All the Latest from "Bare Marriage"

PODCAST: Pastors’ Wives Spill the Tea on Church Life

Let's get real about Church life! Today we have some special guests on, the lovely ladies from Pastors' Wives Tell All! This is not the first time I've been on a podcast with them, but usually it's theirs. So this time they are joining me on my show to discuss the...

Why I Need to Listen More to Rebecca–Thoughts for Her Birthday

Today is my daughter Rebecca’s 29th birthday. And I want to take an opportunity to do something I don’t do nearly enough: tell you all how instrumental she is in everything that we do. But first, a story. She was around nine years old, and we were away on holiday at a...

Top 10 Posts and Podcasts on Bare Marriage in 2023!

Let's review the biggest posts from 2023! Happy New Year, everybody! I'm so grateful to those who follow the blog diligently, but also excited about those of you who have just found me. And at the beginning of each year, I like to look back and see what posts made...

On Encouragement & Feeling Humbled

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing into the void. I sit in my comfy yellow chair in my living room, and I just write what I'm thinking about, or what Rebecca and I have been talking about on walks, or what Keith and I have been discussing. I know people read because we...
Top 10 Posts and Podcasts on Bare Marriage in 2023!

Top 10 Posts and Podcasts on Bare Marriage in 2023!

Let's review the biggest posts from 2023! Happy New Year, everybody! I'm so grateful to those who follow the blog diligently, but also excited about those of you who have just found me. And at the beginning of each year, I like to look back and see what posts made...

Older posts from "Bare Marriage"