All the Latest from "Parenting Young Kids"

PODCAST: Should You Choose Between Being a Good Wife and a Good Mom? And why Date Nights Aren’t Always the Answer

Is being a good wife in conflict with being a good mom? And what does it look like to prioritize your marriage? Episode 270 of Bare Marriage!

How Gentle Parenting and Harsh Parenting can Both Go Wrong

Has gentle parenting been given a bad rap? For good reason? We had an amazing podcast last week with Wendy Snyder from Fresh Start Families, and this Tuesday we're doing a FREE webinar with Wendy to talk about how to parent with both kindness and firmness. It's all...

Discipline That’s Compassionate, Not Punitive: FREE Workshop

We know that parenting is the biggest responsibility we will ever have. But we've been told such different things about the nature of that responsibility. If you grew up in an evangelical church, chances are you were told that a parent's job is to teach them to obey,...

Can Christians Please Stop Talking about Spanking Babies?

We shouldn't be spanking babies. Well, spanking at all is problematic--but we especially shouldn't be spanking babies! This month I'm reposting some of the important posts I ran 4-5 years ago, and this is one I find that I point back to all the time. Rebecca wrote it...

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