All the Latest from "Theology of Marriage and Sex"

The Journey of Deconstruction Often Takes Time: How Not to Get Polarized

When we change our minds, we rarely do it all at once. Over the last decade, Keith and I have changed our minds about a lot of things. But we've done it at different rates, and it's been messy.  We're pretty much at the same place today, but in some areas he beat me...

Let’s Talk Manifestation Theology False Marriage Teaching

You can’t honor your husband into greatness, people. Do a thought experiment with me today.  Imagine that you had recently moved to Louisiana, and you hadn’t made a lot of friends  yet. Your kids had been playing with some kids down the street who went to a church...

What Does Justice Look Like for the Toxic Teachings in the Church?

Can there be justice for how the church has hurt people around marriage & sex? I was thinking about that question yesterday after episode 239 of the Bare Marriage podcast dropped, looking at the phenomenon of deconstruction. Specifically I was thinking about the...

PODCAST: Who Are The ExVangelicals? Feat. Sarah McCammon

Why do people deconstruct and become exvangelicals? Today on the Bare Marriage podcast author Sarah McCammon, an NPR journalist, joins us to talk about her experience with deconstruction, and what she learned interviewing so many people for her new book explaining the...

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