This new research about cheating is fascinating. It was published online just on Tuesday, and I've already incorporated it into the marriage book we're editing right now that's due at the publishers next week! But listen to this:The evidence from this study exposes...
All the Latest from "Research"
Older posts from "Research"
NEW RESEARCH: Women Aren’t Turned On by Husbands Who Act Like Dependents
What happens to women’s desire level if their husbands don’t do housework? This month, our series on the blog is going to focus on some new studies that have recently been published in peer reviewed journals. We like keeping up with research, and we shared four new...
NEW RESEARCH SERIES: Is Sex Like Bad Ravioli?
What if men and women experience sex differently? This month, our series on the blog is going to focus on some new studies that have recently been published in peer reviewed journals. We like keeping up with research, and we shared four new studies on the podcast last...
We Have Paid Research Opportunities for Grad Students and Professors
We're looking for academics who want to work with us--and get published! (This post doesn't apply to everyone who read the blog--but if you know a professor or a grad student who may be interested, please send them this link!) As you all know, for years we've been...
PODCAST: Why Sex Is Like Chef Boyardee–And Other New Research Findings
We've got four new peer-reviewed studies on marriage and sex for you today! We keep a folder of all kinds of new studies that come out that we find interesting, and I've been searching for a bunch lately as Keith and I are currently frantically writing our new...
How a Peer Reviewed Journal Gave Me an Unexpected Christmas Gift
Sheila here! Our team got some good news recently, and Joanna Sawatsky (one of the co-authors for The Great Sex Rescue and She Deserves Better, who leads up the research side of what we do) wanted to share it with you today!We at Bare Marriage have had a big year. We...
How do “bare marriage” and “non-profit” go together?
We are so thrilled to announce that we can now raise money for good fruit Faith in the usa with the bosko foundation At Bare Marriage, Rebecca, Keith, Joanna and I (plus everyone else behind the scenes) has one big goal: Change the evangelical conversation about sex...
Our Marriage Survey is Ready!
Our new marriage survey is all ready to go, with ethics approval and everything! And here’s Joanna Sawatsky, our intrepid stats person and co-author of The Great Sex Rescue and She Deserves Better, to tell you all about it and invite you to take it!For years, Sheila...
PODCAST: Why Don’t Evangelical Sex Teachers Know What They Don’t Know?
Has modern Christianity become an echo chamber? And is that leading us to have super bad takes on many issues that are really important? Today we're taking a look at a theme that we've noticed in evangelicalism: anti-intellectualism, and a denial of science and...
Have You Seen a Sexy Gorilla?
Every Friday, 46,000 people receive our weekly email, linking to all of this week’s posts and podcasts, with a summary, so people can make sure they don’t miss anything they’re interested in. But the email also has a big thought authored by Rebecca–not me. And these...
The Rose Colored Glasses Effect in Marriage
Could the rose-colored glasses effect be masking marital unhappiness? Last month, one of our podcasts worked through some of the issues with claims that complementarian, conservative women had the best marital outcomes. We also wrote a long opinion piece detailing...
Review of the Problems with For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn (with Download)
One of the things we're passionate about on this blog is making sure the advice that is given about marriage and sex in the evangelical world is healthy. Over the last few years, our team has surveyed over 32,000 people, measuring how certain teachings common in the...
PODCAST: Do Complementarian Men Make the Best Husbands? A Response to Nancy Pearcey
Do complementarian men do best? That's what Nancy Pearcey says in her new book The Toxic War on Masculinity! Men who believe that marriage is a hierarchy and that men should get the final decisions (complementarians) do best. This is the podcast (and the op ed) that...