A Real MIshMash of Podcasts for the Week!

by | Jul 22, 2021 | Bare Marriage | 1 comment

Mishmash of Podcasts!

We’re taking the month of July off of The Bare Marriage podcast, but I’ve got some other podcasts to share with you today.

Until July, when I’ve tried to give myself time to slow down, I’ve been recording roughly four other podcasts each and every week since the beginning of January. It’s a lot! And I haven’t shared most of them with you yet.

On Thursdays, then, when we’d normally post the next Bare Marriage podcast, I like to post links to three other podcasts I’ve been on, as well as one of my favourite Bare Marriage episodes from 2021.

So here goes!

Public Theologians: They called me a firebrand!

Here’s a podcast where we delve into the story of the The Great Sex Rescue, and what distinguishes it from other books. What I loved about this interview is that he was the first one I can remember who actually had passages from the book that he wanted to highlight and read aloud. That meant a lot to me. And picking the Jodie and Tyler story was special, because that story always makes me cry (even though I made it up and it’s fictional! I kept picturing all my readers who have left comments like that over the years).


Public Theologians Podcast

Fight for Love with Rosie Makinney

Fight for Love was one of the podcasts I recorded first. Rosie is an amazing advocate for wives of sex addicts, and we had a great talk about the book in general and about the problematic way that lust is talked about in evangelical circles. She says that this episode is consistently her most downloaded every week!


Fight for Love Podcast

The Great Sex Rescue

Changing the conversation about sex & marriage in the evangelical church.

What if you’re NOT the problem with your sex life?

What if the things that you’ve been taught have messed things up–and what if there’s a way to escape these messages?

Welcome to the Great Sex Rescue.

And now for something completely different: Rebecca talks Why I Didn’t Rebel with Anchored Motherhood!

Before there was The Great Sex Rescue, Rebecca was already a published author with her book Why I Didn’t Rebel! Based on in-depth interviews with dozens of millennials, some who had left the faith and some who kept it (and some who came back after leaving), Rebecca identified 7 big trends in families who raise kids who are less likely to rebel (there are NEVER guarantees). But even if your child does rebel, if these seven principles characterize your parenting, they’re more likely to stay connected with you anyway.

Here she talked with Shannon from Anchored Motherhood about “why reasons over rules are the secret to peaceful parenting.”


Anchored Motherhood Podcast

Bare Marriage: Dissecting Emerson Eggerichs’ Sermons Where He Gaslit Abused Women

I don’t know if it’s just that I’m in a bit of a funk this week or what, but this podcast episode will always come back to me as an important one. Connor analyzed a two-part sermon series Eggerichs gave on his book Love & Respect, and shows how Eggerichs gaslights abuse victims the entire time. We simply must be more discerning when listening to sermons. This isn’t okay.


Emerson Eggerichs and Gaslighting Abuse Victims Podcast

Hope you enjoyed some of those! As always, let me know what YOUR favourite Bare Marriage podcasts were, and I’ll try to link to them next week!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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1 Comment

  1. Em

    I liked the podcast you did about periods where you went through all the scenarios of what is not normal!


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