PODCAST: Do You Even Want This Kind of Marriage?

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Abuse, Podcasts | 47 comments

Podcast on Focus on the Family and abuse with Sarah McDugal

What if…the people we listen to for advice are more likely to be being abused?

And what if the couples held up as ones to emulate by organizations like Focus on the Family are actually in really destructive relationships?

This was a sad one for me to record, because I felt really heavy as I was filming it, especially the first part. I had been sent an email by Focus on the Family, promoting an article, and I clicked on the link. And as I read it, it just sounded off to me. I looked at what else the author had written on the site, and what she revealed about her marriage was really, really concerning.

And then the conversation got louder on social media about how Elisabeth Elliot’s third and longest marriage was likely abusive.

Add to that Focus on the Family bragging about how a man who was jailed for domestic violence is now leading Love & Respect studies, and I’d just about had enough!

So let’s talk!

Or, as always, you can watch on YouTube:

Timeline of the Podcast

1:30 What’s on the today’s agenda and why we’re talking about it
4:10 Looking into articles to see what’s actually going on
16:45 Are these writers just coping with/justifying unhealthy situations?
20:50 The Elisabeth Elliott Effect
26:40 Sarah joins to discuss the FOTF incident in December
34:05 Why this advice is dangerous
44:00 How things were handled & the response afterwards

We have to be more discerning when we listen to advice.

Here’s my theory: Women going through destructive marriages need to be able to process what they’re experiencing and make sense of it. They don’t think they’re allowed to divorce, so they have to convince themselves they’re fine. And for many women, writing marriage advice is a way to do that. 

Seriously, think about how much advice was written by people in destructive relationships. We know that Shannon Ethridge, who wrote Every Woman’s Battle, was in a destructive marriage (she’s now divorced). Dannah Gresh, the whole time she was writing about modesty, was married to a man with an escalating porn habit. 

Now we’re learning more about what Elisabeth Elliot went through.

I could go on and on.

And now, as I look at these articles from Focus on the Family, it sounds like this woman is in a very, very bad marriage and has no way to process it. But instead of seeing the red flags, Focus is promoting her! 

Focus on the Family also tells women married to violent offenders they can just pray. 

In the second half of the podcast, Sarah McDugal joins me to talk about a hubbub we were involved in just before Christmas, when Focus on the Family shared a terrible status update on Facebook about a man in jail for domestic violence, who repented and was healed after his wife called Focus on the Family and started reading Love & Respect. And now they lead Love & Respect classes!

So let’s talk about why sharing that status is so ridiculous and harmful. 

Focus on the Family seems to have a pattern of not seeing red flags when it comes to abuse. 

And evangelicalism seems to have a pattern of elevating women in destructive marriages and letting them give marriage advice. It’s messing us up, and we need to stop.

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Why do we elevate people who seem to be in destructive marriages? Why do people not see the red flags? What does it mean that Elisabeth Elliot wrote her marriage advice while she was likely being abused? Let us know in the comments below!


Sheila: Welcome to the Bare Marriage podcast.  I’m Sheila Wray Gregoire from baremarriage.com where we like to talk about healthy, evidence-based, biblical advice for your sex life and your marriage.  And I am joined today by my husband, Keith.

Keith: Hey, everybody.  

Sheila: And before we start, we just want to thank the people in our community who help us and enable us to do this.  So our amazing patrons, who show up every day multiple times on the Facebook page.  They send me all the greatest stuff that I end up talking about including some of the stuff we’re going to talk about right now.  Comes from our patrons.  And for as little as $5 a month, you can join that community and get access to unfiltered podcasts and more.  So that’s an awesome place.  If you are interested in supporting us monetarily in another way, perhaps with more money and getting tax deductible receipts within the United States, we are also the Good Fruit Faith Initiative of the Bosco Foundation.  And the links to both our Patreon and our donation is in the podcast notes.  And another way that you can support us plus have a ton of fun is that we have a lot of merch.  We have awesome biblical manhood merch, biblical womanhood merch, they call me Jezebel merch, lots of stuff like that.  You can get notebooks, mugs, canvas, tote bags, lots and lots of things.  And when you buy those, that money helps fund what we do and lets us keep doing it.  So we will put the link to our merch as well and, of course, our courses too.  Our orgasmic course, our libido course, all of those things help fund what we do.  So thank you for supporting us in that.  Okay.  Next week, shout out, we’re going to have a really super fun podcast because we are going to do the third anniversary of The Great Sex Rescue.  Yay.  And I’m telling you that because I just want you to know that this podcast isn’t always going to be depressing.  But today I actually do have something hard to talk about.  And when I say that this affected me, it really did.  We’ve just finished two weeks of looking at the book, Lies Women Believe.  And that book sent me really on a downward spiral thinking about the environment that I used to be in, the view I used to have of God, and how God was just constantly disappointed in me and how I had to try harder.  One thing I was talking about though in the Lies Women Believe is that so often it seems like authors are writing books to help them deal with and process their own stuff because life is somehow untenable in whatever way.  And it’s like you’re trying to convince yourself that if you just have more faith things will get better, and the problem is actually you.  And I saw this a lot when I started blogging back in 2008.  A lot of the mommy bloggers that were in my space were just talking about how you need to submit more.  You need to totally commit to your marriage.  And I would say about 50% of them are now divorced because of porn use or abuse.  There’s a higher divorce rate among the mommy bloggers than the general Christian population because a lot of people who are going through hard times they end up blogging to try to convince themselves that things are okay.  And that’s what I saw in something that I want to bring up today.  I got an email from Focus on the Family highlighting an article.  And I’m still on their mailing list, so I went and looked at that article.  And I got really concerned about what it was saying.  And I looked up this woman’s other articles.  And when you put them all together, you get a picture of a really disturbing marriage.  I’m not going to mention that woman’s name because I—this isn’t about shaming her.  And I don’t want to shame her, but my purpose here is just to show you guys that so often the Christian media that we consume that is telling us, “Hey, this is normal, and the problem is with you,”—when you actually look deeper, there is something way bigger going on here.  And this person may actually be in a really troubled relationship and may not be able to admit it to herself.  And so this is a hard thing to talk about.  I know this is really hard to talk about.  But it is so common.  And my heart is just breaking for this woman, who doesn’t seem to have any solution other than remember the problem is all you.  So I’m going to read you—

Keith: Wow.

Sheila: I’m going to read you one of the articles.  Okay?  Just part of it.  So this is what sets the stage for this woman’s marriage, and she writes, “I am a city girl, who agreed to follow my husband’s dream of moving to a simpler life in the country.  But here’s the thing: Since we moved from the San Francisco Bay area to our little cabin, life had certainly not become simpler.  For example, the house was so far off the grid that we didn’t even have electricity.  My husband would beg to differ, explaining that we did have power, it just came from a generator.  So what was it like living in a small house outside of society as a stay-at-home mom of three small children?  Let’s just say simple life is not the phrase that comes to mind.  The first months of living simply meant learning to shop for whatever we’d need until the next trip to town, which was 40 minutes away.  Our propane refrigerator was very small with a freezer the size of a shoebox.  This meant stocking up on perishable items was out of the question.  And with two children in diapers, I had to guesstimate how many diapers and wipes they’d go through until our next venture to town.  Remember, the house was tiny, so there wasn’t space to store baby essentials.  You can imagine how an unexpected bout of baby diarrhea could throw off my well-planned calculations.  One day while my husband and I were in our small-scale house, a monstrous tarantula crept across the living room floor.  He captured the frankenspider and threw it into our wood-burning stove.  My relief gave way to terror when the flaming spider screeched and jumped out of the fire toward me.  When my husband finally killed the tarantula, I sobbed and asked, ‘What if that thing had gotten the kids?  What if you hadn’t been home? What if?’  When my husband laughingly explained that tarantulas are harmless, my tears turned to angry accusations as I blamed him for moving us to such a horrible place.  I ranted uncontrollably about all of the sacrifices I made to live out his dream.  Until the tarantula incident, I thought I had adjusted well to country life.  My reaction revealed otherwise.”  And you know what she titles this article?  She calls it The Little Things That Spark Marriage Arguments.  

Keith: Oh my gosh.  Yeah.  So I see what you mean now.  Right?  Because this person is obviously writing from a position of how do you make marriage work.  And it’s so hard when your husband takes you off the grid in the middle of nowhere, and you have all these things to deal with.  And there’s never the concept of how did this decision get made.  Why are they there?  Because there’s this underlying assumption, he wants to do this.  And my job, as the wife, is to do whatever he says and to make his life easier.  And if I have to plan all these things, well, that’s what we’re doing because this is what God has called our family to do because our husband is sending us to the middle of the wilderness.  And the idea that she can question that and say, “This is not what I want for my life,” is not even on the table.  And that’s so sad.

