All the Latest from "Men’s Corner"

PODCAST: The Problems with Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans

What happens when a charismatic man with no qualifications starts a marriage ministry? You end up with a book that sounds like he wants the best for people--but gives completely unhelpful, and often very harmful, advice. Today Keith and I are taking a deep dive into...

What Should Men Struggling with Lust Do Other than “Bouncing Your Eyes”?

What if a guy is struggling with lust, but honestly wants to do better? But at the same time, he finds that when he’s out in public, he DOES immediately focus on women’s body parts or imagine them naked. He doesn’t want to. He’s in counseling. He’s trying to stop it....

5 Ways Husbands Can Bridge the “Orgasm Gap”

Hi, everyone! This week we're talking about orgasm--because it matters! We spend a lot of time on the blog talking about where teaching has gone wrong and made our marriages and sex lives worse. But we've also created a ton of content, including courses, that teach...

PODCAST: Wolves, Chimpanzees, and Deer: Let’s Dissect the Alpha Male Myth

Let's talk Alpha Males! It's the last podcast of season 7, and we're going to be taking May off of the podcast and the blog so we can finish up edits on our book and take a bit of a vacation. But we thought, for this last podcast of the season, we'd wrap up what we...

Older posts from "Men’s Corner"

Let’s Talk About Beard-Gate

Let’s Talk About Beard-Gate

Why is the Desiring God website writing about beards?  Sheila here!  My husband Keith got fired up in the last few weeks looking at what was happening in the comments, so he wanted to share some thoughts with you. So here he is!Don’t get me wrong; I’m not...

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