make the data available for other researchers.

Your spouse will not be able to see your results while they take it, and your results will not be sent to them. 

We are also not collecting names or emails.

How do I participate?

How can I send a link to my spouse?

Send them to this blog post, and tell them to hit the button!

Please note: You will only be able to take the survey once per device, so your spouse will have to take it on a separate device from you. So you can send them the link RIGHT NOW (just copy the link to this post, or you can send them to https://baremarriage.com/marriagesurvey