All the Latest from "Sex"

Do Women Really Not Want Sex? Let’s Talk About The 90% And the 10%

What’s the real reason many women don’t want sex? Whenever we talk about how sex should be mutual, intimate, and pleasurable for both and that the obligation sex message is toxic, the reply we get is something along these lines: without obligation, obviously, women...

Let’s Stop Taking Advice from Men with a Pornified View of Women

When men reveal they objectify women–treat those men accordingly. One of the things that shocks me about evangelical culture is that a man can reveal that he has a really low view of women, or that he objectifies women or blames them for men’s sin, and that doesn’t...

Do New Brides Need Their Husbands to Teach Them about Sex?

Do men naturally know more about sex than women? On a recent Facebook post, still deeply bothered by that infamous clip from Josh Howerton,  I asked this question, “Do we think men "naturally" know more about sex than women do? And that men are equipped to teach...

Does Sex Have a Start-Up Cost for You? Or a Major Cost?

When people say they “don’t want” sex tonight, what do they mean? We talked about this on the Bare Marriage podcast last week, but I'd like to elaborate on part of it today. I think we often get confused when people talk about this. They’ll say,“Well, sometimes I have...

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