Jesus vs. Emerson Eggerichs

How does Emerson Eggerichs’ advice stack up against Jesus?

Emerson Eggerichs vs jesus

One Sheet

How Emerson's Teachings Stack up against The Teaching's of Jesus

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When we compare what Jesus was like with the kind of man Emerson Eggerichs is advocating for, what do we see? They’re polar opposites!

  • Jesus loved, but Eggerichs says only women love naturally.
  • Jesus told others to take responsibility for their actions, but Eggerichs blames women for men’s affairs.
  • Jesus came to serve, while Eggerichs says men need hierarchy and authority.
  • Jesus was humble, while Eggerichs says men’s honor code makes humility difficult–including the humility to care for a baby.

And more! Download our beautiful side-by-side comparison, with Bible verses and page numbers, to show to your pastor, small group leader, or anyone leading a Love & Respect study or recommending the book!

Jesus vs Eggerichs

Other Posts about the Issues in Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

Must Read Overall Synopsis:

Our Resources:

Basic Issues with Love & Respect:

Problems with How Emerson Eggerichs Handles Abuse:

Podcasts Discussing these Issues: