A List of My Podcast Interviews for She Deserves Better

by | May 3, 2023 | Parenting Teens | 15 comments

I’ve been doing so many interviews for our new book She Deserves Better!

I wanted a place where I can put the links to those podcasts, because so many of you have been asking for a list.

When I do an interview on ANOTHER podcast, I tend to summarize the book quite well. That’s something you won’t necessarily get on our own Bare Marriage podcast, because we’ve been taking an individual issue and dedicating a whole podcast to it, so there’s no single podcast that deals with the book as a whole.

Listening to these other interviews, then, is actually quite different from listening to the Bare Marriage podcast!

Before I begin listing those podcasts, though, I thought I’d share two reviews of the book.

Both of these reviews do a wonderful job of summarizing She Deserves Better, and our mission and scope of our research and work.

Self of the Therapist and Brave Marriage podcast

First, there’s Kensi Duszynski, a licensed therapist from Kentucky, and host of the Brave Marriage podcast. She summarizes the book, the pushback we’ve gotten from the Christian community, our previous interviews with her and what Keith said, and even our podcast with Preston Sprinkle!


Certainly, Sprinkle is not the only one of a certain generation or religious and cultural background with unexamined assumptions, and many questions in the face of new data. But he is one of the few willing to face them publicly, ask questions, listen to those who have sound answers, and work through his cognitive dissonance to arrive at better thinking.

And so for the sake of men and women who have not yet learned what Sprinkle has now has (that intended or not, beliefs and teachings have consequences), I appreciate him putting his ego on the line for the sake of his own education and learning. No, more than that—for the men and women he’s influencing, for the sake of Christian men and women with similar questions, confusion due to their own upbringing, and unexamined beliefs and teachings, but whose ultimate goal is to do better, right where they are, and for the next generation.

This brings me to the point of my post:

Sometimes we can’t see the toxicity of “tricky teachings” because they’re in the very oxygen we breathe. Sometimes we fail to recognize tricky teachings because we’re the ones accidentally teaching them.

I did a lot of work in grad school, internship, and years of postgraduate therapy supervision to understand, make proper use of, and make correction to, my own sociocultural and sexual schemas. Even so, when Gregoire’s original research findings came out in 2021, I reached a new depth of understanding of how insidious tricky teachings can be. And in my cultural context, I continue to swim in evangelical waters that still need serious filtering when it comes to personal and professional beliefs and language around healthy relationships and sexuality.

And so, from Idaho to Kentucky, it seems to help to have people conducting valid and reliable research and communicating it to the church at large in language we all understand (in this case, a surprise team of Canadian Christian sex and marriage bloggers in the evangelical space) to help us navigate the purity culture waters we unfortunately still seem to be treading. We need help and humility to learn a better way so that we don’t unintentionally drown ourselves—or take those in our care down with us.

I believe that most Christians leaders, teachers, counselors, and helpers mean well. But meaning well is not the same thing as doing right and good by someone. Good intentions have nothing to do with competent care, or the long-term, holistic wellbeing of the person who’s coming to us, trusting us, with the most vulnerable aspects of their lives.

So let’s talk about tricky teachings and toxic messages in the church. Let’s talk about Christlike love and respect and boundaries and consent and healthy sexual attitudes and behavior toward other Christians and fellow humans. Let’s define where our personal boundaries and responsibilities lie—and where another person’s begin. Let’s prioritize language in our families and churches that lead to life and fruit and flourishing for the young women and men who grow up within them.

And in the spirit of Scripture, Gregoire’s and Lindenbach’s example, and their forthcoming book, let’s teach young women to really feel their worth: to not make themselves small for the sake of men, but value themselves—their thoughts, their bodies, their contributions to society. To believe that, just like men, God made them in His image; desires their good; sent Jesus Christ to redeem them; and invites them to participate in His kingdom purposes, too.

Because as Sheila, Rebecca, Preston, you, and I instinctively know, she—whoever she is in your life—deserves better.

Kensi Duszynski

Self of the Therapist Substack, She Deserves Better: On challenging our thinking and teaching for the sake of others.

