by Sheila Wray Gregoire | May 25, 2023 | Faith, Podcasts
Are there women in the Bible whose stories you’ve never heard? There likely are! Nijay Gupta opens his new book Tell Her Story with the story of the four African American women featured in the book Hidden Figures, who worked at NASA for the first space flights...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | May 10, 2023 | Faith
Do women and men really need different Bibles and Bible studies? Last week on the Bare Marriage podcast, the wonderful Aimee Byrd joined us and told about her experience in a conservative complementarian church trying to learn more about Scripture and theology. That...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Apr 5, 2023 | Books
I’ve got some fun stuff for you today! Several quick things I wanted to share, and I thought I’d do it in a post. First, two new books launched this week that are amazing, and that I wanted to direct your attention to. The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood by...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Mar 15, 2023 | Theology of Marriage and Sex
For the last week, social media has been debating whether David raped Bathsheba. It erupted anew when Owen Strachan, a staunch patriarchalist, called out abuse advocate and lawyer Rachael Denhollander, saying that she was wrong to say that the David/Bathsheba story...
by Keith Gregoire | Feb 28, 2023 | Men's Corner, Theology of Marriage and Sex
Sheila here! Keith came on the blog today discuss biases and how they relate to evangelicals interpretations of the Bible, especially when it comes to women. No one reads Scripture in an unbiased way – especially the people that say they do. Does a person have the...