All the Latest from "Research"

PODCAST: Demolishing the Love and Respect Dichotomy Definitively (with Data)

It's the podcast where we finally get to disprove the love & respect thesis! Did God make men to need respect, while women need love? Do men prefer respect over love? We've been told this for decades, starting with James Dobson popularizing it, and then Emerson...

PODCAST: The 93% Myth That Fathers Matter MOre than Mothers

What happens when churches make up a ridiculous stat--and spread it? Ever heard the stat that when fathers come to Christ first, in 93% of families the wife and kids follow, but when wives come to Christ first, it's only 17%? It's been quoted by J.D. Greear when he...

Why Do People Have Affairs? New Research!

This new research about cheating is fascinating. It was published online just on Tuesday, and I've already incorporated it into the marriage book we're editing right now that's due at the publishers next week! But listen to this:The evidence from this study exposes...

The 72-Hour Rule Isn’t a Thing: How Evangelicals Coerced Women into Sex Every 72 Hours

The 72 Hour Rule is Made Up by Evangelical Authors.  Yep. This month on the blog we're "fact checking" common sex beliefs, and one of the biggest ones in evangelical circles is the 72 hour rule: the idea that a wife must have sex with her husband every 72 hours,...
Why Do People Have Affairs? New Research!

Why Do People Have Affairs? New Research!

This new research about cheating is fascinating. It was published online just on Tuesday, and I've already incorporated it into the marriage book we're editing right now that's due at the publishers next week! But listen to this:The evidence from this study exposes...

Older posts from "Research"

Our Marriage Survey is Ready!

Our Marriage Survey is Ready!

Our new marriage survey is all ready to go, with ethics approval and everything! And here’s Joanna Sawatsky, our intrepid stats person and co-author of The Great Sex Rescue and She Deserves Better, to tell you all about it and invite you to take it!For years, Sheila...

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Have You Seen a Sexy Gorilla?

Have You Seen a Sexy Gorilla?

Every Friday, 46,000 people receive our weekly email, linking to all of this week’s posts and podcasts, with a summary, so people can make sure they don’t miss anything they’re interested in. But the email also has a big thought authored by Rebecca–not me. And these...

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