Eternity Magazine from Australia

I saw this amazing synopsis of our work just last night! Physician Jennifer Stockbridge authored it, and here’s how she opened the piece:

Women my age grew up with purity culture, which prized virginity and modesty as a way of combating the secular sexual revolution. Now in our 30s, many of us finally see it for what it is: the Christian objectification of women’s bodies, the systematic dehumanisation and devaluing of girls and women beyond their virginity and a false sexual prosperity gospel. We abhor the ‘used chocolate bar’ analogies and can see the pain that purity culture and modesty teachings have wrought on our generation. However, we still wonder how we can teach our children about biblical sexuality.

She Deserves Better is a new book that breathes fresh air and a hope for a better future for the next generation. The relief in reading this open, matter-of-fact, research-based and biblical approach to the teenage experience is visceral.

The Charlie’s Angels behind this work are Sheila Wray Gregoire, her daughter Rebecca Lindenbach and statistician Joanna Sawatsky. They are best known for their previous groundbreaking work, The Great Sex Rescue in which they outlined their findings from surveying 20,000 evangelical women about their experiences of sex and marriage.

Through each chapter, Gregoire et al explore key themes from popular evangelical books aimed at pre-teen and teenage girls. Refreshingly, they cover a wide range of topics from cultivating a genuine faith based on the character of Jesus, mental health, peer pressure to dating and sexuality.

Gregoire, Lindenbach and Sawatsky’s key thesis is examining the fruit of theology. As Jesus says, “a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” As a researcher and medical doctor, I am delighted they do not merely bring their rhetoric to this hotly contested arena. Funded by their loyal Patreon supporters, they performed a rigorous survey of 7500 women and analysed the statistics, developing a peer-reviewed academic database.

Unlike many Christian authors in this field, they speak with authority (not simply anecdotes) about the demonstrable harms from bad teaching. They have clearly demonstrated the close correlation between beliefs such as the modesty myth or that “girls talk too much” to outcomes such as increased rates of sexual pain, uneven household workload distribution and abusive marriages.

Jennifer Stockbridge

Eternity News, A Better Future for Our Little Girls

And after introducing the book, she gets to our heart in what we write, like this:

Gregoire points out some of the most disturbing aspects of modesty culture, particularly books aimed at pre-pubescent children, telling them that “bellies are very intoxicating, and we should save that for our husband”. At times, she feels like the child pointing out that the emperor is wearing no clothes. How is it possible that when an adult man has expressed sexual temptation by a teenager in a singlet top, the attention and blame are immediately drawn to the girl to put on a T-shirt instead of the man who has openly admitted to paedophilic tendencies?

She rightly points out that the admonishment about helping fellow believers “not stumble” is aimed at those with a stronger faith to encourage the weaker, and asks – who is weaker? Adult men or minor children? Whose faith is tested more: the adult man, by looking at a girl wearing shorts, or the teenage girl who would instantly feel shame, guilt and judgment in a place where she should feel welcome? Gregoire systematically dismantles widely held beliefs in such a straightforward, commonsense way that it made me wonder why they had held such a prominent place before.

Jennifer Stockbridge

Eternity News, A Better Future for Our Little Girls

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A List of the Podcasts I’ve Been on for She Deserves Better

I’m starting this list today, but we’re going to keep adding to it. I’ll put this page in the menu under “Resources” later today, so that you can find it quickly if you ever want to listen to something new!

This list is not exhaustive. I think I’ve already done about 60 interviews, and there are more to drop, and I’m going to have my assistant fill in the blanks with the other interviews soon.

If I was on your podcast and it’s not up yet, forgive me! I will try to make this complete soon. 

But I’ll try to make a dent in this now, with more on the way! And I’ll point back to this post everytime I add more!


