All the Latest from "Men’s Corner"

PODCAST: Wolves, Chimpanzees, and Deer: Let’s Dissect the Alpha Male Myth

Let's talk Alpha Males! It's the last podcast of season 7, and we're going to be taking May off of the podcast and the blog so we can finish up edits on our book and take a bit of a vacation. But we thought, for this last podcast of the season, we'd wrap up what we...

The Bear Or Man Test–And What It Means About Masculinity

You've likely heard of the "Bear or Man?" Test If you were alone in the woods, would you rather come across a bear, or a man? It's been taking social media by storm, and women overwhelmingly have answered "bear", which has made many men angry. The reasons women have...

Why Do We Ask Women to Choose Between Being a Good Wife or a Good Mom?

Why are we asking women to choose between being a wife and being a mom? One of the themes that pops up often in evangelical marriage literature is warnings to women not to be a mom first and a wife second. It's in almost all of Gary Thomas' books. I used to teach it!...

The Let Men Be Dads Podcast: Why Do Evangelical Resources Make Dads Sound Pathetic?

Let men be dads! It's our third podcast in our let men be men series, and we're finishing that up today with a bang! We often get accused of hating men, which is funny, because we believe men are amazing! Men can be totally emotionally healthy. Men have the Holy...

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