Welcome to our new website! 

It looks like you’re trying to find some content that isn’t available anymore. I (Sheila) have been blogging at To Love, Honor and Vacuum since 2008–that’s a lot of blog posts over the years! 

As we moved to Bare Marriage, we were picky about what content we brought over. The post you are looking for didn’t make the cut. However, there are still over 900 posts on this website so I am sure you can find something for your situation here!

Here’s where you can search for specific topics, or else see the latest on the blog:

Recent Posts

Why Are Men Scared to Submit? Super Quick Rundown on Ephesians 5

Why Are Men Scared to Submit? Super Quick Rundown on Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5 calls husbands to submit too. But whenever we talk about men submitting, so many men take offense to that! I wrote up this super quick overview of Ephesians 5 on social media last week, and it went so big that I thought I'd post it here, too, so people...

Should Marriage Make You Holy or Happy?

Should Marriage Make You Holy or Happy?

Is marriage primarily about teaching you to be selfless and to grow like Jesus through suffering? I hope you would all say a resounding, “no!” We know that God thinks of marriage for our benefit–our emotional benefit, not just our character-transforming benefit. He...

How Do We Judge a Tree by Its Fruit with Marriage Advice?

How Do We Judge a Tree by Its Fruit with Marriage Advice?

How exactly do we judge something by its fruit? One of the things we’re adamant about here at Bare Marriage is the concept of “evidence-based” and “healthy” advice–meaning that you can judge things by their fruit. If we’re going to figure out if a teaching is healthy...

He’d Die for You. But Will He Do the Dishes?

He’d Die for You. But Will He Do the Dishes?

"The husband has to be prepared to die for his wife." One of the most bizarre arguments defending men being in authority over women is the idea that one day, he may have to take a bullet for you. A husband has to be prepared to die for his wife, but God doesn’t ask...