50 Most Important Bible Verses to Memorize

by | Jan 31, 2011 | Faith | 206 comments

50 Best Bible Verses to Memorize

I’ve put together this list of the 50 best Bible verses to memorize.

Of course, these aren’t the ONLY great verses in the Bible, and you may have your own favorites that aren’t here. That’s fine! But I thought it was important to start somewhere, and so I put this list together.

I know many families want to memorize verses together, but they don’t know where to start. Here you go. One a week for a year. Even if this is all you ever memorize, you will have God’s word in your heart for most of the key verses in the Bible. I’m going to type the list with the verses first, and then at the end include a list of just the references, if you want those to just copy and paste.

You can even print them out!

Why not make little memory verse cards out of 3×5 cards, and keep them at the dinner table? Then every night you can go over this week’s verse. By the end of the year, you’ll have all of these memorized! (I even have these available as printables now to make it easier for you! Just look below)


Sign Up To Receive Your Free List Of 50 Memory Verses

Isaiah 53
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13
John 15
Psalm 139

These chapters are all important; I have left them out of the top 50 verses because I couldn’t choose just one or two verses from any of them. The whole thing is great. So if you’re up for a family challenge, memorize a chapter.

Look at it this way: if you spend one year memorizing the fifty verses, and the next year reviewing those fifty and memorizing a chapter, and then go back to those fifty verses again to make sure you have them down, and then the next year go back and do a different chapter, and so on, over the course of ten years you’ll have 50 verses and 5 chapters so committed to memory there is no way anyone could ever forget it.

And I think knowing fewer verses, but knowing them inside and out, is sometimes more beneficial in the long run than trying to make yourself learn a verse a day or something.

So print this out and use it with your family!

Now, here are just the references if you want to copy and paste:

1. Isaiah 9:6
2. Isaiah 40:28
3. Genesis 1:1
4. John 3:16-17
5. Romans 3:23
6. Romans 6:23
7. Revelation 3:20
8. John 14:6
9. Ephesians 2:8,9
10. 2 Corinthians 5:17
11. Romans 8:28
12. Isaiah 40:30-31
13. Romans 8:38-39
14. Matthew 11:28-30
15. Psalm 27:1
16. Jeremiah 29:11
17. Hebrews 13:8
18. 2 Peter 3:9
19. Lamentations 3:22-23
20. 2 Corinthians 12:9
21. 2 Corinthians 4:18
22. Psalm 37:4,5
23. Proverbs 3:5,7
24. Philippians 4:13
25. Galatians 2:20
26. James 1:22
27. Colossians 3:23
28. 1 Corinthians 15:58
29. James 4:7
30. Luke 16:13
31. 1 John 4:7,8
32. Galatians 5:22-23
33. Hebrews 12:1-2
34. Acts 1:8
35. Romans 12:1-2
36. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
37. Psalm 19:14
38. Philippians 4:6,7
39. 2 Timothy 3:16
40. Psalm 119:105
41. Psalm 119:11
42. Hebrews 4:16
43. 1 John 1:9
44. James 5:16
45. 1 Corinthians 10:13
46. Micah 6:8
47. Matthew 25:40
48. Matthew 28:19-20
49. Matthew 5:16
50. Ephesians 6:12

Happy memorizing!

If you believe that memorizing God’s Word can bring real change to families, then can you help me get a wider audience for this list? Just hit the Facebook “Like” button below, and then more people will see it! And Pin it on Pinterest, too! Thank you so much!

I’m Sheila Wray Gregoire, and I’m so glad you visited today! Mostly I write about marriage, and achieving true intimacy together. Please stick around and explore some more, or Subscribe to my Blog or Newsletters so that you can keep up with me.

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Ashley Pichea

    >Thank you for sharing this list! It's great to have a place to start!

    • erin rodriguez

      isn’t it ? indeed it is. it’s wonderful to have a chance and opportunity like so.

        • Divine

          Thanks. God bless you.

    • Sophie

      Thank you for this great resource, it most definitely helps me with my walk with My Savior my Lord, these verses and the Word wll help me when I am in spiritual warfare, God Bless!

      • Charlton Young

        Thank you for the scriptures you have blessed my life

    • pelly

      sheila thats great!

    • Jimmy Lemmons

      God has called me to become a youth pastor. And i wanted to find verses for when I get the position of a youth pastor to be able to memorize these for if any kids have any questions and these verses will definitely help me with the youth group!! Thank you so much!!

      • Leslie Wilson.

        I have long believed in the strength and efficacy of the word.In my darkest and weakest moment it gives light and strength,so thank you for this accessible compilation.A real blessing!

    • Jeanne Perdue

      Yeah, but you left off the Secret of Success, which is found in two places:
      Joshua 1:8
      This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.

      and Psalms 1:1-3
      Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

    • Carla King

      Thank you so much for these. Can you please tell me what version of the Bible you ised?