Sheila: I know.  And he’s moving her with three small children.  There is no room for the kids.  There’s nobody around, so there’s no one for the kids to play with.  This house is tiny, so they’re stuck inside this tiny house where there isn’t enough room even to store extra diapers.  So you can imagine what this is like.  Plus she has to figure out meals.  And remember, he’s the one moving her to this tiny place.  But she’s the one having—bearing the consequences of it with the three kids and the diapers and everything.  And then what happens when there’s a tarantula?  He laughs at her.    

Keith: Yeah.  And this is the thing that we talk about a lot too is that people say the idea of living as a partner versus living as the husband being in charge—it’s not harmful for the husband to be in charge.  It’s not.  You’re painting this picture that it’s harmful for the husband to be in charge when it’s not.  But here’s a particular example.  This guy has done—this is not a good life for this woman.  She’s clearly unhappy, but there is 0% chance for her to express her unhappiness because that’s not allowed because that will be being an unsubmissive wife.

Sheila: Right.

Keith: Right?  And he gets to laugh at her when she’s scared about her physical safety from spiders.  

Sheila: And not just spiders.  A tarantula.  

Keith: Threatening spiders.  He gets to laugh at her.  Okay.  To me, all of this is reprehensible.  Okay.  But what’s happened?  It’s being published in an organization that supports a hierarchal view of husband over wife.  So they’re saying this woman learned that a good wife is submissive and puts up with this kind of stuff, and she—I bet you she goes on to say I had to learn to give it to God and all that kind of stuff.

Sheila: Okay.  Well, here.  Here.  Here.   I’m going to—

Keith: No.  But let me finish because—she goes on to say I learned to lean on God and all this kind of stuff, right?  Because this is the issue.  Because addressing the other way and saying maybe this dude should listen to his wife and this is not a safe place for their place is not even on the table.  And they don’t even realize it’s not on the table.  So it’s their lack of insight about how they’re hurting each other is just—and then they say that we’re painting a picture that it’s harmful when it’s not.

Sheila: I know.  By the way, I don’t want to say there’s anything wrong with living in the middle of nowhere like lots of people live in the middle of nowhere.  

Keith: No.  If you make that decision together as a couple and you both like it and this is what you both want—we know lots of people who—that they’re totally into that kind of thing.  And that’s great.

Sheila: But this wasn’t what she wanted, and she’s the one who is bearing the consequences of it because she’s the one who is responsible for the kids.  She even talks about that.  How she’s the one who had to figure out how many diapers, not him.  Not him.

Keith: And I’ll bet you, at some point, she does self shaming.  Oh, how could I be such an ungrateful wife that my husband is not providing better—that I think about these things?  I’m sure she goes on to that because that’s what they do.

Sheila: That’s the teaching point of the article is how you need to give up resentment.  Okay.  So she has six action steps that wives can take when they start to feel resentment over these little things.  Do you want to guess what those action steps are?  

Keith: So is one of them step up and be a true ezer kenegdo, a partner in the relationship, and stand up for what’s right and just?

Sheila: No.  No, seriously.  Guess what they are?

Keith: I can guess what they are.  Give it to God.  Take it to God in prayer.  

Sheila: Yes.  Pray without ceasing.  Yes.  Mm-hmm.

Keith: Okay.  Realize how much God has forgiven you and forgive your husband just as much.

Sheila: Yeah.  Okay.  Well, here’s on.  “Admit that you have a problem.  Stop blaming your spouse and honestly evaluate your own contributions to marital turmoil.”

Keith: Right.  Okay.  What’s that called?  That’s DARVO, right?  Yeah.  DARVO.  Reverse victim offender.  Yeah.  Yeah.  That’s what that is.  That’s crazy.

Sheila: What else?    

Keith: Okay.  Another one is going to be count your blessings.  Think positively about it.  See what God is teaching you in this.

Sheila: Yeah.  “Make peace a priority.  No argument is worth winning when the love and unity of your marriage is at stake.”  So you’re supposed to make peace.  So basically, don’t bring up the issue.  I’ll just read the other ones.  “Realize that your spouse isn’t your enemy.”  Okay.  That you have an enemy, but it’s not your spouse.

Keith: And it’s the devil.  Right?  It’s not a destructive, selfish way of looking at marriage that I get to make the decisions and put my wife in uncomfortable positions.  She feels bad that she feels bad.  Anyway, whatever.

Sheila: Yeah.  “Refuse to be argumentative.  When something sparks a marriage argument, determine to stop and consider how God would have you respond.”  And then, “seek godly counselors.”  

Keith: And so all of these are directed to the husband, who laughed at the wife about the tarantula incident?

Sheila: No.  They’re all directed to her.  And not a single one of them is draw boundaries.  Not a single one of them is how to actually speak up.  It’s just don’t be argumentative.  Make peace a priority.  Admit that you have a problem.  So nothing about how, hey, maybe I need to speak up.  So she also wrote another article on Spiritual Warfare: When the Enemy Attacks Your Marriage. Okay?  And I’ll just read you a little bit from this article.  “All too often couples turn on each other when they dwell on how their spouse has not measured up to expectations and negative thinking sneaks in to undermine their marriage.  Instead, couples need to stand together against their real enemy, Satan.  In the same way, if you don’t move swiftly at the first feelings of resentment or unforgiveness toward your spouse, you may find contention hiding in your home.”  So the problem when there are issues in your marriage is your attitude.  And this is what we hear over and over again.  The problem is your attitude.  And we’re never told how to actually address issues and build intimacy.  

Keith: Mm-hmm.  Yeah.  Sometimes we do need to take a step back and check our attitude because that’s good advice if it’s advice for both the husband and the wife.  The problem is it’s not.  It’s the advice for the wife because the wife is in the situation where she is in an untenable situation because they’ve set it up that he is in charge and she has to do what she says.  That feels fine for the person who gets to be in charge.  It doesn’t feel so good for the person who is being ruled over.  And so then what happens is she feels resentment, which is a natural, normal human emotion.  So what do they do?  Do they say maybe our way of looking at marriage is faulty?  They go no.  That’s the devil telling you that you’re wrong because this is God’s way of doing it.  So if you don’t like God’s way of doing it, you need to check your resentment because the devil is getting a food hold in your life.  Come on.  Give me a break.  That’s crazy.

Sheila: Yeah.  And then the only solution that is ever given is change your own expectations because all marriage problems stem from the fact that you actually expect to be loved, to be treated well, et cetera.  And if you didn’t expect anything, then you’d have no reason to feel badly.  So it’s all telling you to lower your expectations.  

Keith: And to not be a partner.  To not say, “I know you want to live in the desert with tarantulas, but I don’t.  How do we, as a couple, go forward?”  Not even on the table.  

Sheila: It reminds me so much when I was in that mommy blogger space.  2008 to 2012.  When that was really big.  And I would go on Pinterest when that was big.  And you’d see an article like What To Do When Your Husband Watches Porn, right?  And I’d click on it, and it would say you need to pray.  Okay.  And then there would be another article like What To Do When Your Husband Works Too Much.  And I would click on it, and it would tell you to lower your expectations and to pray.  And it’s like that was the answer for everything.  It was never how do you actually address an issue.  It’s just remember the problem is with you for expecting anything, and you just need to give it to God and not raise an issue.  And it’s like this leaves women in this absolutely helpless position because there is absolutely nothing that they can do to fix a problem.  And I’m seeing this with this woman.  So I want to read to you—and this one is awkward.  I am going to read it.  We could have played it, but she was actually on the Focus on the Family podcast talking about one of her books because she’s written a number of books.  One of them is like I’d Be Happy If Only My Husband Would Change and Other Myths I Tell Myself.  So she’s written so much.  She’s been married over 30 years.  About how often, as women, we think that the solution to our problems is to have our husbands change, but it’s not.  We just need to realize that the issue is our own attitude.  And it’s like why is a woman writing about this all the time.  Right?  So I want to read to you what she says about her own marriage.  So this is a transcript.  And, again, I would rather read it than play it because it’s just—I don’t want her voice on here.  So she says, “In fact, there’s a video on my website of us telling our love story, but he talks more about his 1969 Mach 1 than he does about me.”  That’s a car, I think.  I don’t know.  And then she’s laughing.  “But it’s okay because I learned to drive in that car.”  So she’s saying, we were supposed to be telling our love story, and he’s just talking about this car.  And they’re laughing about it.  And then Jim Daly says, “Oh, and you haven’t taken that personally?”  And Rhonda says, “No, because I loved it too.”  And then she says, “Well, we got married, and then we moved.  And I was working full-time, and he was working full-time.  He was in construction at the time.  So, I’m going to work all day, and it’s the rainy season during construction.  So he would stay home and play Atari with his brother while it was raining.”  And here Jim Daly laughs.  And then she says, “And I would come home, and they would have peanut butter toast.  And it would be all the counter.  And I would just be like, ‘Ooh,’ and I’d clean it up.  ‘Don’t you care what I do all day?’  And I felt myself starting to just not enjoy him because he wasn’t measuring up to my expectations.  And so, as that occurred, it scared me.  I knew the wife I meant to be, and I knew that’s the wife we all long to be, is this amazing woman.  They’re a cheerleader.  We laugh out loud with them.  We have fun with them.”  And Jim said, “So, why do we husbands irritate you so much?”  And she says, “Well, I think it’s because our expectations are so like, ‘If you love me, you would.’”  And Jim says, “Like clean up your peanut butter toast.”  And she says, “Right.  And we assign wrong motives to their actions, and I think that, to me, is where we have to step back.  I want to be in love with my husband till the day one of us dies.  I want to be in love with him long past that, and I want him to be in love with me.”  Now I actually believe her.  I think she’s right.  I think what she wants is to be in love with her husband.  If you read all of these articles she’s written, and I have, she says absolutely nothing that would tell me that this is a man to love.

