Audio Books, FREE Video Studies, and More!

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Research | 0 comments

The summer’s winding down, and some of us are starting to plan for the fall!

I know some of my American friends have children already in school (which is so weird to this Canadian, where we never start until after Labour Day!), but I have a few fun things to share with you today.

First, I’ve written a whole bunch of books, as many of you know. 31 Days to Great Sex re-released in July, with an expanded, all-new edition. The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex is awesome for any woman who wants to understand more about sex in marriage–and especially great for engaged women!

And 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage best encapsulates all my marriage advice here on the blog in one very readable book. In fact, many people have told me it’s their favourite of all my books!

And as of this summer, all three are available in audio format! It used to be you could only get The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, but now they’re all right there. And if you buy either of the two sex ones, you’ll even hear me narrating it! (and with 31 Days to Great Sex, I actually narrated it in my closet, just like the latest podcasts that you can see on YouTube. (You can also listen to them as usual in all your podcast platforms!).

Because of COVID, we couldn’t hire a recording studio, so we made do. And it actually turned out quite well.

Maybe you’re not the reading type. Or maybe you have a lot of time on your hands when you could listen to books, like when exercising, working in the kitchen, commuting and driving in your car–whenever! You may want to read more, but you may not have the time. But here’s a way to capture some time and put it to good use.

And then there’s Why I Didn’t Rebel, which is perfect for audio!

Rebecca’s book Why I Didn’t Rebel, which we talked about last week when we were discussing what the research says on spanking, is filled with stories from her in-depth interviews with other millennials that help show what parenting practices help kids stay close to their parents and adopt good values, and what ones often push kids away. It’s so filled with stories you’ll love listening!

But I also have some FREE book studies that you can use!

Whether you want to work through the books yourself, or you want to use The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex or 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage in a group study, I’ve got some help for you!

9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage is a video-based study that can be done in either a 6-week format or an 8-week format (both are available). And it’s free to use! The videos are around 10-12 minutes each, summarizing the chapter, or chapters, and adding some of my thoughts.

The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex is a study to do on your own or in a group. It doesn’t have video, but does have questions, journaling prompts, ideas of how to promote discussion in the group in a safe way, and more!

I don’t always take the time to remind you all of what else is available, so I thought I’d do so today.

And do sign up for my email list, too, where you’ll get extra information, access to a ton of freebies in my resource library, and more!

We’re working on some more courses as we speak, and we’ll have a fun group guide that will go along with The Great Sex Rescue when it launches as well. So stay on the email list to keep up to date, and check out those audio books, too, now that they’re available!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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