      • Yvonne

        She used the NIV.

      • Ronald

        Praise be to the Lord for His living Word! I would like to add John 10:17 and 18 for verse memorization and James chapter 1 for chapter memorization . KJV of course is my favorite version. I just love the King James language. God bless all and stand strong in your faith

    • Ahron

      What bible version was used in this website???

      • Rebecca Lindenbach

        You can download different versions if you submit your email in the post to get the freebie! 🙂 There are 3 different versions to choose from there.

    • ML Doc Gibbs

      Oops. Yep, there are 50. And 51 with the addition of one of my favorites: Phlpns. 2:9-11 – “Therefore, God has exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and in earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Thank you, Sheila.

      • Ariana

        I’m really now feel good.. Jesus Christ in my heart forever…. Son of god is returning to the world.
        …..he is the way, truth and life….. Be ready for the rapture guys…. Jesus coming soon…. This is the last generation.. This is the time for second coming…. I believe in Christ Jesus is my lord from in heaven …. I want to shout louder “hallelujah “……………… ‘ amen ‘. Thanks for adding this verses

        • Linda Campbell

          Praise The Lord that you trusted in Christ as your Savior! From one Christian to another please try to read your Bible regular, find a good bible teaching/preaching church, and start going as often as you can. Welcome to the family. 🙂

    • Shelly

      Thank you very much for listing these verse out they are so helpfull


      I love your list of God’s Word Memorizing and trying to make it happened in my life.

    • Moleen


    • Mel

      My heart is so weak. And I am so all alone even though people are around me. I know my God is my strength and he does strengthen me. And the Holy Spirit is my comforter. I do feel Him and he does sustain me. I don’t know why I’m yearning for comfort from family too?

  2. Eve

    >Lovely – thank you! This is exactly what I've been wanting. 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    >I like the way you think!
    This is great and motivates me to work with my family on memorizing the Word!

  4. Donna @ Way More Homemade

    >What a wonderful list, Sheila. Thank you for posting it. I will copy this and probably work through the list with my family.

  5. The Happy Domestic

    >Thank you Sheila. As much as I love reading your blog regularly, the Word of God speaks for itself. Just reading the Word is like eating Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings – delightful and satisfying.

  6. Jo Princess Warrior

    >Great list – thank you!

  7. Mary R.

    >An elderly pastor once told me that scripture memorization among people took a nosedive once all the different translations of the Bible came out (he admitted he must have 40 different translations on his own bookshelf). Before, when everybody used the King James (which is easy to memorize because the old language is melodic), everybody memorized scripture the same way. Now it is confusing with everybody using a different translation, and many of them written so the verses are hard to memorize.

    Memorization is a good thing.

  8. Mary R.

    >Sheila, may I copy this and put it on my blog and make a link back to yours?

  9. Anonymous

    >Thanks Sheila. Just so you know though, there are only 49 verses on your list. On the condensed list at the bottom of the page, number 41 says "Confession/Temptation". This prompted me to count the verses you have provided and sure enough, 49 wonderful verses!

  10. sarahe

    >Great list! i give the girls i disciple memory verses each time we meet and several are on here. & i really love the 2 Tim. 3:16 verse–something that I learned during my religious studies classes in college that is so helpful is that of course when 2 Tim was written the only "scripture" it was referring to was the Old Testament as the New Testament had not yet been compiled. Of course we can apply it to the NT as well, but that is really useful information for anyone who questions the use and validity of the Old Testament.

  11. Sheila

    >Anonymous: Thank you!!! I missed that. I added another verse, and now there really are 50!

    Mary, you're welcome to use this list as long as you link to my blog and say something lovely about how amazing I am!

    • Lauren

      I think you left out what is probably some of the most important verses in the bible. Jesus tells us that the laws of the the Old Testament are not void, but that they are essential for us and what will become of our life with God.

      Matthew 5:17
      “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.”

      Matthew 5:18-19
      “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

      2 Timothy 3:16
      “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness…”

      2 Peter 20-21
      “Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.”

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        These are great verses, too! It’s always hard to find just 50!

  12. Tessa

    >Love this. Totally what I've been looking for and now it's from a source I "know" and trust. I've been making a daily commitment to read the whole Bible in a year (it really only ends up being 15min per day) and I wanted to add memorization to it but didn't have a clue where to start.
    So I'm going to print it out and put it on my index cards and dive in. As soon as I get some paper in my printer…
    Thanks so much for all the awesome posts!

    • sandeep

      serching bible verses for students i got few good verses thankes joy /peace

  13. Herding Grasshoppers


    You're so encouraging! 50 verses can sound like a lot, but one a week is very do-able.

    We're working on a chapter now, but I'll probably come back to your list.