Keith: Well, here’s the deal.  Okay.  So the problem here is the guy is off work, and he made a mess at lunch.  And she was out busy, and she comes back.  And she has to clean up his mess after him.  At no point, the fact that he should clean up his own mess is ever discussed.  It’s joked about.  And the takeaway message is she needs to learn to not complain and clean up after him.  This is ridiculous.  And then when we attack this, they say, “You’re presenting a character.  We don’t really think of marriage like that.”  But that’s what it’s—what we’re seeing here.  And what I’m seeing here happening is a woman saying to the void, “This is normal, right?  This is normal, right?”  And people aren’t going, “This is not normal.”  They’re going (laughing), and they’re not really attacking it because they don’t want to push over the house of cards.  Right?

Sheila: Yeah.  But not just that.  Focus on the Family portrays her as a real marriage expert.  And she has absolutely nothing to say except don’t expect your husband to actually act in a loving way and to care about you.  And when you expect him to do that, you will cause problems in your marriage.  

Keith: Yeah.  So she says, “I assigned wrong motives to him.”  Okay.  Does she ever come out and say what’s the wrong motive she assigned to him about the peanut butter mess and what was the right motive?  What was the good motive that he had that she told herself, “Actually, I need to think.  It’s the good motive, not the bad motive”?  Because, to me, the bad motive is I think that I have the right to have you clean up after me like my maid.  The good motive is what?  I am just lazy.  There is no good motive that he could have.  Right?  And this is the thing is this man would benefit from a woman who would say, “You’re playing Atari.  Clean up your own dishes.”  He would be a better man if someone called him on that crap.  This is not helping anybody.  It’s only promoting entitlement and allowing this man to become emotionally more and more immature and selfish.

Sheila: Yeah.  And, of course, this is at the beginning of their marriage, right?  This peanut butter toast thing.  And then we know that not too many years later he moves her to the middle of nowhere.  And now when he’s telling their love story, he talks more about the car than he does about her.  And yet, she is this marriage person that we’re all supposed to emulate.  And I’m looking at all these stories, and I’m thinking, “You poor woman.  You poor woman.  You’re trying to process why this marriage hasn’t gone the way that you wanted it too.” And maybe I’m reading too much into this, but over and over again this is what I see in Christian resources is women trying to make sense of it.  

Keith: Well, I think that—on the man’s side too, the same thing happens to the men, right?  Because what’s normal for a man, for a husband, right?  And so in this case, it’s the same thing.  There’s the joke about he talks more about his car than his wife in their love story.  And that’s kind of like putting out their—hey, isn’t that funny.  Ha, ha, ha.  And I would say that’s ridiculous, dude.  You are emotionally stunted.  You need to get a grip on that.  Right?  But that’s not what’s said in these environments because they all think that’s what masculinity is.  I am detached and emotionless, and I’m not connected.  And then you say that to them, and they say, “Oh, we don’t believe that.”  But the way you talk, the examples you hold up of what a manly man is—here’s this manly man going out into the desert, not afraid of tarantulas.  Isn’t he great?  We all want to be like him.  He talks about his car more than his wife.  Isn’t that awesome?  When is the penny going to drop.

Sheila: Yeah.  And it doesn’t.  It doesn’t because Jim Daly just laughs at this.  Right?    

Keith: Yeah.  Because they don’t understand.

Sheila: So, anyway, this brings me to another story.  Over the last few months—well, in 2023, there were two new biographies of Elisabeth Elliot that were published.  One by Lucy Austin, and one by—I forget who the other one is.  I’m sorry.  But both of them deal at length—or at least mention the problems with her third marriage.  So Elisabeth Elliot became really famous because she was married to Jim Elliot, who was one of the missionaries who was murdered in Ecuador.  The five missionaries.  And so Elisabeth Elliot went on to write In Gates of Splendor, and she kind of became this darling of the evangelical world.  Really well known at Wheaton College.

Keith: This very fantastic, one of those old fashioned stories of killed by the people they were trying to reach, and she stayed and persisted in ministry to those people, who had killed her husband.  That kind of story.

Sheila: Stayed with her daughter.  Yeah.  A few years after this she remarried to the love of her life.  I think his name was Alistair Leach.  Could be wrong on that.  And I think they were married for about five years.  He was older than her.  But he died.  So she’s now a widow for the second time.  And then she was single for awhile, and then she married a man named Lars Glen, I think his last name.  Lars Glen.  When she was in her fifties.  And she was married to him for about 35 years.  And when people write the biographies of Elisabeth Elliot, they use her journals because she wrote a lot of journals.  Wheaton College.  They’re all available for researchers.  And so that’s the main thing that people have to write about her life.  But her final husband actually burned all the journals that she wrote when she was married to him, so we don’t have her perspective on that marriage.  But they did interview some friends that—some people that knew her.  And by all accounts, this looks like it was an abusive marriage.

Keith: I was wondering.  Why did he burn the journals?

Sheila: He was really controlling.  He would dissect her talks.  He made her keep speaking even when she had Alzheimer’s, and she would lose her train of thought.  He kept the gravy train going.  It’s just a really, really problematic relationship.  There was a really interesting article that—in The Revealer, which I will put a link to which goes over a lot of these issues and what both biographies say.   But it is quite clear that this was a really, really difficult time for her as she was trying to make sense of the marriage.  And what I find so fascinating is that we know Elisabeth Elliot as someone who was really influential in purity culture.  Writing Let Me Be a Woman, talking about how important it is, how the essence of womanhood is sacrifice, and to become nothing, and to die to self.  This is what women are supposed to do.  She wrote all that while she was in a marriage that was likely very emotionally abusive.  And so how much of the evangelical literature that is written to women was really women in difficult situations trying to make sense of it?  And not being able to.  And so they’re processing it.  And the only recourse they have is just to say, “This can’t matter to me.  I need to love God more and change my expectations.”  And that’s what we see over and over again from people that, looking back on it, were actually in really, really abusive situations.

Keith: Because they’re living with that cognitive dissonance of my husband is in charge of me and this is not fair, but I’m not allowed to say it’s not fair because this is the way that God designed marriage.  So what do I do?  And all this comes out.  Instead of saying, “No.  It’s not fair.  It’s not right.  There must be a different way.  God can’t have meant marriage to be there,” because they’re not willing to do that because it just threatens their whole underlying philosophy of how the world works.  And it’s just sad.

Sheila: And when you think about how much Elisabeth Elliot influenced evangelical culture and how might it have been different if she weren’t in that marriage because she had an outsized influence.  And Liz Charlotte Grant, at the end of this article in The Revealer, wrote this, “Now I’m left pondering Elliot’s legacy.  Consider how different her legacy would have been had she divorced her abusive husband.  How would a celebrity divorce like Elliot’s have changed evangelicalism?  How might Elliot herself have changed?  In fact, how might evangelicalism be changed now by this revelation about Elliot?  That is if the public hears the truth at all.”  And that’s just what I want to challenge us with is let’s think critically about these articles that focus on the family is sharing as if they are some sort of nuggets of wisdom when they give women absolutely no real tools except to ignore and push down the problems in their marriage.  And they’re written by people who, when they describe their marriage, looks like there’s some pretty difficult, not good dynamics there that they’re not admitting to themselves.  Maybe we just need to think more critically about who is it that we are taking advice from.  And when people are writing this stuff, what are their own circumstances like?  And yeah.  And look what happened to Elisabeth Elliot.  And how much is this influencing how we see marriage?  And I find it sad that nobody said to this woman writing these articles, “Hey, that’s not normal.  You didn’t have to put up with that.  I’m really sorry.”  

Keith: Yeah.

