I hope all my American readers are enjoying a lovely Thanksgiving weekend with family–and maybe even a busy Black Friday shopping spree.
As a Canadian, I got a fun holiday yesterday, since I don’t tend to post when Americans aren’t reading (since y’all are about 75% of my audience). And today, I thought that rather than do a traditional post, I’d take a chance to tell you all about what’s going on behind the scenes, and what’s coming up.
Last night I had a talk with Katie, and she was worrying a bit about how much she’s changed since she started YouTube.
When she launched her channel, she was 16. Now she’s married. So how does she keep making videos that her audience will relate to when she’s now a different person? (don’t worry; she’s figured it out! She’s just going to keep being authentic, and she has some great stuff to say). She’s honestly one of the savviest people I know. She can read the culture, and she feels deeply when things are wrong. I hope she jumps in to her “new self” with both feet, because I think God’s taking her places.
But it got me thinking about how much I’ve changed since I started this blog. When I began blogging in 2008, my kids were 13 and 11. Now they’re both married. Then I was mostly talking about parenting, with some marriage thrown in. Now I mostly talk about sex, with a lot of marriage, and some parenting.
But that’s not all that’s changed.
I know you all are hearing all the time about changes in social media, and I thought I’d give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like for me, as a blogger.
In 2014, my biggest social media source was Pinterest, by far (well, it still is, but it’s fallen off a lot). They mostly came because of my graphics, and those were mostly to do with marriage from a Christian point of view, so many people who were discovering me everyday were Christian.
Since then, Pinterest has done a huge algorithm change which pretty much everyone hates, and which is why no one uses Pinterest the way they used to (have you ever noticed that when you go on Pinterest now, they show you all kinds of pins that you aren’t interested in from people you don’t follow? Because Katie once looked at wedding dresses on Pinterest, that’s all she sees now. She hates it). You can’t see the people you follow in the same way, because Pinterest has decided to compete with Google, and is trying to become a search engine instead. So I’ve hired someone (hi Sarah!) to make my graphics and study Pinterest and try to get the traffic back up, and she’s doing a good job, though it will likely never completely recover.
Then there’s Facebook. Oh, dear. My Facebook traffic is likely about 20% of what it once was, but I think that’s likely because no one is on Facebook anymore. Are you? I hardly ever am. I wanted to follow my friends and keep up with pics of their kids, and instead it’s all politics.
But my traffic hasn’t really changed, because I get most of my traffic from Google. (The new visitor traffic that is). And most of them aren’t Christian. I’m actually going to do a post in January of the 10 biggest searches that get people to this site, and they’re all pretty darn sad, actually. There’s a lot of hurting people out there.
So on any given day, I get about 13,000 people landing here from Google, hoping to fix their sex life or their marriage, often because of porn. It’s funny, because I always wanted to go into mission work overseas, but I actually am in mission work, right here at home. My mission field is just Google. So I have several people working for me (Hi Connor and Emily!) who are doing Search Engine Optimization for the blog. It’s my outreach.
That’s really humbling. And I get really overwhelmed by how many hurting people are out there. It’s heartbreaking, because what people need is Jesus. They don’t just need to know what to do; they need the power of the Holy Spirit to actually change hearts. I’m so glad Google sends so many people here, and if you ever think of me, that’s what I’d really like prayer for–that I keep Google’s favour. It’s an incredible outreach, even if it is overwhelming.
As for social media, I used to put a lot of time into Facebook and Pinterest personally, but now I spend a lot more time at Instagram, and increasingly at YouTube. I want to start making more video content, since I have so much video of me speaking and doing interviews, and I never seem to use it. In fact, yesterday I made a video that kind of encapsulates what I said on Wednesday about sexual intimacy. See what you think:
And I have my daughter Katie (hi Katie!) working for me doing my Instagram.
I’m still on Facebook, of course, and when I need ideas for a top 10 post, that’s where I ask (and you all say the best things!). But if you’re not following me on Instagram or YouTube, please come on over. I’ve just revamped my YouTube page, and I’ll be adding more stuff soon.
Most of my efforts, though, go into my emails.