    Didn't you post (quite a while ago) your system for memory verses and review? I seem to remember 3×5 cards in a series of piles, but not how it worked. Could you link to it, in your post?



    • D.Rita Joyce Bhasme

      Very very important and good verses to learn. I like it and love it.
      I and my daughter both will learn these Bible verses.
      Thank you so much. 👏

  14. Jimmie

    >Nice list! (found you via Twitter) I have linked to this on Benefits of Copywork to help folks looking for scripture for copywork.

  15. Amanda

    >These are great! Thank you for posting them. :)Amanda

  16. Anonymous

    >Thank you for posting this list, Sheila. I think that if you memorize verses, you can call them to mind to give you strength. For me, 2010 was a challenging year, and there were days that the words of Philippians 4:13 helped keep me going 🙂

  17. tiffany@tea with tiffany

    >Always good to remember God's Word. I'm doing the memory verses with the Siestas online with Beth Moore. I actually think I missed the one for Feb. 1st. 🙂

    Great tool here.

    Thanks for sharing, Sheila.

    Hugs from the arctic zone of Colorado..


  18. Amber from Missouri

    >I have been studying this and it has really helped me know gods word better.. For how many verses are in the bible 50 may not seem like much but they are very great verses and definately work on the heart Thank You So Much

  19. J (Hot, Holy & Humorous)

    What a fabulous idea, Sheila! Scripture memorization is an integral part of our children’s program at our church – which I love. In addition to those we-should-all-know-them verses, it’s good to memorize a few that speak specifically to you. Among my favorite verses is Isaiah 43:2-3a – “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” I need a reminder at times that God has not promised a lack of hardship, but His constant presence and security when we are in distress. Thanks for this great post!

  20. CJ

    I have made a website with several resources to help memorize popular bible verses: http://www..jacksonlearning.com.
    Under “Top 100 Bible Verses” you can memorize the text of popular verses; under “Memorize Texts” you can learn entire books of the bible, and the “Multi-Choice Quizzes” section has a bible verse quiz also.
    Hope this helps. Time and time again I’ve been surprised at how much my understanding of somethign improves when I commit it to memory.

  21. Rachael

    Wow, excited I found this list! I used to work at memorizing verses regularly, but I”m out of the habit. I should get back in it! Alas, I might be home full time, but its so easy to get really busy just doing things that time in the Word gets relegated to “when I have time”. Got to change that.

  22. Jerry Walters

    I want to give someone a book as a gift. The book would have listed in it the top 100 most often memorized or quoted verses in the Bible. Does such a book exist?

    • Sheila

      I’m not sure if it does yet! But I’m going to be publishing one like that this year, I hope!

  23. Brent

    Thank you for posting! I lead a 7th grade boys small group (about 25 boys). I was looking for a list I could use to challenge them this year on a memory verse contest. I pick one a week from your list and send it out to my guys…. We are 6 weeks in and it has been great so far.

    Thanks again!

  24. Paulina

    Thank you for sharing this list with others. I liked that you put both the verse and the reference because somethimes you only find the references but can’t actually read them.
    Let me tell you that when I started memorizing bible verses I have trouble knowing where to start (I was also “new” to the bible so I needed some direction) and this list would’ve been very helpful.
    I now know most of these (though I copy 3 or four to my list) but for someone starting this is an amazing list.

  25. Elizabeth

    Thank you! I’m pinning and encouraging the young parents in our church to take notice.

    • Sheila

      Glad you still found the post, Elizabeth! I realized this was going viral on Pinterest, and decided I had better have a picture from the Creative Commons rather than the one I had before. So glad you still recognized it!

  26. francine howell

    Thank you for sharing these verses…love your blog plan to visit again! :0)

  27. Melinda

    Thank you for this list. I copied it and printed it off, and we have been adding a memory verse to our home school studies. We’ve been adding one verse a week, while we keep repeating the ones we’ve learned. We’re up to our fourth verse now. Thank you.


  28. robin williams

    So far you must have tried various methods to memorize Bible verses, but sometimes we are not able to remember it correctly. One of my friends gave me an excellent idea to memorize the Bible verses. He showed me his android phone to which he had downloaded an application which puts holy verses on your phone wallpaper. What is more amazing is that the verses keep on changing after some time. In today’s world everyone keeps their phone with themselves every time, so whenever you see your phone you see a verse. What could be more better way to memorize the verses other than this. The application can be downloaded from the link
    to your android phone.
    You can send the verse as a message to your friend or post the verse to your friend’s facebook wall.
    What could be more better way to share the Word Of The Lord. God bless us all.

  29. Deen

    Thank you so much for this list especially the complete chapters that you have pointed out…Im trying to come back to the Lord and get to know him better and you gave me a great place to start!!! Thanks!! God bless you!!!