Sheila: Well, I am so pleased to have on the podcast again my friend, Sarah McDugal from Wilderness to Wild.  Hello, Sarah.

Sarah: Hi, Sheila.  It’s fun to be back.

Sheila: Yeah.  And, of course, you were on our number one podcast from 2023 when we talked about Power of a Praying Wife.  You and Gretchen Baskerville.   

Sarah: I heard that.

Sheila: Yes.  So thank you for that.    

Sarah: Yeah.  What’s up with that? 

Sheila: I think that one really struck a nerve.  And I’m thinking that this one will strike a nerve too.  I wanted to you on to tell—so that you can help me tell the story of something we were both involved in back in December.  So to set the stage, on December 19, Focus on the Family published on their Facebook page a testimony.  And do you want to explain sort of what the gist of the testimony was?  

Sarah: So I’m going to paraphrase, and I’m not trying to be exactly precise because I’m doing this from memory.  

Sheila: I’ll post screenshots and links in the podcast notes, so people can go back and look if they—yeah.  

Sarah: Okay, perfect.  Perfect.  So here’s the things that stood out to me.  She was pregnant with her fifth child.  She had been with her husband for 10 years.  So that’s five kids in less than 10 years which is bam, bam, bam.  That’s fast.  That’s a lot.  She’s extremely vulnerable because she’s pregnant with baby number five and chasing four of them.  And her husband is caught in adultery, having an affair, and he becomes violently dangerous.  So much so that it’s not like, oh, the cops get called, and nobody did anything (distorted audio) par for the course.  But that he is convicted and goes to jail.  So he’s serving jail time.

Sheila: And to clarify, this is very unusual.  Most abusers do not end up in jail even if they really do hurt their wives or kids.  

Sarah: Yes.  No.  It’s incredibly rare for someone to actually serve time for domestic violence assault.  That means it had to be a heinous level of violence.  Their lives were in danger.  This was not a shove or a push or—those things are not good either.  Those are still domestic violence.  This is an intensely high level of domestic violence.  So the woman and her now five children flee to family.  And then he’s in jail.  Now another aspect of the story—and it wasn’t shared whether this happened before or after he was in jail.  But she also had cancer and went through treatment with zero help or support from her abusive husband.  

Sheila: Right.  

Sarah: Abandonment during cancer treatment.  We have criminal levels of assault, plus adultery, all of these things.  Then the happy little bow at the end of it is that she called Focus on the Family.  They told her to pray and love her husband more.  And now they are (inaudible).  So we just leaped from jail time for a 12 out of 10 or whatever of—on a scale of 1 to 10, this is—it has to be a 10 for someone to go to jail for it, right?  So we leap over to the work that needed to be done and the accountability that needed to be done.  Any transformational work or rehab or anything else.  We called Focus on the Family, and now we hold Love and Respect—what was the word?

Sheila: Courses.  Yeah.  They teach.

Sarah: Conferences or courses.  We teach Love and Respect to small groups.  And yay.  Hunky dory.  

Sheila: Yeah.  Everything is fine.  Yeah.  They called Focus on the Family, and they recommended Love and Respect resources to them.  And the husband repented and was restored, and now they teach Love and Respect courses in their church.   

Sarah: Regardless of who ended up changing their behavior, they now teach other people to do the same thing.  So we have a convicted felon for assaulting his own family while cheating on his wife whose leading Love and Respect.  And I really just don’t think that’s the magical turnaround flex that Focus on the Family seems to think that it is.

Sheila: Yeah.  So they publically admitted that they recommend Love and Respect in families where the husband has been so violent he’s been jailed, and they publically admitted that they’re proud that this couple teaches Love and Respect courses.  And they did this as a testimony.  Okay.  So here’s the thing, Sarah.  And you’ve been in this situation because you teach a lot on domestic abuse and on understanding the abuse cycle.  And you were in such a marriage yourself and have now been released from that and you’re out of that.  And you’re safe, and your kids are safe.  How would you feel if, in the midst of the worst part of your marriage where you’re trying to figure out what you can do to keep this marriage together, you read a testimony that says, “Here’s this couple where he was in jail.  And she prayed, and she read Love and Respect.  And everything is fine”?

Sarah: Well, to me, the message with that is you’re not praying enough.  And this one book is your magic bullet.  Also there are some subtext messages.  There’s messages behind the message.  That’s the message on its face.  You’re not praying enough.  You’re not loving enough.  Bad, wifey.  Bad, bad, wifey.

Sheila: Yeah.  Or respecting enough.  Respect.  You’re not respecting enough.

Sarah: And you’re not respecting enough.  So his behavior is completely unaddressed.  I’m a bad wife because I’m not loving, praying, respecting, and just being silent enough.  In other words, for me, that would have translated as I have not erased myself as a human yet enough to make sure I don’t trigger him and these things.  If I was pregnant with my fifth kid in 9 or 10 years, I would also be thinking, “Wow.  I haven’t given him enough sex.  I’m too ugly.  I’ve gained weight.  I’ve had five pregnancies.  My body doesn’t look the same.”  So there would be a ton of shame because good husbands adore their wives while their wives are growing their child.  Good husbands are supportive and surrounding their wife with tenderness and the opportunity to rest as much as they can provide and helping with the other children as a full time coparent should, as an equal parent.  They’re not off committing adultery and doing other things outside of the home.  So all of that—it’s this big, huge, tangled ball of yarn.  I know you like yarn.  It’s like you let your cats loose on a skein of yarn, and it’s just all tangled up.  But the core message is that she is not godly enough because he’s doing these things.  It removes all of his individual choice.  

Sheila: Yeah.  This testimony was used to encourage people to use Focus on the Family counseling, and their counseling phone number was put there.  It had the slogan—and it was right before Christmas.  “All I want for Christmas is for my marriage,”—what was it?  For my marriage to stay together.  So it was directed at people who were desperately fighting for their marriage who is usually the partner that is being sinned against.  Right?  The person who is desperately fighting for their marriage—

Sarah: Yes.  The victim in the relationship is the one desperate to—

Sheila: Yes.  And so it’s directed at them, and it’s saying, “Hey, you can call our counseling number, and we’re going to help you.”  The problem with this is that the one who needs to save the marriage, the one who needs to do the work, the one who needs to change to save this marriage is not the victim.  It’s the perpetrator.  If this marriage is going to be restored, it needs to be because the perpetrator changes, not because the victim figured out how to further abase themselves or further become nothing.  By holding out stories like this one, what they’re basically saying is you need to wait longer.  You need to try harder.  And if you’re actually thinking of leaving, you’re wrong because it means you don’t believe that God can restore this marriage.  And we talked about this in that podcast, and I’ll put a link to it on Power of a Praying Wife on how it’s not up to us to pray someone to change.  God doesn’t interfere with free will.  And people can choose not to change, right?  And so it’s not—we can’t change an abusive spouse.  And this is very much the message that’s being given.    

Sarah: You cannot love him into good behavior.  You cannot control him into kindness.  You cannot boundary him into faithfulness.  He is an independent, autonomous adult human, and he, unfortunately for you—if this is your story—he has the right to choose bad things.  

Sheila: Yeah.  And people were saying—

Sarah: He has the freedom.  I wouldn’t say the right, but he has the freedom to choose bad things.

Sheila: Well, actually, God gives him the right.  God gives all of us the right to choose bad things. Right?  

Sarah: (cross talk)

Sheila: Yeah.  And that’s bad.  But we have the right to choose wrong.  And people were saying, “Okay.  But why are you criticizing this testimony?  Because isn’t it amazing that that happened to her.”  But the problem is when we hold up the testimony like that there is that underlying subtext, which is that the responsibility for saving this marriage is on you.  And the ability to change this marriage is in your hands when it’s not.    

Sarah: Yes.  And I think there’s something even a bit on the data side.  Now you’re the data queen.  Not me.  But tell me if you agree with this.  So when we are, let’s say, just ethically—let’s say I’m putting up testimonials for one of my coaching courses which I do.  Yes.  I’m going to want to choose testimonials of people who enjoyed the course.  But ethically, I’m not going to choose one anomalous outlier and make it look like it’s the baseline.  I’m going to pick from so many people who all had equally good things to say.  So when we have a testimony like this, if anyone has done (distorted audio) violence victims, betrayal trauma victims, et cetera, you know that—let’s just give this testimony the benefit of the doubt that it’s not an urban legend that somehow has just been concocted for the purpose of advertisement.  But let’s say it’s real.  Let’s say this particular person, this couple, experienced a miraculous transformation.  That’s less than like 1 to 2% of the people experiencing this.  You cannot ethically hold up a microfraction of people’s experiences and present your counseling, your Love and Respect books, or whatever else as though this is the baseline.  This is the norm.  This is pretty much guaranteed to happen for you if you just follow our formula.  When we’re giving information to a victim, you were saying that the victim is not the one who needs to change.  The perpetrator is the one who needs to change.  And I absolutely agree.  But I would say there is also information that should be given to the victim about how they are able to change, and that is you have the right to stand up against this in safe and healthy and strategic ways.  You have the right to leave this.  You have the right to safety.  You have the right to not continue trapped in this.  And without that message, it’s not just bad.  It’s unethical.  It’s (cross talk).