42,000 of you are signed up to get my marriage emails now, and that’s awesome. I’ve got two people helping me with that (hi Connor and Samantha!), and they get the basics together so that then I can add personal touches. Every Friday I send out a weekly roundup of the posts, and I include something personal for my subscribers that you don’t get if you’re just on the blog. Maybe it’s a new freebie, or a behind the scenes look. Last week Rebecca and I shared a video where we debated whether to raise the issue of how to handle a spouse’s obesity in marriage. I’d like to talk about it, but I was getting some pushback on Facebook. So I conducted a poll (it was 92% in favour of talking about it!).
So it’s a lot to keep up with, but I love it, because I get to employ so many people, and I honestly feel blessed to get to help so many marriages, too!
So what are we up to for the New Year?
Rebecca (my oldest) has been working for me for a while, but she’s going to be stepping back soon (we hope. That’s been the plan). She’s honestly one of the most brilliant people I know. Whenever I have to write a difficult post, I talk it through with her first. Whenever I don’t know what to do with a comment, she sees through the issues so clearly. She’s wonderful. But we’ve got an amazing business idea that she wants to pursue full-time, and she’s hoping to transition over to that in January. She’ll still be here to write posts or be in videos, but she won’t be doing the behind-the-scenes day-to-day administration stuff.
PLUS we’ve got an amazing opportunity to offer our Whole Story puberty course to some charter schools, and we’ll be filming the youth group/school curriculum version of it in the winter. So that’s exciting.
And I’m going to be writing a new fun book on personality in marriage in the new year, too. Wasn’t planning on that, but the opportunity came up and I’m quite excited about it.
Over the last few months, my son-in-law has come on board to do a lot of the administrative stuff Rebecca was doing, and it’s been fun having him work for me. Plus their dog loves having both of them working from home!
We’re planning on starting a podcast!
Blogging just isn’t the same as it once was. I’m really blessed because my blog traffic has stayed pretty much the same, but people are consuming media in all different ways. It isn’t just reading posts anymore.
That’s why I really do want to branch out into video (which I’m doing) but especially into a podcast. We’re looking at getting that ready for the New Year. I’m going to focus on the monthly topic (every Wednesday in a month I talk about a specific theme), and delve deeper than the blog posts. Plus we’ll have a bunch of extras as well.
I really appreciate all of you who have been with me through all this transition, and those of you who have only joined me recently. I’m having so much fun learning all the new stuff about videos and podcasts and Instagram and everything, and that’s what I love about what I do. It’s always changing. I’m still going to blog of course, but I’m just adding more things (and more employees), and our family is growing. (in fact, all of my employees are getting together for a “How to Host a Murder” Christmas party in December! Should be a riot. Though we’ll have to get baby-sitters for the three baby girls. We’ve got lots of babies here!)
I thought on this family weekend, then, I’d let you in on my “family”.
But let me know–if I start a podcast, would you listen? 🙂 And any specific features you’d want me to include? Let’s talk in the comments!
Personally, I wouldn’t, but I think it’s a great idea. I’m a very text based person myself and like being able to speed read blog posts to see if I’m interested. Podcasts are way to slow for me. Takes at least 3 minutes before you know if you want to listen or not vs the blog post’s 10 seconds.
Be blessed in all that you do! Whatever it is I’m sure it will be good and a blessing to others!
I seldom watch your videos for the same reason, so really appreciate the accompanying text to each post.
Thanks! I get that. What I’ve been trying to do is to pick reader questions that I’ve actually already written about a bunch on the blog. Like, I’ve got 2,700 posts on the blog right now (that’s really crazy, I know), and often I get asked the same questions over and over again, because they’re the most common questions that people have. But I’ve already written about it. Several times. And I don’t want to write a whole other post again, because it would just say the same thing. So I figured, if I can make a video about it, then I can link to some of those other posts, too. And that’s what I’ve been trying to do more. That way people who read can just read, and people who watch can watch, but I’ve also said it in different forms.
So if you’re ever watching a video, do click on the links! That’s where most of the info from before is, anyway. 🙂
You know, I’m kind of the same way! I like text better, too. I think that’s why I’m a blogger.
At the same time, I know so many younger people are listening to podcasts. And Keith and I downloaded a whole bunch to listen to on our RV drive two weeks ago, and it really made a great difference. It was fun! I tend to watch Netflix when I’m cooking, but I think I’ll be branching out more into podcasts soon. Sometimes you just can’t read!
