Welcome to our new website! 

It looks like you’re trying to find some content that isn’t available anymore. I (Sheila) have been blogging at To Love, Honor and Vacuum since 2008–that’s a lot of blog posts over the years! 

As we moved to Bare Marriage, we were picky about what content we brought over. The post you are looking for didn’t make the cut. However, there are still over 900 posts on this website so I am sure you can find something for your situation here!

Here’s where you can search for specific topics, or else see the latest on the blog:

Recent Posts

The State of Christian Marriage Publishing

The State of Christian Marriage Publishing

The Marriage You Want is now officially launched! I'm really excited about this book, because it's HEALTHY and I think it has the potential to upend the Christian marriage market and be disruptive (in a good way) like The Great Sex Rescue was. I told you a little bit...

The Safe, Healthy Evangelical Marriage Book Is Here!

The Safe, Healthy Evangelical Marriage Book Is Here!

What would it look like to create healthy marriage advice from the ground up? To go into writing a marriage book with no assumptions, just data? To take Jesus at His word that a good tree can’t bear bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t bear good fruit–so where there is...

Is Hope Holding You Back? The Two Kinds of Hope

Is Hope Holding You Back? The Two Kinds of Hope

Tomorrow The Marriage You Want launches! I wanted to talk about it today, and do all kinds of fun things leading up to launch--but 10 days ago my father-in-law passed away, and the funeral was this weekend. We've been so busy and reeling as a family. And yesterday I...

Follow the Evidence Where It Leads…To The Marriage You Want

Follow the Evidence Where It Leads…To The Marriage You Want

A big value at Bare Marriage is that we're evidence-based. I open my podcast every week with "we like to talk about "healthy, evidence-based, biblical advice." And our new book The Marriage You Want (which launches next Tuesday!!!) is totally evidence-based. We've got...

Are the WRONG People Getting the RIGHT Marriage Advice?

Are the WRONG People Getting the RIGHT Marriage Advice?

I’ve spent years trying to untangle the Christian marriage advice puzzle. When we started researching the best-selling marriage books when we were writing The Great Sex Rescue, we found, to our dismay, that the majority of them ended up giving really bad advice, that...

Is the “Acts of Service” Love Language Really a Cry for Help?

Is the “Acts of Service” Love Language Really a Cry for Help?

Is "Acts of Service" a real love language? Many of you may be familiar with the runaway best-seller by Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages, which argues that there are five different love languages, and we all have a preferred one: Acts of Service Gifts Words of...

Why Are Men Scared to Submit? Super Quick Rundown on Ephesians 5

Why Are Men Scared to Submit? Super Quick Rundown on Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5 calls husbands to submit too. But whenever we talk about men submitting, so many men take offense to that! I wrote up this super quick overview of Ephesians 5 on social media last week, and it went so big that I thought I'd post it here, too, so people...