Sheila: I think about it like this.  Imagine there was a hospital wing, and we know there is such a wing where there are children with terminal cancer.  Okay.  They are not going to make it.  And so the hospital invites a speaker in to address the parents.  And the speaker comes in and says, “My child had terminal cancer, and my child was on death’s door.  And they weren’t given very long to live, and I prayed.  And that child was healed.”  Now if the hospital did that, they would be sued.  Or most likely, they didn’t realize the speaker was going to say this.  And as soon as the speaker did, they would usher that speaker out of there, and they would apologize because that is a terrible thing to say to those parents.  And we all know that because their kids are probably going to die.  And so what those parents need to know is you can get through this.  God is with you.  It is normal to feel like you’re dying.  It is normal to be in immense places of grief.  Okay?  That’s what those parents need to know is how can we get to the place where we can accept this, where we can live through it, where we’re not going to go crazy.  Right?  But telling parents, “Hey, here is someone prayed, and their kid got better,” that’s like saying, “If you don’t pray hard enough, then you’re responsible if your kid dies.”  And that’s essentially the message that we are giving to abused women because you know what?  Yes.  It is possible for God to heal terminally ill children.  And I believe that He does.  I believe that miracles can happen.  The point of a miracle is that it’s rare.  It’s really, really rare.  If it were not rare, it would not be a miracle.  And so I would put the chance of a child being healed from terminal cancer in roughly the same place as the chance of a man, who has been in jail for domestic violence becoming an honest to goodness loving husband.  I think those are very analogous.  And yet, we don’t think twice about sharing those testimonies about these men, who have been changed after being in jail.  

Sarah: It goes back to that religious and spiritual malpractice because you’re holding up a miraculous rarity.  And you’re holding out false hope.  They’re peddling hopium.  

Sheila: Yeah.  And it’s wrong.  And the interesting thing, though, about this in particular is that I have been in extended conversations with Focus on the Family a couple of years ago about Love and Respect.  And a number of my readers wrote in to Focus on the Family to complain about how Love and Respect is a dangerous book, and their reply was, “Well, we don’t recommend it for people in—who are having severe marital problems or serious marital difficulties.  This is really for run of the mill marriages.”  And so that’s what they had said publically back then.  But here they are publically acknowledging that they recommend Love and Respect when someone has been jailed for domestic violence.  

Sarah: And has been actively committing adultery.  

Sheila: Right.  So either they think adultery and domestic violence are not serious marriage issues, or they were lying to my readers.  And they do recommend the book, and they were just trying to get out of it.  So I actually wrote an email to Jim Daly at Focus on the Family with excerpts from the letters that Focus has sent to my readers and with this post and said, “So what is it?  Do you recommend Love and Respect?”  Because that’s what Emerson Eggerichs is always saying, right?  “Well, this book is only for good-willed spouses.”  Okay.  But then in his book, he has multiple examples of men, who have committed domestic—physical domestic violence including one story that bears remarkable similarity to this testimonial, okay?  At Focus on the Family.  Where a man had been jailed for domestic violence and then he has this come to Jesus moment, and they reconcile.  And the reason Emerson Eggerichs shares this story is to praise the wife, who promised that she would never bring up the domestic violence again and was going to choose to, instead, unconditionally respect her husband now.  And he has multiple examples of physically abusive spouses.  So he says his book is only for good-willed spouses, but the way he defines good will is merely that a man says that he is fine now and repents.  That’s it.  That is it.  And it’s just so dangerous.

Sarah: We all know that that is just—it’s not how it works.  

Sheila: No.  Exactly.

Sarah: That’s how women and children get dead.  

Sheila: Yeah.  It is.  It absolutely is.  And I believe that this is malpractice both on Focus on the Family’s part and on Emerson Eggerich’s part.  And, again, I will include the emails that I sent to Jim Daly and the links to these posts in the podcast notes.  But what was really interesting about this whole episode, Sarah, is I commented on that post early and was very quickly blocked.  You commented on it when I sent it to you.      

Sarah: Delete.  Delete.

Sheila: And you were blocked.  We had thousands of people comment, and so many were blocked.  Focus on the Family ended up editing that post several times trying to get themselves out of hot water.  And then they finally stopped editing the post and just let it stand.  They added a disclaimer that they don’t stand—that you should call the domestic violence hotline if you’re being abused.  But that disclaimer makes no sense because they’re saying, “Here’s this woman whose husband was in jail for domestic abuse, and she called us.  We recommended Love and Respect, and now her marriage is restored.  But, of course, if you’re a victim of domestic abuse, you should call the domestic violence hotline.  But here’s our number to speak to our counselors.”  Their disclaimer makes no sense.  Right?  But what was really encouraging was just how many people saw what was wrong.  I think it’s one of the first times that I have really seen the Christian world—the Christian online world—go, “Uh-uh.  That ain’t okay.  This is not okay.”  And thousands of people showed up.  

Sarah: I had the same feeling.  I even wrote a post about it on my page where I just said look.  20 years ago everyone was reading Power of a Praying Wife and Love and Respect.  And (distorted audio) on relationships.  10 years ago a handful of people were saying this ain’t right.  Something is not right.  But it was still kind of like a something is not right.  It wasn’t let’s break this down.  Here are all the reasons why this is abuse and malpractice and unethical and why these things don’t work.  Here’s the data.  And five years ago there were a number of advocates using data.  This time the rank and file, the masses of people, have had enough exposure that thousands and thousands of people had an outpouring of refusal to accept blindly dangerous information just because it has a big name—a mega millions corporation attached to it.  And so in the last two decades, we’ve gone from blind acceptance to a handful of people saying this ain’t right to people spreading reliable data in an educational way to masses refusing to blindly follow just because of who is posting it or just because it sounds inspiring on the face of it.  I actually have this T-shirt in my shop with (distorted audio) has this huge tidal wave.  And the hash tag underneath is tidal wave rising about rising voices of people who are seeing more and more clearly.  People who are refusing to just accept the status quo even when it’s toxic.  And I think that’s incredibly beautiful.

Sheila: Yeah.  I think it is starting to really change the church and change the world.  It was like an early Christmas gift for me.  A lot of this was happening on my actual anniversary, so I wasn’t even online when a lot of it was breaking.  But I was desperately trying to copy comments before Focus on the Family deleted them, and I think I copied about a thousand that were later deleted.  And then I think there’s still 2,000 comments up, but they deleted the vast majority of them.  Their moderators were very busy for awhile there, and they were blocking people right, left, and center.

Sarah: I feel bad for their moderators.  Here are people speaking truth and saying, “Please don’t do this.”  And really my heart goes out to whoever was given—that must have been a rough couple of days because—

Sheila: Well, and I was actually telling commenters, “If you go and comment, just speak directly to the moderators,” and just say, “I know you love Jesus.  I know you took this job because you want to serve Jesus.  But are you serving Jesus right now?  There’s so many ways to do that.  You don’t need to have this job.  Think about what you’re doing.”  And I saw a bunch of people make those comments before they were deleted.  But I do feel for the people who are working at Focus on the Family and at a lot of these big places because they did get the job because they love Jesus.  And they didn’t realize what was going on.  And I have a lot of Focus on the Family employees contacting me privately saying, “Yeah.  This isn’t a good place.”  It is scary, and there’s a lot of that happening.  But this was just such an incredibly—it was just so encouraging to me.  And I’m sure it was to you too to realize this isn’t our fight anymore.  This isn’t our fight anymore because people are there.  People are there, and they notice what’s going on.  And they’re going to—we’re becoming an army.  A tidal wave like you said.  And we can speak up, and we don’t have to accept this anymore.  We don’t have to accept this anymore.  And when people speak up, it really does make a difference.  And it was really great to see that happening in December.  And so I guess I just want to say to my listeners if you see something that’s seriously off, okay?  That some mega church pastor is posting or some big organization it’s okay to comment.  It is okay to leave your honest to goodness thoughts and just know that you’re not alone.  Often what will happen is that they delete the ones that will agree with you, and so you feel like no one said this yet.  But probably there has been.  But it’s okay to speak up.    