You can always listen to videos and podcasts sped up. I listen to everything 2x the speed.
Can’t wait for the podcast Sheila!
Do you really? 🙂 Oh, my goodness. I’ve never thought of that with video, but maybe I will for tutorials that I always find so dreadfully slow.
As a male, I your blog and look forward to the various discussions. Similar to the above, I am not much of watching a video as I feel the same as Tjajka. I appreciate that you also circle back with a written response to your thoughts. Thank you for all you are doing – it is making a difference.
Podcasts would also leave deaf and hard of hearing people out. I’m hard of hearing and I don’t listen to podcasts. If, when you do podcasts, you need to provide a transcript of it. I think there are some websites that you can use.
That’s a great idea, Elizabeth! Then people who would rather read can read, too….
My challenge with podcasts is that we homeschool the kids.
I can read a blog post while they’re reading a book or doing a craft (which is what they’re up to right now!) but I can’t listen to a podcast with them around unless it’s one I’m ok with them hearing. Which nearly always means I’ve found a time to play it *without* them around to make sure it’s age-appropriate.
So for me, for the next few years anyway, written is going to be the best format. 🙂
I’ll still write! Don’t worry! I just want to do this as well, too. 🙂
Another thought…. people who choose to read a blog are probably not the most likely people to listen to a podcast. So if you are able to branch out into other media, you will likely reach a new audience. Which is really cool! 🙂
Yeah, that’s kind of what it’s all about. 🙂 I know that twentysomethings listen to podcasts in huge numbers, but don’t read blogs as much as thirty and fortysomethings, so I’d like to create materials in a way that people like to consume them a little bit better. Obviously I still get a lot from Google, but I’d like to branch out a bit. 🙂
Emily, i am homeschooling too but I love to listen to podcasts. I often listen while cooking or cleaning and I either turn on an audio book for the kids in their room so they’re busy with their own story or you could use headphones if it’s grown up topics you listen to.
Sheila, I think a podcast is a great idea, in fact while i read the beginning of your post I was thinking you should start a podcast… 🙂
In general for mostly spoken content I am not really into the videos, but that’s just personal preference. I don‘t have to watch a person talking…
I’d like to throw in my two cents on podcast vs video.
I think hearing the person speak is obviously the most important. But there’s a personal element that comes into play when it’s a video and not just a podcast (even if you’re not watching the video and just having it play in the background or on your headphones while you’re going about doing something else). All the Ted talks and talk radio shows I listen to all have video components to them too. All the big non-traditional internet news sources use video, not just podcast, to present their info. So I actually think the visual component is really important when attracting new viewers, especially younger viewers. Even if your eyes are not glued to the screen for the whole video, you can still glance back and forth and it feels more like a conversation you’re listening in on… more like trust is being built that a faceless podcast just can’t compete with. (imo)
Hi Sheila!
I understand that you want to stay on top of things… and if you are excited to do something different like a podcast, go for it!
To be honest, I would not listen to your podcast. Not because I don’t think you have important things to say – vice versa – but I just prefer to read. I am 100% with Tjajka: I like to see if it is worth my time to invest in something and with reading I can do it super fast. I also don’t watch any blogger videos and don’t really use Youtube except for kids school and some background music.
My experience with podcasts is that there is lots of chit chat and personal news and such and I don’t like to listen to that.
I only have two podcasts I listen to (when I exercise): Pete Scazzero (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality), his podcasts are short and powerfully to the point, and Sally Clarkson, who has wonderful creative approach to parenting and I just love her wisdom, experience and gentle voice (even though she still might have personal news and chit chat :).
I wanted to mention them by name so that you get an idea of what kind of things I’d like to listen, not to compare or to send people over to them or anything like that.
I have two blogs but I am not investing in getting them out there with social media…perhaps I should, but I just don’t have the time and my situation is different from yours. I have often thought that God will send the people who need to read my thoughts there. I would be interested to hear your thoughts about this. Work hard in getting my blog out there or focus on writing and pray for people to find it (I might sound naive but I occasionally do look at this issue)? Two editors of Christian magazines have found me by finding my blog and asked me to write for their publications. But it is so cool you are able to employ people, as well as blessing so many.
