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PODCAST: Should You Choose Between Being a Good Wife and a Good Mom? And why Date Nights Aren’t Always the Answer

Is being a good wife in conflict with being a good mom? And what does it look like to prioritize your marriage? Episode 270 of Bare Marriage!

Why the Pastor Forcing the Pregnant Teen Girl to Apologize to the Church is Worse Than You Thought

Last Sunday, a disturbing video went viral of a teen girl apologizing for being pregnant in front of her church. It was an Apostolic church in Virginia. After her confession. The congregation applauded, but then the pastor got up and chastised them, saying that no one...

The One Thing I Can’t Remember About Christmas

When you think back to your Christmases as a child, what do you remember? Realizing what you remember–and what you don’t–can help you figure out what’s good to emphasize for your own kids! Rebecca wrote this a few years ago on the blog, when her first baby was just 1,...

10 Ways to Enjoy DIFFICULT Christmas Dinners with Family

Big Christmas dinners with all the siblings and parents and in-laws. It can be very Norman Rockwell. But it can also be filled with boisterous arguments. Lots of alcohol. Swearing. Political discussions. It can be really uncomfortable. And so, at Christmas, we’re...
The One Thing I Can’t Remember About Christmas

The One Thing I Can’t Remember About Christmas

When you think back to your Christmases as a child, what do you remember? Realizing what you remember–and what you don’t–can help you figure out what’s good to emphasize for your own kids! Rebecca wrote this a few years ago on the blog, when her first baby was just 1,...

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