Sarah: Well, and I just want to throw in as well sometimes we have really strong feelings, especially survivors—really intense feelings about this kind of topic.  And remember take this with you.  That if you speak to data and you speak to educational awareness rather than getting vitriolic or really aggressive and angry, you will have much more power and impact, not only on the people who may be behind whatever it is that you’re addressing but on anyone whose watching.  If you come across strident and abrasive, it may be fully justified because of what you’ve been through and the anger you feel.  I’m not saying you don’t have a right to your feelings.  I’m saying when we are trying to stand up, to speak truth where people are accustomed to just accepting a status quo that is not healthy, it’s really, really good for us to be Christ like and kind in how we approach it.  And sometimes the tone and the attitude of how we approach that can be even more thought provoking than the good things we’re saying.

Sheila: Yeah.  Yeah.  Amen.  So yeah.  Speak up.  The world is changing.  The church is changing, and people are going to have to take notice.  And this was a great learning opportunity for so many, I think.  I was grateful just that Focus on the Family publically admitted that they think a person who was jailed for domestic violence makes a good Love and Respect marriage leader because it’s good to have that stuff out there public so that they can’t deny it anymore.  And it’s clear where they stand.  But much more than that, it was just that all of those people stood up and said, “No.  This isn’t okay.  This isn’t okay.”  And we need to start protecting people, and we need to stop putting the burden of fixing an abusive marriage on the victim because—yeah.  Not all right.  Not safe.  And those people deserve to be safe.  So yeah.  So thank you for speaking up.  Thanks for spreading the word.  Thanks for being part of that tidal wave.  And yeah.  We’ll see what happens next.

Sarah: I can’t wait.  It won’t be long I’m sure.  There will always be something.

Sheila: There’s always something.  There’s always something.  So where can people find you, Sarah?   

Sarah: So you can find my stuff at www.wildernesstowild.com.  And I’m Sarah McDugal Wilderness to Wild on Facebook.  That’s pretty much where I hang out.  Facebook.  Just a little bit on Instagram @sarahmcdugal.  But our coaching and courses and workshops and free many courses, free resources, free mobile app, all of that you can get on the wildernesstowild.com website.

Sheila: Awesome.  Well, thanks so much.     

Sarah: Thank you.  It was good to talk about this.

Sheila: So grateful to Sarah for joining us.  And it’s interesting.  Since we recorded this podcast, the story about Elisabeth Elliot has really erupted on social media.  And if I had known it was going to, I would have spent more on the podcast on that.  But, again, I’m just left with this tremendous sense of sadness.  Because as the conversation has unfolded on social media, it’s just so clear that Elisabeth Elliot was this really interesting thinker, who was thinking outside the box and wrestling with things in a really nuanced way until she got into that third marriage.  And then she just got increasingly fundamentalist and so many of her writings on marriage, which happened during that time, were all about how the essence of felinity is to empty yourself, to become nothing, how women were created to die basically in all kinds of different ways.  And I’m just left with this picture of Elisabeth Elliot and my friends that I knew who were blogging and this woman on Focus on the Family who wrote all those articles and even this woman who wrote this testimonial that Focus on the Family published about her husband, who was jailed for domestic violence, I just see all of these women desperately, desperately trying to make sense out of their lives.  And the only way that they can make sense out of it is to feel like there is something that I should do to make myself nothing to give this meaning.  So I just need to empty myself more, to stop expecting anything, to stop wanting anything, to give myself entirely to Jesus because I am the problem.  But what if Jesus actually loves you?  What if Jesus actually cares about you?  What if He isn’t asking you to empty yourself more?  But what if He’s saying I want more for you?  And the fact that the church can’t say that to women, and the fact that women as we’ve been trying to figure this out when we’ve been in terrible situations have just continually gas lighted ourselves instead of seeing the truth.  It’s sad.  I wish that Elisabeth Elliot could have had more.  I wish this woman who was writing for Focus on the Family could have had more.  I wish the woman that Sarah and I talked about is safe now.  I don’t know that she is.  But we’ve got to better, church, because Jesus loves us.  And He doesn’t just want us to become nothing so that husbands can keep hurting us.  That’s not of God.  And we’ve got to stop it.  So that’s what we’re here to do on Bare Marriage.  Thank you for joining us.  And next week we’re going to have a little bit more fun because we are going to have the party for the third anniversary of Great Sex Rescue.  And hopefully, by the time this podcast airs, I will be a grandmother again because we are recording this early since my youngest daughter, Katie, is due any day.  So look in the blog for more updates on that, and I will see you again next week for our birthday party for GSR.  Bye-bye.

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Julia Kautt

    You asked how different things would be in the evangelical world if Elisabeth Elliott had divorced her third husband. IMHO, I seriously doubt it would’ve had a positive-growth impact. The evangelical industrial complex would not have tolerated anything that looked like they were open to a paradigm shift. I think she would’ve been tarred and feathered and set up as an example of a good girl gone rogue. (When your cash cow dies, you gotta do damage control.) Or maybe the divorce would’ve been swept under the rug and she would’ve been ghosted.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yes, I think you’re right. But perhaps all her writings about how women need to erase themselves wouldn’t have been written, or become as popular? And so much of what came after, like I Kissed Dating Goodbye, was influenced by her. I wonder that.

    • Dee

      Back in the 90s when I read Elisabeth Elliot’s book Passion and Purity, I had some real reservations regarding what she wrote about her first husband, who died young as a martyr.

      I remember thinking he actually was kind of bad to her. I also remember thinking that if he had not died, their marriage would not have turned out well.

      I respect his martyrdom, don’t get me wrong, but something struck me as really being off about her first marriage.

      My friends all thought their courtship story was romantic. But I sure did not.

    • KJ

      If she’d divorced him, I absolutely believe she’d have been canceled hard. And I don’t know what she would’ve done with herself at that point. (Were there Walmart greeters in the late 70s?) Over fifty when she married him, only thing she knew how to do was ministry (being a missionary first, then books and speaking engagements – all of which would’ve been off the table for a divorcee) so if she’d been canceled, she would’ve been left with no way to support herself. Let’s imagine (because I don’t have any facts or timeline on the subject – I need to read that new biography) that things with Lars were good for the first few years but then escalated…that’s still only the early 80s. Is anyone talking about verbal and emotional abuse at this point? Why Does He Do That? doesn’t come out until 2003 and The Emotionally Destructive Marriage a decade after that…so I’m not sure she’d have had a market for a book about her experiences of mistreatment. So instead – as you’ve mentioned it seems many have done, Sheila – instead of dealing with the wrong that had been done her and healing from it, she doubled down and wrote books normalizing it for others. I wonder what she could’ve done if she’d had the resources to leave and therapy to help her stop normalizing the way men had treated her.

  2. Codec

    Tarantulas don’t typically bite people however their hair can cause itching and chest congestion. That could really hurt a child.

    Man it is wild to me. Nothing about this is helpful to their family.

    • Lisa Johns

      Not to mention that the thing was ON FIRE!!

      • Codec

        The Tarantuls didn’t deserve thst and neither did the lady in the article.

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        And the husband laughed. Yep.

        • Codec

          Justice for tarantula.

          • Sheila Wray Gregoire

            HAHA! That made me laugh.

          • Lisa Johns

            Yes!! lol!

          • Nessie


    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Exactly. It’s such a cruel, entitled mindset on behalf of the husband.

  3. Lisa Johns

    In looking back, I would absolutely have been one of those mommy bloggers if I’d had the bandwidth. I know that I gave really bad comfort to people in really horrible situations, and it was based on me trying to rationalize and justify my own extremely unhealthy marriage. I have actually contacted people I haven’t seen in YEARS to apologize for the things that I said!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      It’s really, really common. It’s one way people can process things and convince themselves they’re fine when they’re not!

  4. Jo R

    Tone warning:

    Are husbands EVER held to account the way wives are? Are there ANY Focus on the Phallus 🍆 articles telling husbands that they’re in fact married, as opposed to the wedding ceremony having been a hiring event for a housekeeper-cook-accountant-breeder who supplies the boss with orgasms on demand?

    Do husbands complaining about lack of sex ever get told, “You just need to pray more that your wife will be interested in sex after three decades of her never having an orgasm”?

    Why, if men are such natural leaders, are they NEVER held responsible for the outcomes of their leadership? 🙄

    • Boone

      Well, actually yes. Being told to “love her like Jesus” and to pray more is very common advice given by the evangelical world to men who go to the preacher for sexual problems. At least for the ones that come through my office.

      • Lisa Johns

        Yes, I have heard that advice given to men as well as women. It’s equally harmful. We MUST do better.

      • Jo R

        Interesting, since I don’t recall that being the advice in any of the books I read, like His Needs Her Needs, Act of Marriage, or Intended for Pleasure.

        All the advice was directed at women putting out more, and doing so joyfully. 🤮

    • Laura

      Focus on the Phallus is really what this organization should be called. At least, that’s how they act. It’s all about Phallus worship. If you have a penis, then you qualify as a leader and main decision maker.