Yes!!!!! I love podcasts! I have an hour commute to work every day so I use that time driving to listen to podcasts! Plus I can listen while I’m cleaning house or working on projects. I’m just a huge fan of you and podcasts so I’m excited about the idea!
Hi Sheila – I found you just about 2 years ago by google with the tag line similar to fixing marriage + sex or something like that. I love your new ideas. I watch 99% of the videos you post on your blog. But usually I read first and then come back to watch- sometimes up to a day later. I don’t twitter, I don’t facebook and I don’t do social media. I view 3 blogs and a ton of news and that is about it. Sometimes I wander but you only have so much time. In fact, on our way back from seeing the movie Indivisible Grace said to me. “You don’t do any social media and you don’t watch TV; Where do you find this stuff?” I don’t really have any original material Shiela – I just take what works for me and tell others about it. Seems to me you are diversifying and reaching as many people you can through various methods. So you will find some that read some that watch some that listen etc etc. Years ago CNN tried the same thing and it used to tick me off. I didn’t want to watch a video. I wanted to read. Now they offer both reading and or video in those types of articles. I thought maybe with all the new videos you and Becca have been doing you where headed for your own talk show. I could actually see myself blue toothing up your podcast into my radio so I could listen while I drive. My friend who is an author told me that she is considering podcast too. It is all the rage right now. First I would need to get a vehicle with that capability lol, But I would so totally do it. If you are up for a laugh here is a real dream I had about a year and half ago or so when I was on my journey of truly finding Jesus and walking through it hard and this blog was part of what was watering my garden. You had a Bus. It had your picture on the side. The one in your purple outfit from your site and your video today. Expect you were pointing. It said on the side of the bus. FOLLOW ME FOR GREAT SEX. You packed coliseums. Now I wouldn’t live in the USA if the story wasn’t some how about me lol. Truth be known I was in the dream too. I would tell my story and then you would come out and blast the crowd with your talks and tell the truth about sex and God’s gift to us. It was great. Oh and I had a bus too. It was just black and I followed your bus lol. That is about all I can recall from the dream. Yeah I am wacked Sheila – but it is a true story. I did not make it up nor plan on having that dream, it just happened. Dream or not I think that would be totally cool. LOL. Anyway – best wishes for you and your Ministry in the upcoming year. I would totally volunteer my time to you if I could be of help. I believe in what you do and I say that not because I follow you. I say that because the results I get when I do what you do and or suggest are so awesome. I want to clarify that I am not patronizing you or want to come off that way at all. I also do what my Pastor does and a lot of healthy people in my 12 step program. I learned how to do what do from my 12 step program and my sponsor. Sometimes I even do what my good Christian friends do too! And I get the same results. And I just had this idea that I really should watch Grace more and do what she does too! It is just what I do and it works for me. I am grateful for all the people in my life who help me. Because what they do matters and it strengthens my relationship with God, Jesus, Grace and my family and that’s what matters! Looking forward to seeing what happens next around here!
Sheila; I’ve been around for at least 5 years probably longer and I’ve seen your growth. You’re one of the few that inspires me though we have different takes on some topics.
If you’re being called to podcast, then do it – no one thing will please everyone.
I listen to podcasts but I’m very selective. I like the voices and the content. Two of my favorites are Jesus and Jollof and Truths Table and it took me a while to actually start listening to either of these. I always say make sure your reasons are good so that you can live with the outcome.
Thanks for those podcast recommendations. I’ll take a look at them.
Yes, I’ve been praying a lot about direction, and I do want to stay ahead of the curve. The millennial and Generation Z generation coming up really has far fewer tools to make marriage great even than we do. And yet they don’t read blogs as much, and they also don’t read books as much, so I really do want to be more creative in how I can talk to them where they’re at. I don’t think the publishing industry is changing fast enough, but hopefully online we can!
If your goal is to reach more Gen Z, then you’ll probably need to upload some/all of your private YouTube videos that you send in your newsletters and make them public instead. I’m a millennial with lots of Gen Z relatives, and YouTube is one of the platforms we both use equally frequently.