  30. Sebastian

    It helps a lot, and maybe is the best way, to memorize listening to music, specially if the music is word for word, verbatim. There is a band that has the Bible in songs, and it’s unique in that the author has been working in the songs for over 35 years and have a high quality. This is the website: http://www.abunoahiii.com

  31. Dale C

    Hello Shelia, what a great idea, I am excited about starting to memorizing these scriptures..


  32. monica

    everyday i’m searching bible verse in the internet. i found your site and thank u for helping and sharing with ur memory verse thank u so much more power send me a lot of inspired verse in my facebook maria monica lopez or my ym mariamonica_lopez@yahoo.com.

  33. Saffiertje

    Thank you for sharing this awsome list! As a child I learned to memorize a lot of verses! It still helps me nowadays to use them… It’s so important to learn Gods word by heart! I try to learn the kids vses to memorize also… Molstly in alternatives as a rap or with other things as songs…

  34. Sherry

    Thanks a lot of the list 🙂

  35. Lindsey

    Thank you for sharing. I printed them and cant wait to start reading everyday!

  36. heather

    I really enjoyed reading this list. Found you on pinterest. Thank you for posting this.

  37. andrea butler

    Thank you so much for sharing these verses and wisdom.
    I marked them all in my Bible and they are indeed a source of joy, assurance and stregnth for me!
    God bless

  38. Christa

    Found this via Pinterest. LOVE!!

  39. Jim Wyche

    Thank you for this!

  40. Cheryl Linder

    The “like” button for FB is below every post, but there isn’t a share button. I don’t know if it is my computer or your site, but I thought I would let you know.
    I love, love, love your list!
    You have all of my favorites organized in a way that I have never done!
    Thanks so much!

  41. Jamie

    I Pin’d this!!

  42. Glenda de Vries

    I just want to respond to the person who thinks Sheila MUST use the KJV. Don’t you think our God is bigger than that?

    • Sheila

      Hi Glenda! Thanks! And for those wondering what Glenda’s talking about, I deleted a pretty nasty comment today! I want this blog post to be one that builds families up and encourages them to immerse themselves in the Word of God, not a post that bashes anybody. So honestly, if you write comments that bash people, I will gleefully delete them!

  43. Brenda Brown

    This was great & very helpful.

  44. Anthony Ramirez

    Take in the words that Jesus said. It just hit me like a ton of bricks.
    Matthew 25: 40

  45. Carol

    Is there a way to print the 50 Bible blog?

    • Sheila

      There will be very soon! I’m going to have verse cards made up as printables. More info on that in January!

  46. uday

    Thanks …

  47. lianka2

    Thanks for rayin the time to post these. I know most of these by heart and was really encourage and blessed to read all of these right now.

  48. Jessica

    Thank you for this great list!!!

  49. Andrew

    Thank u for extracting such wonderful and blessing live word of God in this Site…….

    I am blessed by having just a glimpse on it…

    Thank u once more!

    Andrew Yanwago!

    IFBPCS India.

  50. Kathryn

    This is such a good resource! I believe the same as you people just aren’t doing these things anymore, but we should be. I remember my parents would have us memorize a new verse every couple of weeks and recite it to the family. I still remember a lot of those verses and hope to do the same with my kids. Will be sharing!

  51. Jessica Hebert

    Thank you for this post! I love it. I just recently purchased a chalk board to write a verse a week and you have it all laid out for me. Thank you & God bless!

  52. Laura

    thank you so much! One of my resolutions for 2013 was to memorize a bible verse every week of the year, and this list is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for blessing me and so many others with it!

  53. Rebecca

    Thank you for sharing! Really makes it easier for me to fit in scripture time with my family! 🙂

  54. JJM789

    I like the fact that you have listed some good scriptures to “memorize”. But I could do without the ads and the sex book on the side. Geez.

    • Sheila

      Ummmm….this is my blog and I write about marriage. The 50 Bible verses to memorize is something that I take very seriously. Christians SHOULD be memorizing Scripture. And Christians SHOULD have great marriages.

      I’m sorry if writing about marriage offends you, but I would gracefully inform you that this is my blog, and I went to the trouble of putting this list together to help others. In a way, I invited you into my home and I served you food. If you were invited into someone’s home you would not criticize the decor, so perhaps you should not criticize someone’s blog when you visit.

      Please, in the spirit of Christian unity, remember that what you say in a comment has the capacity to hurt people. The internet is not here only for your enjoyment to get what you want; other people have worked to provide that content. It would be better to say thank you and leave it at that rather than criticize without thinking. There are real people behind each blog, and Christian love would say that we should be gracious and be thankful rather than be snarky and critical.

      • Jess

        I pinned this after a friend from church had pinned it! I also made a New Year’s “To Do” list and memorizing these verses (specifically the ones I haven’t already!) is on that list! In my personal blog I sent a link to your page hoping others will be interested in digging deeper! Thanks for this list!