      • Dee

        OMG I can’t stop laughing.

  5. Tracy

    Former mommy blogger here and you are absolutely right. What you said describes my experience. I did write about how I could be a better wife and home manager and parent so that my husband would be happy and the house and children would not disturb him. If he was cranky about the dishes or noise levels, it was because I had not done enough. When he looked at porn or flirted openly with women in public it was because I wasn’t doing enough.
    I totally believed that my expectations were the problem and I had no right to expect anything from my husband. I subscribed to the thinking that marriage was about making us holy, not happy. I desperately wanted to please God and felt like I had to continually die to self and trust Him more. I wrote about those latter parts, but never shared anything negative about my husband….that would be sinful! This continued until I reached the point where I couldn’t “die to self” any more and contemplated actually just dying because I could not continue surviving with the black hole of entitlement and expectations from my husband. I felt hopeless and ready to give up on my faith because I just couldn’t do it anymore.
    God met me there and started to show me that He never expected me to live like that and that He cares about me and loves me. It took a few years for me to sort out who He is and who I am. I invited my husband to a different dance within our marriage, a dance as partners. I expressed my expectations and emotions. But after 30 years and six children, our marriage ended. (It had died many, many years before, but I just refused to see it.). My marriage and family were idols that required me to sacrifice myself. Jesus, however, came that we may have life abundantly! Our hope and expectation are in Him. I regret what I wrote all those years ago. I was gaslighting myself and my readers, but of course I did not know what gaslighting was back then.
    I appreciate people like you and Sarah who are writing and speaking truth against the idolization of marriage.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, wow, Tracy! Thank you for sharing that. I’m so sorry that the evangelical culture we were in taught you that the answer was to make yourself nothing, rather than partnership and boundaries. I’m glad you’re able to heal now!

    • Lisa Johns

      Thank you for sharing so honestly. I hope you are well and happy. <3

  6. Janet

    Sheila, you may be on the right track re: women writing in order to make some sense of their own marriages. Shannon Ethridge wrote, “One of the 24 professional counselors I consulted about our marital dynamic asked ‘Shannon, how many books have you written?’ When I responded 22, she replied, ‘Wow. That’s a lot of pain.’ I wept. She got it. She knew I had been trying to save myself and my own marriage all along. I had studied and researched relentlessly like a woman with her hair on fire.”

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, wow. What an interesting quote!

  7. NM

    I’ve been struggling since the news of Elisabeth Elliott’s abusive marriage came out. I read Let Me
    be a Woman and Passion and Purity as a senior in high school. My mom gave them to me on someone’s recommendation (I don’t think she read them herself, but I didn’t know that then). And because she was such a giant of the faith in my idealistic young eyes, I took her words like gospel. It is devastatingly painful to look back and see that I literally shaped my own outlook into the mindset of an abused woman, thinking it was holy.

    THANK GOD I married a good man. But he does have some rough edges, and in those early years I never pushed back. I thought my job was to submit so thoroughly that he would never be upset with me. His anger over anything felt like my own complete and utter failure.

    I remember about 5-7 years into marriage, reading some things about emotional abuse for the first time. It really freaked me out because I could completely relate to the feelings involved. It was so confusing because I knew my husband wasn’t abusive, but I had put myself into the “walking on eggshells” mindset anyway. It wasn’t until years later, when Sheila said “your feeling matter as much as your husband’s,” that I began to see how wife-only submission is inherently abusive. It was a years long road of untangling.

    When I learned to speak up, draw boundaries, and hold my husband accountable, it got really rocky. He was so used to me being one way and I had enabled some bad habits on his part. But we have made huge progress and I truly feel like I matter to him (and to myself! And to God!) as an equal in the marriage now. But if only I hadn’t squashed my own voice in the early years. We could have avoided so much heartache.

    Thank you for all you do. I know I’ve said it many times but God has used you to change my life so much.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yes! This is what I hear from so many women! When we internalize this stuff we actually act as an abuse victim, even if our husbands aren’t bad men. And then we can inadvertently create those dynamics. It’s so awful!

    • CMT

      NM-other than reading passion and purity (it was different books, but influenced by same view of femininity, for me), I could have written pretty much all of this. Relationship problems escalating because I was busy gaslighting myself instead of being honest with myself and my husband about what I wanted and needed. Struggling to change once we realized the problem, because we never built healthy conflict resolution skills. The sick, confused feeling when I recognized myself in dark parts of stories that are actually nothing like mine. I think you’re right-many of us were taught a model of relationships that is in itself abusive. It’s a system that teaches women to idealize and spiritualize the posture of an abuse victim, even when they themselves aren’t in abusive relationships. It’s craziness and it needs to stop.

      • NM

        Thanks for sharing, CMT. I’ve beaten myself up for being so gullible so it helps to know I’m not alone. 💗

  8. Nathan Wachsmuth

    The entire time I listened to the story you were telling I was asking myself, “Do the people at Focus really think this sounds like a victory? This sounds like something they should report with shame, not glee. Ugh I’m going to have to unsubscribe from their emails cause I’m sick of this happening in organizations that purport to love God. Beginning to suspect they love dogma more than Christ. They would rather be “right” (in their extremely limited view) than loving.

    On another separate note, have you ever considered bringing Dr. Lynneth Miller Renberg on the podcast? If you ever were to do another “history of women in the church” themed episode, she’d be a resource you should NOT pass up, especially on the intersection of medieval womanhood and religion.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, thank you for the recommendation!

  9. KJ

    Elisabeth Elliot…oh my.

    It took me well into adulthood to realize how much my views about a lot of things were shaped by reading Passion and Purity when I was 19. At the time it was a hopeful love story for hopeless me. But what I didn’t realize I had internalized until decades later was this: if I’m not getting what I want, it’s because I didn’t pray and read the Bible hard enough. Because that seemed to be what it took for Elisabeth Elliot to get Jim’s attention. In college there was a guy I had a serious crush on, for an embarrassingly long time. That was never going to happen, but he didn’t tell me that directly (he vented to all of our mutual friends, and one of them finally cracked and told me he found me unattractive and annoying and wished I would just go away) – but in hindsight, even if he had, I really think my instinct would’ve been to say “Well, I just need to double down on my devotions, and God will change his heart, because God changed Jim Elliot’s heart when he wasn’t sure about Elisabeth, and they had a beautiful love story and we will too!”

    I hadn’t heard that Elisabeth Elliot’s third and final marriage may have been abusive until just the past few days. But if it was abusive, toxic, or just…not great, I’m wondering if her courtship and marriage to Jim might not have laid the foundation for that? If you read Passion & Purity, you see that their first date was him showing up at her dorm to ask her out on the spot so he can give her a lecture on being too reticent and not being outgoing and friendly enough. She’s already fairly smitten with him, so instead of going “K thanks bye,” she works harder on bettering herself in the areas he says she’s lacking. He then leads her on this 5.5-year wild goose chase where sometimes he feels very sure he’s in love with her and other times he has no peace about it. He spends time with her and then gets a guilty conscience about how far they went physically (her taking his arm when they walked together being one of the offenses mentioned.) A year after Jim first declares his love, his own MOTHER tells Elisabeth to deliver an ultimatum or he’ll never make up his mind, and it’s another 3-plus years beyond that before they’re engaged. Even after that, he keeps making her jump through hoops, like learning a specific language before he’ll marry her. He reminds her when she turns 26 that she’s “passing the youth mark” (but assures her that HE still thinks she’s as fresh and young as ever.) And then after all of this, they’re married for just over two years and he’s dead, but it’s this amazing “unspeakably worth the wait” love story that she packages and sells to the masses. After going through all that in her formative years, would an abusive relationship later on really come as a surprise? It’s as if she’d been conditioned over time to believe she didn’t deserve unconditional love, that she had to continually run faster and jump higher to measure up. Her consistent teachings about women just needing to die to self fall in line nicely with that sort of background.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Compltely agree, KJ! She had already taught herself to make herself a pretzel to appease God and the man she’s married to. It’s all so heartbreaking!

  10. Laura

    Why do we elevate people who seem to be in destructive marriages?

    I think it’s part of the martyr complex that the evangelical culture loves to push. We are called to be different from the world so we should never divorce because that’s what the world does is their way of thinking. We love those miracle stories and as a Celebrate Recovery leader for nearly seven years, I have heard many testimonies of how the hardest criminals have turned their lives around for Christ. No longer in prison or addiction, they are now serving God and being good spouses and parents to their kids. While I have heard testimonies of former drug addicts who abused their spouses, once they got clean, saved, and changed their lives, they were no longer abusive (physically) to their wives, yet some of those marriages I have witnessed show signs of verbal abuse. Just because there is no longer physical abuse, does not mean the abuse is gone. Other types of abuse are not acknowledged by a lot of Christians.

