I’ve been overwhelmed with the encouragement from all of you this week while I’ve been on vacation.
As I shared with you on Tuesday, I’ve got a lot to process lately, and I needed some time away after a really busy, non-stop year of writing books and launching books and dealing with controversy. I really appreciated all the notes that so many of you sent, and your stories of how The Great Sex Rescue, the blog, and the podcast have impacted you!
We’re taking July off of the Bare Marriage podcast (we were going to take off August, but I realized I needed a break earlier), and so on Thursdays, when the podcast would normally drop, I’m sharing links to other people’s podcasts I’ve been on, as well as one of my favourite Bare Marriage episodes.
Sometimes it’s easier to get the whole picture of The Great Sex Rescue listening to us on other podcasts rather than our own, where we often dig deep on one particular topic.
I’ve been on SO MANY podcasts lately, and i never know which ones to share. So I literally shared the first three that I saw people talking about on Twitter when I went and searched this morning. So here you go!
Happy and Holy Podcast–a Quick, Short One if You Want to Hear My Story!
When you listen to me on The Bare Marriage podcast, you often miss one thing: My whole story. I don’t go around telling it every week, because I assume people already know me and know how I got where I am. But if you want to hear the whole story in a nutshell about the blog, The Great Sex Rescue, why I started writing about sex, everything–I give it in a nutshell on the Happy and Holy podcast with Kate Boyd! Plus more about The Great Sex Rescue’s findings.
Kate’s also giving away a bunch of copies of The Great Sex Rescue in her newsletter this month, so follow her on Instagram for the details (and check out her stories there!)
The Union Movement–What are We Counseling Young Couples?
I joined Bryan and Bonnie, founders of a marriage ministry in Western Canada, to get real about sex today. We tackled some pretty hard issues in this one, and you’ll get a good overview of our findings!
The Great Sex Rescue
Changing the conversation about sex & marriage in the evangelical church.

What if you’re NOT the problem with your sex life?
What if the things that you’ve been taught have messed things up–and what if there’s a way to escape these messages?
Welcome to the Great Sex Rescue.
You Have Permission–Big Questions with Rebecca and Joanna
So here’s a podcast I wasn’t even on! While I’ve been doing most of the podcasts, I haven’t been doing all of them. And I thought some of you may appreciate listening to the younger authors of The Great Sex Rescue on the podcast “You Have Permission”, for people questioning their faith or on a journey. That’s not all of you, of course, but this is an increasingly large group of people, and we were thrilled to be able to talk to them on Dan Koch’s podcast! So if you’re looking for an edgier podcast, here’s one for you!
And One of My Own! The Thalidomide Podcast
I was trying to figure out which of my own podcasts to highlight here, because I like to share one Bare Marriage episode from the last season that I really enjoyed that some of you may have missed!
This is the one I went to sleep thinking about last night, so I’ll take that as a sign some of you may need to hear it. We often get told that we shouldn’t criticize evangelical sex & marriage books and say they’re harmful, because they did help some people. Just because they harmed some doesn’t mean they’re bad books. In this podcast, which released the week after The Great Sex Rescue launched, we demolish that argument, and explain why we need to raise the bar higher and expect more from our resources, and why we need to care about the people who are being harmed.
That’s it for me for today!
We’re heading back home tomorrow from the campsite, and I’ve knit up a storm (I talked about that in last Friday’s post, too) and I’ve been thinking and processing a lot. Today Keith had to go back to work for a day, so I’m alone at the campsite, and I”m just going to journal and have a quiet day, and I’m quite looking forward to it.
But let me know which podcasts to share next week. Was there a Bare Marriage episode that’s really spoken to you? Or have you heard me somewhere else you thought was great? Let me know in the comments!
Since you mentioned Hagar, it’s not only important that God comforted her, but that she accepted it from the SAME God that was professed by those who abused her. How hard is it for victims to feel comfort from God when the abuser is allegedly a believer?
Even when the husband is not an abuser, it’s hard to feel comfort from God when the church is saying you’re not loving your husband enough and you’re failing. And yet, Hagar is a perfect example of God healing those who were hurt by church.