Who doesn’t want to have an orgasm?
We’ve been talking all month about orgasms–why it can be difficult for women; what can hold some women back; what makes it more likely to happen.
And it’s all been leading up to today–the launch of the Orgasm Course!
I know that this is one of the biggest sources of frustration for women.
Why would God make it so easy for guys to reach orgasm, and so hard for us?
Why does it always feel good for him, and I’m left wondering, “Seriously? Is that it?!?”
And why, when you’ve tried touching things, does nothing ever feel quite right? Why does arousal start–and then stop? Or why can you not get aroused at all? Isn’t it supposed to feel good?
The Orgasm Course answers all those questions–and so many more.
We’ve got diagrams and lots of information on what stimulation tends to be best; how to discover arousal and listen to your body; how to help your husband discover what feels good.
But that’s not all we have, because for so many women, that’s not the biggest issue.
We’re going to show you how to make your body feel great, yes.
But we’re also going to take you on a journey to uncover YOUR route to orgasm, because it’s different for everyone. We’re going to go on a journey where we discover what’s stopping you from feeling pleasure–and then we’ll open the floodgates to the things that DO bring you pleasure!
And then, of course, we’ll guide you through exercises on arousal, orgasm, and even reaching orgasm during intercourse!
That you are not broken.
You are not alone.
That you CAN be sexual!
That you can defeat wrong thinking and embrace something new.
Techniques & Tips
To help you discover pleasure, listen to your body…
And learn how to go over the edge!

Eighteen videos and a jam-packed lesson book and workbook are all designed to help you:
- Learn about physiology–what areas most arouse a woman; how to vary the touch based on the arousal cycle; and where and how NOT to touch, too!
- Pinpoint the biggest roadblock that holds women back–and stops men from understanding what women need, too
- Uncover what else may be preventing you specifically from being able to just let go
- Identify with one of our 5 characters who are having trouble with orgasm, so that you can more easily put your blocks in context (and make them not-so-scary, too!)
- Detailed tips and exercises to enhance physical technique and help you ride the wave to orgasm
- Validation that the mental blocks that may have prevented orgasm are not your fault–but they’re also not permanent.
- Relief that this isn’t something you caused–but it is something you can fix.
- Open the floodgates to arousal by discovering that, yes, some things do turn you on!
- And how about reaching orgasm through intercourse? We have a whole module on that, too!
Unlock your own sexual response cycle--because you were made to be passionate!
Plus we’ve got a whole separate section of the course that husbands can take too!
After all, maybe it's not YOU with distorted views of what sex. What if it's your husband?

They’ll also learn:
- How looking sad, frustrated, bored, or bewildered are HUGE orgasm killers–and how to overcome them
- How they don’t need proper “equipment” to satisfy their wives, but instead just the desire and the effort
- Why women’s orgasm is worth the wait!
- And so much more.
The guys get their own videos, and their own lessons and exercises, to work through with you, too!
Most men do care about bringing their wives pleasure, but they shut down if they feel helpless or bad at something. This course can help empower him, too! And we show him how to overcome their biggest obstacle to your orgasm as well.
If your husband doesn’t want to do his part of the course, though, you can also get through it on your own.
I know so many of you struggle with orgasm. How can you want sex that doesn’t even feel good for you?
I don’t want that to be your story anymore. And yet I know, for so many of you, this HAS been your story, throughout your entire marriage.
Maybe you remember your last anniversary, and how lonely you felt after quick, perfunctory sex again when you felt nothing. Afterwards, he rolled over, feeling amazing, and went to sleep. And you were left lying there, in the dark, thinking back to being 18-years-old and dreaming about how amazing sex was going to be one day. You were going to feel passionate, alive, on fire!
But none of that has ever happened. Maybe not even a spark.
Your husband can’t figure it out. He thinks there’s maybe something wrong with you. You should just enjoy intercourse, like he does, right?
And so sex, which was this great promise, has become one of the biggest disappointments of your life.
Please, don’t let that keep being your story!
And I want to help you get to the other side. So many women write to me telling me that what I’ve said has helped them have breakthroughs, like this woman who wrote just last week:
I’ve been wanting to create this course for years, but I never felt quite ready.
I didn’t want to do a course that was basically, “Here’s how I have an orgasm; you can, too.” No, I wanted to take enough time to look at what the research actually says, so it wasn’t just from my perspective, but it was based in real science.
So Rebecca submerged herself in all the scientific journals about orgasm, and learned far more than she ever really wanted to. But we were now confident that we had a broader perspective. Plus last year, when doing our survey of 20,000 women, we discovered some really interesting things about orgasm that we hadn’t known before. What’s keeping people from orgasm isn’t just that they don’t know how to flick, bop, or rub the clitoris right. What we believe about sex has a tremendous impact!
So we were ready. We had the information both on sexual technique, relationship dynamics, and on beliefs about sex. Now it was just time to make it into a course!
If you’re like most people who follow this blog, chances are you’re here because you want a great marriage–that includes great sex.
And if that’s been elusive for you, then THIS is the course you need. It’s the culmination of listening to:
Comments on the blog
Emails from readers
Survey Respondents
Academic Articles
We’ve listened. We’ve reviewed all the latest scientific research on what helps women go over the edge! And we’ve created a course that includes the questions and comments that have come up repeatedly this month:
- I get aroused, but then it stops.
- I don’t know what arousal feels like.
- I can only orgasm with a vibrator.
- My husband doesn’t understand that I need foreplay.
- Even when I orgasm, it doesn’t feel that great.
We’ve got you covered.
You don’t want to just be great roommates who watch the Office together. You want to be amazing lovers–who maybe watch The Office together.
Or maybe you don’t. But whatever you watch, you rock each other’s worlds.

I just have to make a joke here (no hard feelings if you delete it, I just need to get it out). So the full price of the orgasm course is $69?
Don’t think we didn’t notice that. 🙂
Can’t make this stuff up! 😂
Congratulations to all on your hard work!
Just ordered! Currently postpartum, so not going to start just this moment, I’m already really excited to be back with my husband, so now is NOT the time, but thank you! Thank you for this course! I love sex with my husband, but 5 years of marriage and 2 babies later, I’ve yet to have ‘the full experience’. I have an amazing husband willing and eager to do whatever it takes, but honestly neither of us have known where to start. (Do people just ‘know’ this stuff?!) So I’ve been looking forward to this course for a long time!
Yay for amazing husbands! I love hearing about them. And I do hope the course helps! congratulations on the baby, too.
I experience orgasms most of the time but I tense up every, single time as I reach orgasm. It’s like I can’t handle the stimulation at that point. My husband has been learning so much to improve himself the last year and a bit. I’d like to as well. Would this course be helpful for me?
Would this course help me? I’ve never had a problem having an orgasm before. Been with my hubby for 26 years and he knows how to help me and does every time. The past 6 weeks it takes forever to orgasm or I can’t at all. TMI but it’s like my clit is broken. Nothing has changed and no new meds.
Could it be hormonal in some way? If you’re in your 40s/50s, it could be related to hormonal changes. If it is, and the changes are more long-term, such as a decrease in estrogen, the course may help you learn how to slow down and increase the mind-body connection now that things aren’t as natural. But otherwise I’d try to get to the root of what the change is!
I just bought the wives and husbands course. Is this a digital download or physical materials? If it’s digital, how do I access it?