        I also have read some of your marriage posts, too. I want to thank you for being so open and honest there, as well!

      • ian


  55. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I use it as a reference! 🙂

  56. Bridgette

    This was great! Thanks so much for posting it! God Bless 🙂

  57. Lindsey @ Dishing Up Hope

    Beautiful post. It is such a great idea to memorize Scripture for various times of life! God bless you and yours!

  58. Elizabeth Self

    I read another mom’s blog that was also speaking about memorizing scripture. She talked about how she was convicted one day while reading a Dr. Suess book with her small child. She realized that they had memorized the whole book. That is when she came up with the idea of making her own board book with scripture to read with her children, and to pass along to their children someday. We have a captive audience and they are little sponges. Let’s use God’s word to fill their little hearts and minds instead of what the world has to offer. =o)

    • Sheila

      Isn’t that the truth? We memorize things that don’t really matter because we spend more time on them!

  59. Brandon Bandhaue

    interesting that Ruth didn’t get onto your list (where you go, i go…)–oversite, or just so ingrained into your life as a given?

    • Sheila

      Everybody has their favourite verses! These are the 50 that I find most speak to me about my faith in Christ, but if another verse is better to you, then by all means substitute some!

      The important thing is that we’re memorizing, and that God is becoming more anchored in our minds and in our hearts. And so people should choose the verses that speak the most to them. But if people are lost and don’t know where to start, here are the ones that I find the most basic.

      Personally, all of Philippians 3:4-14 speak to me the most, but I didn’t include them because I think these are the more basic doctrinal ones. I think everybody should choose the ones that mean the most to them!

      • Amos Ngako Kilunda

        thanks may God bless you abundantly for keeping His Holy Words

  60. Edward

    Just wanted to say thanks for standing up for what’s right in this dark world. People may not want it put aleast its there for us who do. Keep up the great work

  61. Blended4Purpose

    I believe this is a GREAT idea. My husband is always saying the girls need to learn more memory verses and how doing this will help with their reading. I can teach the girls of The Lord, increase their reading and please my husband. Woo Hoo! Go me!!


  62. Heather

    Thank you so much! We recently decided to stop going to AWANA due to scheduling conflicts with our new church and I miss so badly the verse memorization. You are right it is hard to know where to start! I do so appreciate your list of a very thought out group of verses! All of which are so important to have memorized! Again, from the bottom Of my heart thank you!

  63. Howard Dougal

    I have a similar list, and I also prefer the KJV to all others. Don’t you just love the word of God?!
    Genesis 1:26-27
    Genesis 39:9
    Exodus 20:3-17
    Exodus 33:11
    Leviticus 19:18
    Deuteronomy 7:3-4
    Joshua 1:8
    Joshua 24:15
    1 Samuel 16:7
    Job 19:25-26
    Psalm 24:3-4
    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Isaiah 1:18
    Isaiah 29:13-14
    Isaiah 53:3-5
    Isaiah 55:8-9
    Jeremiah 16:16
    Ezekiel 37:15-17
    Daniel 2:44-45
    Amos 3:7
    Malachi 3:8-10
    Malachi 4:5-6
    Matthew 5:14-16
    Matthew 6:24
    Matthew 16:15-19
    Matthew 25:40
    Luke 24:36-39
    John 3:5
    John 7:17
    John 10:16
    John 14:15
    John 17:3
    Acts 7:55-56
    Romans 1:16
    1 Corinthians 10:13
    1 Corinthians 15:20-22
    1 Corinthians 15:29
    1 Corinthians 15:40-42
    Ephesians 4:11-14
    2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
    2 Timothy 3:1-5
    2 Timothy 3:16-17
    Hebrews 5:4
    James 1:5-6
    James 2:17-18
    Revelation 14:6-7
    Revelation 20:12-13

    • Glenn

      Howard Dougal, Why do you prefer the KJV?

  64. Martine Irumva

    i really love to memorize bible verses i think this will be a greater help. i paid online but i don’t know how to print them please help me

  65. Christine

    Love, love, LOVE this list! I added a few more to the Salvation section especially the very first sermon to the new testament Christians out of the book of Acts 2:37-42 when they cried out to the apostles, “what must we do to be saved,” after they had just been told they had crucified the Lord and Savior. “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38. Thanks so much! =O)

  66. Denni

    I just came across your blog this morning. Thank u so much for creating this. I believe that being in God’s word daily is a must when raising little ones. My friends and I made a packed not to long ago to read one chapter per day and to keep each other accountable for it. It’s been amazing!! The more we read the more we find our selves inspired to do more. Have a blessed day!! ~Denni

  67. David

    These verses were amazing I learned so much -thank you

  68. Kim Harris

    Thank you for this help getting started to be serious about memorizing. I know I can do this and now is the time, amen

  69. Danita L. Green

    Hi Sheila, what a blessing 4 ur wed site, excided about ordering ur Bible scriptures, does the 3×5 cards come n large print? God bless u, ur sister n Christ. Danita

  70. Frank

    I have been looking for something like this for many years. It fits in with anyones schedules no matter how busy you are. We all read adds. Read this instead!
    God bless to all.

