10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Man Who is Impossible to Buy For

by | Dec 15, 2020 | Sheila Snippets | 3 comments

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Husband Who Has Everything

Are you stuck on Christmas gift ideas for your husband?

For a woman, you can always just buy something pretty. But what does a guy want?

One of my most popular posts ever was my Christmas stocking stuffers for your husband–and in that post I give some really unique ideas for inexpensive products you may never have heard of to get for your man–yummy stuffers, sexy stuffers, fun stuffers, smart stuffers, handy stuffers, and more!

Today I want to take a slightly different approach. I will recommend different gift ideas, in ten different categories, that can start you thinking about your own husband and what may work for him specifically. So think of this post as a giant brainstorming session to help you think of a gift your husband will actually love!

1. A Christmas Gift Your Husband Actually Needs (the Gift of Time)

Chances are you can think of something that your husband needs, but that gift can seem so, well, boring.

Here’s another way to think about it: what you’re really giving him is the gift of time and the gift of not having to go shopping. If it’s something that he actually needs, then at some point he will have to get into his car, drive to the mall, go into some stores, check the things out, try them on (if it’s clothing), pay, and come home.

Many men would rather have a root canal.

So even if he really doesn’t particularly care about new clothes, for instance, but he needs them, you could buy him clothes at Christmas and put this note on the tag:

Christmas Tag for a Christmas Gift for Your Husband that He Needs

The benefit of this gift is that it doesn’t add anything to your budget–he would have needed the things anyway. So if you’re tight for money this year, this is a good way to go!

2. A Christmas Gift That’s High Quality–That Your Husband Would Never Buy For Himself

Let’s say that you’re all really good at sticking to a budget and you’re trying hard not to clutter up your house with too much stuff.

Then here’s a gift that will really pamper him!

Replace something that he may already have plenty of with just ONE thing that’s super high quality. He’d likely never spend that kind of money on himself normally, but it’s so nice to own just a few things that are top of the line.

I’m sure you can think of several things that may fall into that category, but here are just a few to help you start brainstorming:

Binoculars – Vortex Optics Diamondback

My husband’s a birdwatcher, so a pair of high quality binoculars makes a huge difference. These Vortex ones are top of the line–10x42s, totally waterproof, and so much better than the little ones we’ve been using.

If your husband has a hobby–like hunting or fishing or woodworking–maybe replacing something he already has with something top of the line would be a luxury.

Bible – NIV Study Bible, Bonded Leather 

Does your husband have a decent Bible–with study notes, references, indexes, and more? Maybe it’s time to get him a good Bible! This one lays flat, and is made of bonded leather. Another good option is the parallel NIV/The Message Bible, so that he can compare two translations at the same time.

Carry On Luggage – TravelPro Maxlite 

If your husband travels a lot for work, this makes a HUGE difference. I had a ton of carry on luggage and a computer case, none of which was high quality. I recently bought this very piece and it’s amazing! It fits under the seat if it has to, and it has a special compartment that fits most 15″ computers. Best of all, it fits on top of a bigger suitcase over the handle so you can pull them both at the same time–no more pulling two suitcases at once! And it’s made of a special material that doesn’t tear, so it will last so much longer.

3. A Christmas Gift to Help Your Husband Sleep

We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, but often we scrimp on bedding. After all, nobody else sees it but us!

But good sleep, next to a good diet, is the largest component of good health.

So what about some gifts to help him sleep? Here are some ideas:

Snuggle-Pedic Bamboo Shredded Memory Foam Pillow

Slumber Cloud’s Nacreous Pillow Cover takes ‘keeping your cool’ to a whole new level. When you’re hot it absorbs excess heat and stores it in patented Thermocules™. As you fall asleep and your body temperature drops, the Nacreous Pillow Cover releases stored heat to ensure that you feel “just right” all night.

4. Christmas Gifts to Make Your Husband Comfortable

I’m passionate about shoes. I don’t mean pretty shoes, either. I mean quality shoes.

Few adults spend proper money on quality shoes, but if your guy is on his feet a lot, it helps his posture, his back, his knees, and so much more! Yet usually we look for the $40 pair at Payless. We don’t want to waste money, after all.

But quality shoes will often last for several years, and end up paying for themselves!

This Christmas, what about getting him some shoes that will make him feel like he’s in heaven?

Rockport Rugged Bucks Waterproof Boot

Here’s a great walking boot that is waterproof and super comfortable, with great support. He’ll notice the difference!

Clark’s Unstructured Men’s Oxford

A dress shoe that will feel like a running shoe. So comfortable, with lambskin lining to prevent blisters and a special air circulation system to keep the feet cool.

Adidas Men’s Pure Golf Shoe 

If your golfer husband has never actually owned a pair of shoes specifically for golf, he’s in for a treat! With spikes on the bottom to prevent slipping and super comfortable soles, these will help him stay comfy all day–and even improve his game.

5. A Christmas Gift That Gives All Year

I’m a big fan of subscription boxes–those services you sign up for and then every month you get a new surprise in the mail. The surprise doesn’t even need to be big; it’s fun just getting something! Here are two such subscription boxes that your man may love:

Underwear Expert

You set up the parameters of what types of underwear you want, from boxers to briefs to bikini cuts, what fabrics, anything–and then a new pair comes every month!


Grill Master’s Club

Every month he gets a new barbecue rub, barbecue sauce, barbecue accessory, and lots of recipes and tips and tricks!

A Christmas Gift to Enhance Your Couple Life

Let’s face it–many guys would just like you for Christmas in a Santa negligee. That’s really the best gift they can imagine.

