Last Sunday, a disturbing video went viral of a teen girl apologizing for being pregnant in front of her church. It was an Apostolic church in Virginia. After her confession. The congregation applauded, but then the pastor got up and chastised them, saying that no one...
Sheila Wray Gregoire
Read posts by Sheila Wray Gregoire
Let’s Start Building the Healthy Alternative to Toxic Evangelical Marriage Teaching
For years, we've been showing how the vast majority of Christian marriage books contain toxic teachings. It started with us reading Love & Respect, and seeing how terrible the sex advice was. When the powers that be ignored us when we tried to bring up concerns...
PODCAST: A Peer Reviewed Celebration (And a Plea to Take Science Seriously)
The Great Sex Rescue is officially peer reviewed! We used a subset of our dataset for a paper that was just published in the journal Sociology of Religion. So we have done it! We have raised the bar on what counts as research in evangelical marriage and sex advice....
PODCAST: Even After Everything: Loving Anyway, Despite the Risks
Advent is a time of anticipation, of waiting, of hope. Those weeks leading up to Christmas are supposed to remind us of that in-between period where we know God is going to show up, but He hasn't done it yet. It's the not-quite-yet time. But what if, as we're...
How One Failed at Being the Perfect Complementarian Wife
She wanted to follow God and be a good complementarian wife. But after a few years it all fell apart! Before I jump into our story, a few definitions. Complementarianism is the belief that God created men to be in authority over women, in the church and the home (some...
Her Cherch Merch That Makes You Happy!
Let's celebrate being a woman who loves God! I've been following the Her Cherch account on Instagram for a while, and she has awesome cartoons that cut to the heart of so much of what we talk about here on Bare Marriage! The artist is Marcia Takasaki, and we've been...