All the Latest from "Spiritual Intimacy"

What Does “Husband is Head of the Wife” Mean? And Are We Reading Hierarchy into It?

Hey, everybody! Keith and I have been on vacation this week, just camping and hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing. He had something on his mind yesterday and wrote up this post that he wanted to share! So here's what he's thinking about when he has time to...

The 5 Love Styles and the Attachment Styles Dance

Our attachment style that we learn in childhood affects our "love styles" as adults.  I'm a big fan of the book How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. It's one of the few Christian marriage books that I can recommend wholeheartedly.  How We Love is based on...

Can Sex Feel Great But Leave You Empty?

What if sex physically works well--but afterwards you just feel distant from one another? This month on the blog I'm going a "number of the day" series, and I meant to put this post up on Wednesday but the blog was all glitchy that day when we were switching to other...

The Man Who Changed a Grieving Heart

So many women whose marriages have fallen apart end up on this blog, wondering if there is any hope for finding the kind of love that God designed for marriage. And today I have a lovely story I want to share with you from Manndi deBoef, one of my readers. As may of...
The 5 Love Styles and the Attachment Styles Dance

The 5 Love Styles and the Attachment Styles Dance

Our attachment style that we learn in childhood affects our "love styles" as adults.  I'm a big fan of the book How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. It's one of the few Christian marriage books that I can recommend wholeheartedly.  How We Love is based on...

Can Sex Feel Great But Leave You Empty?

Can Sex Feel Great But Leave You Empty?

What if sex physically works well--but afterwards you just feel distant from one another? This month on the blog I'm going a "number of the day" series, and I meant to put this post up on Wednesday but the blog was all glitchy that day when we were switching to other...

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