All the Latest from "Podcasts"

PODCAST: The Marriage Hierarchy of Needs–and Why Compromise Often Backfires

If you're in conflict, you just compromise, right? Well, not necessarily!  Here's the thing: compromise only works if you're starting from an even playing field. If one of you is bearing significantly more of the load for the relationship, then it's not about each of...

PODCAST: Why Teamwork Works Better Than Hierarchy

When it comes to marriage, teamwork is associated with all the good stuff! Hierarchy, on the other hand, is associated with all the bad stuff. We explain today on the Bare Marriage podcast some of our biggest picture findings in The Marriage You Want, and how we...

PODCAST: Why Evangelical Marriage Advice Often Backfires–The 5-Point Faulty Foundation

I often get accused of just hating all evangelical marriage books. Surely there's SOMETHING you like, Sheila? Right? Or are you just trying to badmouth everything so that you can sell more books? The critiques often go like that. But here's the thing: It actually...

PODCAST: Demolishing the Love and Respect Dichotomy Definitively (with Data)

It's the podcast where we finally get to disprove the love & respect thesis! Did God make men to need respect, while women need love? Do men prefer respect over love? We've been told this for decades, starting with James Dobson popularizing it, and then Emerson...

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