I know–I just really like having exclusive content for my email subscribers! I went back and made some of the ones I did six months ago public, but I still like giving my email subscribers something that other people don’t get…
Sooooo, I have a lot to say/ask. LOL
First, Pinterest. I never even browse Pinterest anymore. I do pin things, and I always go there for ideas. And I love having everything organized the way I want. But just to browse for fun? Nope! And in case some of you don’t know, you can archive boards that you don’t want to delete, but aren’t useful to you anymore (like the wedding board). That way Pinterest won’t keep showing you pins based on that board. Kinda cool!
I’m probably more active on Facebook than ever, actually! I get on there when I’m bored at work! 😜 Would am unmarried person like me have a lot of topics to engage in on your Facebook?
I would definitely listen to your podcast, depending on the subject. There are some marriage-related things that I just don’t read or listen to right now, because that’s not where I am in life. But I read your blog more days than I don’t, and I’m sure that’s how I would be with your podcasts!
I love personality stuff! Sounds like a cool book!
Thanks, Ashley! That’s a cool tip about archiving boards. I should try that. (I’m sure my Pinterest person already knows that). I just don’t know why Pinterest took something that was working so well and then trashed it. It’s so weird!
My wife discovered your blog via google, probably using one of those sad searches. We are Christian, and that was one of the reasons we liked the blog, but we quickly realized that we are somewhat differently Christian from most of the other readers. Some of the cultural differences surprised and confused us at first. But soon we realized that what was seemingly different was not all that different after all. I think that your slightly Christian and not Christian readers can find a lot of relevant insight here, and that that’s a really great thing: I believe that communities built on positivity should be welcoming and inclusive.
Oh, thank you! And I’m so glad you found me. You’ve been a great addition to the community!
Fo me and the deaf people around the world will not be able to listen to podcast.
Hello, I sent you an email which I thought a personal question. Please check my email addy in your email list if you can. I really appreciate it.
I’ll still be here writing, don’t worry! I’m not going anywhere. I just want to add the podcasts, too.
I can’t do videos either, but I love love love podcasts and I’m really excited for yours. Good luck with all the new ideas!
Thank you!
You gotta do what you gotta do! Especially when it’s also an income, but I’m so sorry to say I would not listen to your podcasts – very unlikely! And I’m sorry to say that I don’t even watch your video clips! I so very much prefer the written word because it’s all been thought through, edited, possibly drafted earlier and gets to the point more quickly, and it only takes a few minutes to read. I also prefer the shorter posts because this isn’t the only blog I read, and yet I know it must be difficult to keep them short because you have to make sure you’re understood and that we will get all the info we need for a particular subject.
I realize I will not be in the majority here and that’s totally fine, as long as keep writing, too! 🙂 The younger generation is definitely more on board with podcasts, so go for it! Your content will never get old, I’m sure…not until Christ comes!
Oh, don’t worry, M! And I’m not going anywhere. I just have more people to help me so I can get on new formats. I’ll still post all the time. I just want to add the podcasts so that there’s another channel. But I’ll still totally be here!
I doubt I would watch a vlog, as it’s just too hard to find time to sit down and watch much of anything. I do listen to and enjoy a selection of podcasts, though. I can listen to those in the car (though I suspect I’d have to reserve this one for when the kids aren’t in the car!), or when I’m sewing, and the feeling of doing two things at once is nice in this instance. The book sounds fun, I love personality stuff! And Pinterest really isn’t as useful as it used to be. I still use it for recipes and to save links of my choosing (mostly sewing tutorials and a visual record of my reading), but browsing it is frustrating. And Facebook, ugh. I do still enjoy and follow a few group pages, but I miss the social aspect from before it was just everyone sharing political articles and memes. I guess I should go follow you on Instagram now, since that’s my favorite!
Yes, come on over to Instagram! 🙂
I love podcasts!!!
I would listen to the podcast! I’m a twenty-something and I LOVE podcasts.