  71. mary

    Love to have the printable ones in KJV.

  72. Jason Ellis

    These are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. What an inspirational read. You should take a moment to put these verses to audio and distribute the mp3s. I think it would be a nice way to affirm their message. I could listen during my commute to and from work 🙂

    • Sheila

      Jason, that’s a great idea! Thank you. I’ll consider that.

  73. Steph

    I made a great start with Bible memorization this year . . . and then it petered out. Thank you for this list. It will get me back on track.

  74. Raghad

    God bless you all, I’m a convert from islam , I love christianity. I was taught to hate christianity but I love how I teached myself everything even though I’m pretty young. I was saved by our beloved God and I just wanted to let you know that even though islam is tempting u into converting plz run away fast, fast because islam has ruined my life but thanks to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit I am finally free, at last!

    • Sheila

      So glad to see you here, celebrating a God of love!

    • Peter

      Bless you, brother. My heart rejoices, and so do the angels in Heaven, Raghad. Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6). And 1John 4:8 says: He who does not love does not know God, for God is LOVE. *********** ************

  75. Chaplain Anthony Weaver

    I thank God for the word

  76. Paul

    It is a wonderful list. Thanks.

  77. Mbangu

    Wow! U made it easier for me.

  78. Kianna

    I love this! I wish I could just print it right now!

  79. Christine

    Great bible verses! Thank you from San Jose, CA 🙂

  80. Kianna

    Awesome!i reffered this to my BFF.!!

  81. Maureen

    Thank you so much for this wonderful great idea in the Lord with the little cards at the table I’m going to spread the news to my family and friends that was a great thing that you did and may God bless you richly.
    Love..in Christ…Maureen

  82. Kay Porter

    Please let me know when the NIV Bible cards are available. I would be very interested in buying them for my children. THANKS!! Kay Porter

  83. Joseph

    Thank you very much the words they comfort me well in my fears.

  84. Pamela Masai

    Thanks shaila for all of the encouraging vers and helping children in Kenya.

  85. Toi

    Thank you!

  86. Bethany

    It’s been a great deal of help thank u so much 🙂

  87. EMILE

    this is a great resource, GOD bless you for this great work.

  88. Anonymous

    Let us not forget under Salvation Matthew 16:16.

  89. Bonnie Toney

    Thanks, Shiela! My husband & I stumbled on your site while looking for some bible verses to memorize together!

  90. John C

    Great list. I am excited about teaching the kids these and rememorizing them myself!

  91. Lisa B. DuBois

    This is so cool! Thank you so much for sharing. It made my morning devotion… Again, thank you!

  92. Janet Cecil Ita

    Many thanks Shaila for sharing this wonderful experience with they that thirst and hungry for God. May God bless you. You are a blessing to me. Thanks

  93. Hippie4ever

    Wish you had it downloadable in KJV

  94. David Sellu

    Reading the scriptures is just like eating fresh food from my pots in the kitchen, They word of God is like a lamp on to my feet , especially the book of isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 40:28.if other people are reading the same like us the world will be a better place for us.

  95. Tebogo Jeffrey Gole

    Thank you,for wonderfull list.

  96. lissa

    God is my everything…without him I’m nothing! 🙂

  97. Pravin

    Thank you for making all believers understand the importance of memorising God’s Word. I am encouraging most of the people I meet to help their people to do this. It is a command given by God Himself. Bless you.

  98. Grace

    Nice information ! Christians can also try Zion Quest, a bible game that sticks 40 crucial bible passages in one’s memory

  99. Michael

    Nice to learn the love of God and knowing Jesus

  100. patti

    I believe it changed our life, our son was 3& a half when my husband put Matt.5 to song , we learn 5 a week ,sound them off to another family every Monday night.After 9 weeks we would each have to say the 48 verses alone. Our little boy asked if he could say them, I said sure ,he never said them once in those 9 weeks. To my surprise he said the first 42,then told me he didn’t know the next3 and went on to 48. They learn. I to would love to get them in kjv .Mom of seven

  101. Sophia

    Thank you for sharing! I found it very very useful and encouraging. Thanks again.

  102. Rev. Peter

    Thank you for this great collection of memory verses! If you store them on your smartphone you can study them wherever you are. Bible memory apps come in all flavours. For Android and iPhone I suggest the bible memory app Remember Me (www.remem.me). It features games, quizzes, audio, flash cards, and an intelligent review system to make sure you will retain all memorised verses.

  103. mary sujatha

    Thanks for helping. May God bless u & use u in many ways.