Podcasts with both Rebecca and Sheila

Theology in the Raw Podcast

Fresh Start Families Podcast

Podcasts with Sheila

Bodies Behind the Bus Podcast

Faith and Feminism Podcast

Gravity Leadership Podcast

Gravity Leadership Podcast

Brave Marriage Podcast

A World of Difference Podcast

The Holy Ship Podcast

Preacher Boys Podcast (exposing fundamentalism)

Everything is OK Podcast

Everything Is Okay Podcast

Promise Keepers Canada Podcast

Everything Is Okay Podcast

Videos, Recordings, and Lives for She Deserves Better

Live Saving Divorce YouTube

Dr. Camden Instagram Live

A Wife Like Me Facebook LIVE

She Deserves Better!

Because we all deserve a big faith.

Your daughter deserves better than what you likely grew up with in church.

What would it look like to prepare the next generation without toxic teachings about modesty, sex, or consent, and instead set her up for a big faith?

Which was your favourite? Or were there any that I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Good Fruit Faith is an initiative of the Bosko nonprofit. Bosko will provide tax receipts for U.S. donations as the law allows.

Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Jason

    I was reading an article about Pygmalion Effect. It is a phenomenon that is people tend to rise or fall based on the expectations that are placed on them. It’s been proven in Education. So when the church or pastor/teachers or even Christians in general say all guys “struggle with lust”, lust or when boys hear something that they are going to have a lust problem, they are going to inadvertently live up to those expectations. Everyman’s Battle , Etc.
    Especially boys when they hear stuff like this they are going ti lose confidence that they will be able to control themselves.
    I know one of your podcasts talks about this but I wanted to share this article.

    • Nessie

      A bit of pushback to Pygmalion Effect though is its limitations. A church I attended really emphasized the need to “encourage” husbands by pointing out how great they are- without them actually having to be great. (Much like Bare Marriage team discovered wives being told to tell their husbands they are great at sex even if they aren’t.) The idea being similar to Pygmalion Effect- except that isn’t what happened. Many times the men felt they were already doing well based on the praise they received, when in fact they were falling quite short and some even slacked off after the praise. There was a lot of failure in the “Love your wives as Christ loved the Church,” expectation.

      Given the right contexts, I think it works, but not always. Fwiw, I never heard men directed to encourage their wives in the same way.

      I think maybe it is stronger in a negative way than in a positive, meaning if someone is told they are bad (will lust, etc.), then they will live into that. I wonder if there is a cap at how much good the positive expectation side does though.

      • Jason

        You are certainly right that there is limitations with the Pygmalion Effect. Its a phenomenon is basically that people often rise to the expectations that are placed on them but it not guaranteed that it will happen. It has to applied within reason. But I do think the overall atmosphere and more expectation seems to be that guys are not going to have a “lust problem and not going to control themselves. The voices that say this message seem to be more prominent and louder that the ones that say that guys can be expected to treat worn right. It could be also the ones doing praise were not really feeling or believing what they were saying.

        • Jason

          Some parts I mistyped
          worn was supposed to be women and
          …seems to be guys are going to”

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yes, I’ve been on there several times and we’re booked for later this month!

  2. Rachel BT

    I use Podbean to find these. Search on Sheila Gregoire, on the results page click on the episode tab for the list where a podcast includes you.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      That’s a great idea!

  3. Phil

    Today just want to express my love here. Smile on my face. Have a great day all.


    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Back at ya!

  4. Laura

    Sheila, Rebecca, and Joanna:

    You are God’s angels in my life and your ministry has helped me heal from the harm that I have experienced through toxic evangelical teachings on marriage, dating, sex, and womanhood. These past two years have been a lot of learning and reconstructing my faith. I have learned that God and Jesus were never behind these toxic beliefs because they were manmade and influenced by culture. Keep up the good work! I know God has more in store for you three!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, thank you, Laura! That means a lot.

  5. Laura

    Lol, it feels so exciting and fun that y’all are finally getting more recognition and hype for the amazing work you’ve been doing for years!! I can’t fathom how y’all must be feeling yourselves! I’m just giddy for you!!

    So thankful for everything you’ve done.

  6. Anon

    Please don’t quote Kensi Duszynski or work with her. Women can be unsafe, and she is not a safe person for victims.


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