I should add, though that I’m more likely to listen if it’s a 20-30 minute podcast. 😉
That’s what I was thinking. Around 28-30 minutes. 🙂
Since you asked… I’m highly unlikely to either watch a video or listen to a podcast. Partly it’s just because I don’t like earphones and am usually on the computer late at night when other people are sleeping (or during the day when I probably wouldn’t want children hearing most of your topics!), but mostly it’s because of time. I can read considerably faster than I can listen, and I can concentrate much better on what I read than on what I hear. Also, I can read part of a blogpost, stop because of, well, Life (I have six children, although only 4 still live at home, so no little ones, but still…), then come back and pick up where I left off. And I can also skim a blogpost and within a few seconds know that it’s worth leaving a tab open and reading it when I have time, or that I can give it a miss. (I read your blog in The Old Reader, so I do SEE all of them, but I admittedly do not READ every word.) Some of my favorite bloggers have gone almost completely to podcasts, and I haven’t yet managed to find a convenient time to listen to a single one.
I would FOR SURE listen to a podcast!! Please make one!! It’s so much easier, as a SAHM with little babies, to listen to something playing in the background while working around the house than to actually sit down and read something (I take my time reading, anyway. Def not a speed reader!) that requires time I don’t have (unless it’s after the kids are asleep, and then, that’s really time I should be spending with my husband and/or getting some extra shut eye). So yes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEASE make a podcast!!!!! A podcast to go along with your articles would be excellent, since that way this little community you’ve assembled could still comment and participate.
And I’m the kind of person who loves listening to lectures / Ted talks / talk radio, so the longer the better for me 😉
Loved reading on your future plans.
Love the idea of a podcast. I’m on an android platform and highly recommend Stitcher as your host because it’s compatible on both Apple and Android platforms.
Google is only available in the USA and iTunes podcasts are not available on android.
Exciting to hear news – thanks for sharing!
Yes I would listen to a podcast. A few thoughts:
-Maximum length 30 minutes
-Don’t try to wing it – a scripted podcast that gets all the info out in 20 mins is way better than just having some bullet points and then rambling on, going around in circles, etc… such a waste of time and you may lose listeners! You write so well and communicate your points so clearly that I have no doubt your podcast would be the same!
-I would watch more videos too 🙂
Thank you, Rachel! And great tips! I appreciate it.
Yay! I love podcasts! So I am excited that you will be starting one! I’m also happy to see that as a 30 something, I’m keeping up with the younger trends 😜.
On the other hand, I rarely watch ‘chatty’ YouTube videos (Katie’s are the exception!). I use YouTube to watch how to videos (usually DIY home repairs, or car stuff).
I look forward to your book!
As a mom to one young toddler, I have recently developed an appreciation for podcasts. No time to sit down and read, but I can turn on a podcast while playing on the floor or washing the dishes ☺️
Hi I tend to read your posts and watch the odd video. I don’t normal listen to podcasts.
Being in a more rural area, and not having access to super high speed internet, and using data on my phone when I am mobile- I tend not to watch as much video. Sometimes it is just frustrating with all of the buffering, plus for me, I don’t find much benefit to watching someone speak into a video over just listening to the audio. Now as a man, video is great for seeing things blow up- fall down, etc.
I do tend to be more of a reader myself, but that is just personal preference.
I am only on socials for business (ig, Twitter and FB). I read very few blogs (do read many of yours) as I don’t often have time to sit and read, I also never watch You Tube for the same reason. But I listen to a wide variety of podcasts, as I can do something else whilst listening: driving, doing housework, sometimes when I’m working, or taking a walk at lunch.
I love that your heart and focus is not on yourself or growing your income or influence, but it’s on Jesus and growing His Kingdom! This is your mission field – yes! Amen! It truly is, and you are impacting more people than you know.
I think it’s great that you’re exploring new avenues to reach new audiences, because you’re speaking truth and that’s something everyone needs to hear/read/watch! 🙂
I’m late to the party, but I love podcasts! I work on our farm and sometimes that involves long periods of monotonous work so I love having things to listen to and stimulate my brain, especially when it’s busy and there’s not as much time for reading…it’s so nice to be able to get some input still and not just focus on work all the time!
I’m adding a comment kinda late, but I would *love* to hear podcasts by you! I listen to podcasts all the time, while I’m driving, cooking, etc. I like reading blogs too, obviously, but yours is one of the only ones I check in on somewhat regularly because I can’t read and do other things at the same time and I read a lot for school.
Oh, and one more thought, I would love to hear your daughters as guests on the podcast too. I really enjoy hearing their thoughts and plus, while its definitely a personal preference, I like podcasts that are more conversational feeling than those that feel very scripted. Just a thought!