And sometimes gifts that boost your marriage are the best gifts of all!

31 Days to Great Sex

Why not give him what he really wants? I wrote this 31 day challenge to help couples enhance their sex life! Read 2-4 pages a night and do what it says. Learn to talk about sex, flirt more, spice things up–and keep the momentum going!

And I’ve got Christmas coupons you can print out and give him to go with the book, too.


Other Sexy Ideas

Don’t miss my Sexy Stocking Stuffers post! Tons of things to get his engine going and bring a smile to his face.

2 Player Board Games

Want something to do together at night that doesn’t involve a screen? I’ve got a list of 26 awesome board games for two people that you can have fun with. From Exploding Kittens to 7 Wonders Duel to Wingspan, there’s sure to be something here that he will like!

7. The Gift of Technology: Gadgets He’s Always Wanted

Chances are your husband has a list of gadgets he’s envied, but he’s never purchased. Maybe something like this would thrill him:

Amazon Kindle Fire 

Kindles have come down so much in price now, and they make reading so easy. It’s not just books, either–you can read newspaper subscriptions and more on your Kindle. Awesome for guys who travel–and the battery lasts a long time.


GoPro Hero4 Camera 

This is the top of the line GoPro–with wifi capability to instantly upload, touchscreen display, and more! It’s waterproof and will withstand extreme temperatures. Mount it anywhere to capture snowmobiling, waterskiing, motorbiking, or more! Great for active guys.


Motorola Bluetooth Headset 

Does he spend a lot of time commuting or traveling? Make life easier with a bluetooth headset that links with his phone. Just say who you want to call, and the headset does it for you! It’s all hands free.

8. Christmas Gifts That Make Your Husband’s Life Easier

The real gift is the reduced stress and the reduced time! What does your husband stress over? What does he take time doing that seems really inefficient? Maybe one of these ideas will resonate:

NeatReceipts Business Receipt Scanner

This is cool! It hooks up to your computer via a USB port, and you can scan all kinds of receipts easily. Then you can export them to Excel, Quicken, or anywhere! Run reports based on categories that the software automatically figures out. And now you always have them digitized. No more having to keep paper or enter all that info.

Wall Control Pegboard – Garage Storage 

Does he have a hard time finding tools because they’re in a pile? Get him an easy way to organize his tools with this galvanized metal pegboard.

Heavy Duty Thermos Containers 

These are cool! Thermos sent me some free samples and they seriously work. The vacuum insulated 16 oz. beverage bottle keeps liquid hot for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. The 40 oz. one keeps stuff hot for 24 whole hours! And the food jar (which comes with a folding spoon) keeps liquids hot for 7 hours and cold for 9. So if your guy is a trucker or a hunter or just plain brings his lunch to work a lot, here’s a way to save him money and give him convenience. He can take meals from home and they won’t get cold. No need for refrigeration, either!

9. Christmas Gifts that Replace Singles of Something with a Big Set of Something

Here’s another way to pamper him–Maybe your husband has plenty of singles of something, but he doesn’t have a set of anything. Buy him a nice set, and then you can give away the singles! Some ideas to start the brainstorming:

Craftsman 220 Piece Mechanics Tool Set with Case

Does your husband have all kinds of screwdrivers and wrenches lying around? Replace them all with this! 128 sockets, 41 screwdriver and nutdriver bits, 6 wrenches–all in one handy case.

Braun Pulsonic Shaver System

Use it in the shower or out of the shower, this one item will replace all the razors and razor blades he’s got lying around. It’s precision based, so it modifies itself for difficult areas of the face. And it’s one of the most precise and best shavers around!

Henckels Super High Quality 16 Pc Knife Set 

If your husband is the chef in the family he’ll appreciate good knives! Henckels is one of the best brands, and this set right now is over $200 off the regular price. Comes with all the major knives you need, plus a set of steak knives. If you’ve never used good knives before, you won’t believe the difference they make (this is the set I have!)

Other ideas along these lines: A high quality drill set or other tools; high quality golf clubs; or throw out all of his underwear and buy him 10 awesome pairs that match!

10. Christmas Gifts for Your Husband that Are Super Manly and Kinda Heirloom

Want to help him feel fancy and manly at the same time? Try Christmas gifts for your hubby like these:

Parker Stainless Steel Straight Edge Razor Shaving Kit 

What’s sexier than a guy using a straight edge razor?

(This is what my son-in-law wants for Christmas!)

4 Pairs of Classic Cufflinks

Cufflinks are the ultimate jewelry for men. They fancy everything up and give an air of elegance to any occasion. And they look awesome! If your husband has never owned a shirt with cufflinks, consider getting him one this Christmas!

Calvin Klein White Dress Shirt with French Cuffs 

Get him a dressy white shirt with the special french cuffs (to use for cufflinks). And then next time you go out for dinner, or out to a wedding, he’ll look so put together!

So there you go! 10 broad Christmas gift ideas for your husband! I know that every guy is unique, and so not all of these ideas will work for your guy. But I hope that I’ve at least given you some thinks to brainstorm about that can help you come up with the perfect Christmas gift for your husband this year!

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Husband Who Has Everything

Have any other great ideas for last minute shoppers? Leave them in the comments!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Chris

    If your husband is into wood working or just is handy in general I recommend any of the Woodpeckers brand tools but any of the Saddle T Square rulers are AWESOME. They are a tad bit pricey but they do make a great gift. I have been known to buy just for myself. 😂

  2. Chris

    Sheila, just to give you the heads up, this post is not showing up under “latest post”. Its located way down the page. Under “latest post” is yesterday’s post. FYI.


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