  104. Olanike Olatoke

    I want to get back to devoting more time to memorising the scripture as I did as a teenager. Thank you for the list as it is good place to start and to learn together with my children.

  105. Chris Carter

    I am thrilled TO FIND THIS! I am a youth leader, and I am currently having my kids search the bible for their “GO TO verses”- the ones that they can memorize and allow God to speak into their hearts through chosen scripture that speaks to them, with where they are in their lives.

    We have compiled a good list, but these will surely be added!

    Thank you for this treasure, that I too can tap into!!

    • Sheila

      So cool! Glad you’ll be using it in youth group. That’s awesome.

  106. Michael

    This is the world we live in and these are the hands we’re given. Use them and let’s start trying to make it a place worth living in.
    [Genesis 19:86]

  107. John

    Romans 10:9-11King James Version (KJV)

    9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

  108. Philip Low

    Thank you. I’m not good in remembering verses or give up very easily. I will pray to my God before starting to remember each verse every 2 days

  109. Girish parmar

    Thank you for helpful my ministries. God bless you.

  110. Paul

    Thank you so much… for these wonderful selections…

  111. Alexander

    Totally Awesome

  112. Amy

    Hello Sheila! I am curious how the medical mission trip went and what your goal is for any funds you raise in 2015.

    Thanks for posting these! I was surprised at how many I am familiar with, but don’t have memorized, do you think it is important to memorize the reference as well?


    • Sheila

      Yes! Always memorize the reference. It helps so much if you ever want to find it again.

      We didn’t end up going on the trip–we couldn’t get enough doctors. But my mother went and the funds went to her! She led a team of several people who were working on the training and microloan aspect with some of the older girls, and it was great!

  113. Rubel Hajong

    I am grateful to you. For sharing this mind touching messages or memory verses. It is my consideration that these messages can change our life very easily. I am gaining a great knowledge or lessons from this website.

    Thanks for sharing this most important Bible Scriptures.

  114. Joy

    This is just wonderful. What a great list of great memory verses. I have bookmarked and will be going through it with my kiddos in our homeschool. We choose a new memory verse every few weeks. I think this is a fantastic resource because I was having a hard time narrowing down choices. Thanks so much!

    • Sheila

      You’re so welcome!

  115. Sheila

    I was interested in buying the memory verse cards already printed. I couldn’t find this anywhere. Thanks.

    • Sheila

      I’m sorry! They’re back ordered right now. Just ran out. I hope that they’ll be back soon!

  116. Dietrich

    You are so blessed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

  117. Julieane Hernandez

    Great suggestions! My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11, God has a plan for me, plan to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.

    Thanks for sharing these bible verses! I’m going to memorize these verses one by one.

  118. Minister Lisa Brunson

    Thank you for sharing such awesome Biblical insight. I was studying and I needed more Scripture references. I am a writer and working on a book of Sermons; to use as I minister.

  119. Felicite


  120. Yottam Zuze

    I am blessed to have come across these verses today.my eyes and ears will now be opened to the full.May The Lord God Almighty bless you to continue sharing these very important verses to the world.If possible in future,put these verses on MP3.

    • c Garbacz

      Last Supper verses very important –This is my body and this is my blood. Catholic Mass is all about The Last Supper. Keys To Kingdom given to Peter by Jesus. Jesus says – you are either with me or you are against me. Disciples are to shake off their sandals and depart places that refuse to believe. Encounters with Satan and demons. You can’t have Jesus without the devil. Christianity is a small cult because there are few real believers. Why? Because the way of Jesus is too hard to believe in full. So you have cafeteria believers – I’ll take a some of this and that, but not the whole menu. And you have a host of non-believers who want to kill Jesus once and for all.

  121. Christopher

    thank u. Its so useful and I love it. may God bless you all.

  122. silvan

    All verses is very useful to me. very important memory verses for our spiritual growth. Thank you.

  123. mathaikpaul

    Memorizing important Bible verses is a virtue to be practiced by all who love peace to happen in the world .You have done a splendid job by selecting it for us.If we try to memorize a single verse per day all those can be by heart within two months.
    Practice daily and putting in use the right word in the right context,and taken in the right spirit can work wonders in healing sorrows of humanity.This is the power of the Word of God our Lord that became flesh and dwelt among us.
    Let peace be with you all

  124. thomas

    Im not sure what caused me to step out but im 15 and my parents are atheists and i cannot goto church as it is to far but i checked out sone things i should consider doing and this was excellent for me and i realized today i do not have to do things based off of my friends but off of my decicions so ive decided to become a devoted christian if you know any ways i could worship him please contact me and thank you so much

    • alchemist

      That’s awesome. Indeed, you are responsible for your own life. You can, and should make your own choices.