    In women’s Bible studies, if I talked about how God gave me the courage to leave a sexually abusive marriage, I was sometimes met with uncomfortable silence. Then later was told that if my ex and I had sought “godly” counseling, our marriage could have survived. If I had just prayed more, fasted, been a good, obedient wife, then he would have changed. I guess some of these women never once heard the “sexual abuse” part of why I left. I know God was not upset with me, but I’d leave these Bible studies feeling like He was mad at me and punishing me by keeping me single for so many years. No, God was not punishing me at all! He told me to get to safety and I am glad I did almost 22 years ago.

    Thankfully, whenever I had given my testimony in Celebrate Recovery, I have been met with grace, encouragement, and been told I was brave for leaving an abusive situation. Women had come up to me telling me how being in a marriage where they did not feel as though they were equal partners had harmed them. I want to see more people get free from feeling like they have to believe in the typical evangelical marriage doctrines that are not really from the Bible.

    The author of that FoTF article has written a book called “If My Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe. Here’s a snippet of an review from Amazon that I want to share here. This shows that she (the author) really does believe that husbands are the ones always in charge.
    This was part of a 3-star review:

    I didn’t agree with all of Stoppe’s ideas on marriage, though. If I did everything she suggested I would not feel like an equal partner in my marriage. What I got from the author’s book was that she really feels the man should make the decisions and the woman should go along with those decisions and give thier total support. I just had a hard time with that and I think other women would as well.

    • KJ

      Why do we elevate people who seem to be in destructive marriages?

      Well, maybe it starts with the teaching that marriage isn’t designed by God to make us happy, it’s designed to make us holy. And everybody knows, you don’t get made holy by things that are pleasant or easy or fun – you get made holy by things that are unpleasant or even painful. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that marriage SHOULD be hard and painful, and the ones who are really suffering are going to be the best and brightest in terms of holiness. So people – women, mostly – expect marriage to be really difficult because God intended it to make them holy, and so by extension, God wants them to suffer. And instead of teaching husbands that they need to love their wives the same way Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it, we tell women that marriage is supposed to be really hard and they should just pray more.

  11. Stacy

    I remember reading Passion and Purity in high school with the girls in my youth group. We all thought it was ridiculous and outdated, and none of us took it seriously.

    Oh, how I wish I’d kept that worldview. In college I found another church, and they pushed the narrative hard. It led to spiritual abuse from the church and years of every kind of marital abuse. Now I’m on my own and trying to renew my mind and beliefs. I was so much further ahead as a sixteen year old than a forty-six year old. My faith was stronger because my beliefs came strictly from my reading of the Bible. It was when I was given extra-biblical instruction that everything started to fall apart.

    Now I have 30 years of bad teachings to unravel so that I can hopefully find the faith I once had. Imagine where I could be now if I had been allowed to think and discern for myself!

  12. Jenny

    …Jim Daly’s laugh about her husband talking about the car… I heard so many things just like that over the years and it always felt off, but I supposed if the wife or whoever was laughing too, it was okay…

    …I heard that stuff about expectations and I always wanted to hear what they should be but somehow that never came up. It never occurred to me until now that they never had a benchmark of “this is okay, this is not” for women, it was always just “lower”. No matter how bad it got. Pray more, lower your expectations further, even if they’re half buried in the ground. Never, ever occurred to me that’s what they were actually saying because that was kinda unbiblical, right? These leaders wouldn’t say stuff like that. They’re the good guys…

    …I wrestled for a long time with the idea of ‘see what you’re guilty of first’ and eventually I realized after agonizing for years – our natural/old man righteousness might be filthy rags, but if I haven’t committed a sin, i just haven’t. And if I did commit a sin or contributed to the problem, that doesn’t let the other person off the hook. Just because I might have sinned, doesn’t mean the other guy magically didn’t. It just means I should seek to repent and rectify for exactly my wrong and absolutely nothing more. Which is exactly what the other person should do too. But I cannot recall ever hearing that I should reasonably expect that…

    I’m really tired of the Bible not being applied equally to everyone. It honestly reminds me of Animal Farm with all animals being equal, but some more equal than others. Biblical principles apply to everyone, but to some Christians more than others.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Jim Daly’s laugh really was sad, wasn’t it?

      And you’re exactly right. It’s like Animal Farm.

      • Anonymous305

        I wish he had compassion on the woman instead of laughing, but maybe he can’t have compassion because it might lead to divorce 🤦🏾‍♀️😡🤦🏾‍♀️!!

        I used to think, “if she’s also laughing, it’s ok”, but now I think, “she’s laughing so her husband doesn’t feel shamed and punish her for it”.

  13. Cynthia

    I had noticed that trend with some mommy bloggers. Some seemed to be processing some REALLY heavy stuff, some seemed to be trying to convince themselves, some seemed to want to brag about how virtuous they were and how their suffering made them so righteous and holy. Maybe suffering seems easier if you believe that you have the power to stop it, or believe that there will be some big reward for going through it.

    The worst ones that I remember were the guest blogger who openly described her husband as controlling and emotionally abusive, who decided to sneak bites of food in the bathroom after her husband raged at her for wanting to eat a slice of bread 4 hours after her previous meal (her biblical counselor had told her that it was important that she not openly defy him and that she allow him to feel in control), and the one who had to “get past” an incident where her husband KILLED HER DOG. They were truly horrifying.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Holy cow! That’s so awful!

    • Lisa Johns

      That’s terrifying.

  14. Anonymous305

    It would be interesting to look at the verses that are used to tell women to “die to self”.

    Although my ex wasn’t as dramatic as the cabin guy, I can relate to the part where I couldn’t admit the problem to myself and where “trust God” was the only option I saw. I remember a time when I didn’t know why I had an icky feeling about the marriage, since I “wasn’t supposed to feel that way”, and I prayed to understand why. Eventually, I realized that I hated obligation sex and regretted getting married, but I stayed for a while longer and trusted God. I saw God provide what my husband wouldn’t provide, but eventually, set me free from the marriage. Yes, I “trusted God with my difficult marriage”, but that didn’t lead to an evangelical-acceptable outcome.

    Also, I recently saw (when I wasn’t looking for it) one of the women associated with Douglas Wilson saying that feeling inadequate is a failed attempt at self-worship, a sign your heart isn’t right with God. I understand why that sounds correct to some listeners, but I wonder if the real cause of feelings of inadequacy is constant criticism from famous evangelicals like her. The same person who posted about being hurt by purity culture and by evangelical marriage teachings is now saying that Doug Wilson stuff was good for her marriage and didn’t hurt. I don’t understand. Make it make sense!!!!

    • Jo R

      “I wonder if the real cause of feelings of inadequacy is constant criticism from famous evangelicals like her.”

      “is now saying that Doug Wilson stuff was good for her marriage and didn’t hurt.”

      Since girls tend to be raised to be very aware of other people’s needs and even wants to the point that many women wind up ignoring their own needs (and give up completely on their wants), then any feeling of inadequacy becomes a constant search for anything else a woman could possibly do. What else of her own life could she give up to benefit others? Surely there is yet one more way she can push her own self aside to benefit others?

      Much of the “church” doubles down on feeding this sentiment, dog-piling on top of those ideas the “fact” that any woman who disagrees or even just feels “inadequate” is only showing the depth of her rebellion rooted in her sinful selfishness. 🙄 The cherry on top of that crap sundae is she may not even be a believer!

      Haven’t read any DW stuff deliberately (though I’m guessing a lot of it is in the water uncredited), but I’ll make a SWAG and say that it’s that women just need to pray harder, try harder, and do even more rooting around in their souls for all that hidden sin and rebellion, and, of course, women need to ignore or even “pray out of themselves” those rebellious feelings, because future glory! Because God! Because heaven! Because “light and momentary troubles”! So, ladies, just shut up and get on with ignoring yourself to the point of erasing yourself! Your thoughts are just your delusions due to being easily deceived, because Eve! You’ll be happier if you just ignore those feelings of disquiet, and they certainly are NOT and never could be the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. 🤬

      Men, meanwhile, get to INDULGE all of their wants and DEMAND their needs be met immediately, cheerfully, and unconditionally.

      • Anonymous305

        So true!! I’d summarize him as “all the toxic teachings on steroids”. This site looks accurate to me https://dougwilsonbelieves.com/ , but I’ve heard it’s “just a smear campaign”.

  15. Mel

    Listening to you talk about Elisabeth Elliot’s marriages and her changing views – it really clicked for me why some of my friend’s views have been changing in ways that sometimes feel inconsistent with their character and values. They’re trying to save their marriages. And these awful marriage books that are EVERYwhere in evangelicalism are telling them this is the way.


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