Welcome to our new website! 

It looks like you’re trying to find some content that isn’t available anymore. I (Sheila) have been blogging at To Love, Honor and Vacuum since 2008–that’s a lot of blog posts over the years! 

As we moved to Bare Marriage, we were picky about what content we brought over. The post you are looking for didn’t make the cut. However, there are still over 900 posts on this website so I am sure you can find something for your situation here!

Here’s where you can search for specific topics, or else see the latest on the blog:

Recent Posts

What Does Accountability Look Like When Someone Hurt You?

What Does Accountability Look Like When Someone Hurt You?

Accountability is a necessary part of forgiveness and reconciliation. And yet often it’s downplayed, where even asking for accountability is somehow proof that you haven’t forgiven. Over the last few weeks we’ve been walking through some amazing truths from Susannah...

What Does It Mean to Lament After Betrayal?

What Does It Mean to Lament After Betrayal?

With thanks to Brazos Press for sponsoring this post. Forgiveness is possible only after we’ve had the opportunity to name our losses. That’s how Susannah Griffith opens the chapter on lamentations in her book Forgiveness After Trauma. We talked about the book on the...

Why Can’t I Reach Orgasm after Menopause?

Why Can’t I Reach Orgasm after Menopause?

What happens to your ability to orgasm after menopause? In the last few months I’ve talked to three women in my social circle who say that orgasm has completely stopped once they started menopause, though it was pretty easy before. For one woman it’s been ten years...

6 Surprising Things About Biblical Forgiveness

6 Surprising Things About Biblical Forgiveness

Why does our doctrine of forgiveness and healing often cause so much pain? We’re told the problem is our hearts, that we’re just bitter. But what if it’s not that? What if our teaching on forgiveness has gotten things all wrong? This week, on the podcast, I introduced...

PODCAST: What Does Healthy Forgiveness After Trauma Look Like?

PODCAST: What Does Healthy Forgiveness After Trauma Look Like?

Forgiveness is a concept that has often been weaponized against victims. Whether it's people married to abusers, or people married to someone who has cheated on them or hurt them in some other way, often in the church as long as that person apologizes, the onus is now...

What Happens to the Vagina After Menopause?

What Happens to the Vagina After Menopause?

A healthy vagina is lubricated, supple, and elastic. It's supposed to be able to stretch (for obvious reasons, like both penetrative sex and childbirth), but then it's also supposed to go back into place afterwards. It's supposed to get lubricated and stay at least a...

Does Sex Hurt the First Time?

Does Sex Hurt the First Time?

Is sex really painful the first time? That’s one of the most common questions I get asked from engaged women waiting for the wedding night. How much is going to hurt? What should I expect? This month I’m going to look at some “myths” that we often have around sex....