      Church is important. If you can’t get there, could you check and see if there is a bible study group or something in your school? There may not be many Christians in your school, but it is unlikely that there are none at all. Being with believers is important.

      Another thing you could do is listen to sermons online. Desiring God is John Piper’s website. He has good sermons. My church puts their sermons on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdP1oHMP8ym26eMYwyuPpA/videos?sort=dd&shelf_id=0&view=0. There should be more on our church website. A nice thing about my church is that they preach through whole books. Which might be especially beneficial for a person just starting out.

      There are also plenty of good books you could read about the Christian life. Just about anything by C.S Lewis is good. Mere Christianity would be an excellent place to start.

  125. Rouel

    Praise God..

    Thank you very much for sharing information and comment about verses, this very important to me.

    God Bless you all…

  126. Alexandria

    i love your work….may God richly bless you 🙂

  127. Darasimi

    Create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me psalm 51v10

  128. Amy

    Thank you for these, very helpful and useful <3

  129. Julianne White

    Wonderful, thank you

  130. Heather

    What a great list! Something to pullout for encouragement too. It was surprising not to see Romans 10:9 not listed under Salvation.

  131. Malus


  132. GLENN


    • Sheila

      I like that one, too! In fact, 4:8-9 are some of my favourites. If I do a follow-up list, they’ll be there. It’s always hard to choose just 50!

  133. Samantha

    i have the exact same bible

  134. Michael

    I find a good way to memorize a bible verse is to draw the first letter of each key word into a meaningful picture. It’s fun and works well. There are good examples at http://www.memorytext.org

  135. Kidd Tee

    this is a miracle thank you very much… God bless you more

  136. Madison

    Thank you so much for this list!! I am a twelve year old and I am realizing how wonderful and true the word of God is! He has become a very important part of my life and is impacting me more and more. Church is no longer ‘a requirement that makes me wake up early on Sunday mornings.’ I will use this list of scriptures and it will benefit me so well! Thank you!!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, Madison, so glad you’re here!

  137. Ralph John Valdez

    I am so blessed to come and visit your site. Very useful to all Christians. Thank you for this. I am so excited to memorize 🙂 GODBLESS!

  138. kathy

    Clicking your link to print them out is not working. I would love to be able to print out the cards, to study.

    • Rebecca Lindenbach

      Hey, Kathy! 🙂 The way you get your cards is by filling out the box it takes you to when you click the links. If, for some reason, the links aren’t working on your computer just look for the box that says “50 Best bible Verses to Memorize – Check out my FREE printable!”, fill in your email, and it’ll be sent to you! 🙂

  139. Fredrick owusu

    Woow this is great. Thanks for making the work easy and encouraging.

  140. Gregory Owen

    I have used the POA method using the Memory Palace to memorize large portions of scriptures. The basic concept is to associate a person-action-object to a portion of scripture in order to remember the location of the verse. Also, I have found that putting Bible decals on the walls in our homes has helped as well. You can get scripture decals from http://www.inspirationalwallsigns.net

  141. Tom

    Thank you for these wonderful verses to memorise.

    • Olaoluwa

      Thanks so much for this

      May God enlarge your intellect and increase you in Jesus mighty name.

  142. Jan

    As a new Christian (and I’m not young), the thought of memorizing so many Bible verses leaves me feeling very intimidated and inadequate. I know people who became Christians at an early age can and do remember verses and where they appear in the Bible, but I think I might become frustrated and lose the meaning if I try to force verses into my brain, only to forget. Anyway, I will try with a few while trying to be patient with myself at the same time.

  143. Jan

    I’ve tried to memorise the reference, but I find it very difficult to remember sequences of numbers. I have had the same mobile phone number for years and I still have to look it up when I need it. I always had difficulty learning my times tables at school and remembering the number part of a car registration number and here in the UK, it’s only 2 or 3 numbers in sequence! I have tried to learn one verse a week with it’s reference and I find that when I get to the end of the next week, I’ve forgotten the one I learnt the week before. Imagine how frustrated I’ll be at the end of, say 6 weeks. I understand the importance of learning the reference, I really do, but I don’t want to make it into a frustrating burden. For me, I think 50 verses is too many, too overwhelming and as a new Christian (and not a young one), I think I’ll ask God for patience (with myself mainly) and to find another way to remember them and not feel ashamed or inadequate if I can’t remember the reference.

  144. Bereka Redfern

    Want to learn more from the Bible

  145. Benny Konai

    Thank you very much. I am very grateful and copied all the bible text. This will hep me and my family to understand & memorize the words of God.

    May God Bless you and family.

  146. Estelita Jones

    I have read some of the post and I thank all that commented. God bless you all. I am trying to rekindle my faith in God. I know he never left me or forsake me.

    The pictures are beautiful I would love to copy some and place in a book.

    Please send me an email if okay to do so.

    Thank you and God Blessing for the information.


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