The Southern Baptist Convention’s Sexual Abuse Report

by | May 24, 2022 | Abuse | 31 comments

Callous and smug.

That’s the impression I got about those high up in the Southern Baptist Convention after reading the report that dropped on the weekend about the sexual abuse scandal in the denomination, and how it has been ignored, covered up, and minimized, while victims have been vilified.

They all just sounded so callous and smug–Augie Boto and Paige Patterson especially, but also Floyd and some of the others. It was truly, truly sickening to read.

And then, of course, there was the terrible story of former SBC President Johnny Hunt actually sexually abusing someone, and now denying that anything even happened (though he did counseling for it 10 years ago).

Just sick.

I wanted to share three sections that really stood out to me. First, here’s one of the big takeaways in the summary section at the beginning of the report:

(EC = Executive Committee)

Our investigation revealed that, for many years, a few senior EC leaders, along with outside counsel, largely controlled the EC’s response to these reports of abuse. They closely guarded information about abuse allegations and lawsuits, which were not shared with EC Trustees, and were singularly focused on avoiding liability for the SBC to the exclusion of other considerations. In service of this goal, survivors and others who reported abuse were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action due to its polity regarding church autonomy – even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry with no notice or warning to their current church or congregation.
Guideposts Solutions

Report of the Independent Investigation into Sexual Abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention

They go on to list the history of the issue in the Southern Baptist Convention; the refusal to reform and all the different times they were asked to; the terrible way the communicated with victims; the way they dismissed allegations and covered them up; and more.

It was truly a sickening read.

And over and over again, you read about how those highest up in the Southern Baptist Convention Just. Didn’t. Care.

And, in fact, they painted victims as the real villains, as Augie Boto, a senior executive in the SBC for years, is quoted saying here:

“This whole thing should be seen for what it is. It is a satanic scheme to completely distract us from evangelism. It is not the gospel. It is not even a part of the gospel. It is a misdirection play. Yes, Christa Brown [a survivor] and Rachael Denhollander [a survivor advocate] have succumbed to an availability heuristic because of their victimizations. They have gone to the SBC looking for sexual abuse, and of course, they found it. Their outcries have certainly caused an availability cascade (just like Lois Gibbs did in the Love Canal example). But they are not to blame. This is the devil being temporarily successful.”

Guideposts Solutions

Quoting Augie Boto, Report of the Independent Investigation into Sexual Abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention

The report also included a heartbreaking story of when Christa Brown appeared before the Executive Committee to tell her story of abuse (which occurred repeatedly when she was 16), because her abuser was still working for an SBC church. She was the only woman in the room. Some men turned their backs on her. Others sneered and chortled while she told what the pastor did to her. 

And this pretty much sums up their attitude towards sexual abuse: 

Overall, the legal advice focused on liability created a chilling effect on the ability of the EC to be compassionate towards survivors of abuse. Survivors were always viewed through the lens of potential plaintiffs threatening lawsuits, rather than as individuals who had been harmed and were in need of care.
Guideposts Solutions

Report of the Independent Investigation into Sexual Abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention

It was clear that many of the Executive Committee members and former members still viewed THEMSELVES as the victim, especially Paige Patterson, former President at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and former SBC Executive, who refused to be interviewed or hand over documents, as required by the task force. Again, just sickening.

Where does the Southern Baptist Convention go from here?

Honestly, I don’t know. There was nothing in the report that was new to me (other than the allegations against former President Johnny Hunt). Everything else has been thoroughly discussed on Twitter. It’s all been out there for decades. And nothing has been done.

I’m not sure anything will be done now. In fact, I’m pretty sure it won’t really.

I think individual people sitting in the pews want something done, but I see no sign that those at the top actually want anything done. Remember that the Executive Committee fought tooth and nail to not have to hand over documents to the task force, despite the vote at the Convention that they do so.

I think everybody needs to ask: Do we want to support this institution?

There are other baptist organizations that churches can affiliate with. No one needs to be part of the Southern Baptist Convention. Churches can just leave. They can form other coalitions where they do protect victims.

But even more importantly, I don’t think things can change when women are still subordinate.

I do not believe that any institution can properly deal with sexual abuse and sexual assault when that institution is focused on preserving power at the top, and focused on making sure that power is male.

This goes directly against Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 20:25-28, when He said that we aren’t to be worried about exercising power over one another, like the Gentiles do, but we should instead serve.

And yet the SBC has so many churches in it where the pastors have such power, and can’t be questioned. And where women do not have a voice. It’s all a big hierarchy. When people are more interested in preserving power than in serving and protecting others, they’ve lost the plot. They’ve lost the gospel. They’ve lost Jesus.

Again, I want to remind you that there are good churches out there.

Like we talked about in our podcast where we critiqued Josh Howerton (an SBC megachurch pastor) in how he misused research saying that women in marriages that believed in male headship did better, religiosity is positive. Going to church tends to be really beneficial!

But not all churches are the same. If the average is good, that means that some churches will bring down the average, and some will bring it up.

Right now a lot of SBC churches are bringing down the average. And maybe, if people focused on building up the healthy churches, then those churches would thrive with our volunteer hours and our tithes and our attendance, and the ones that are so focused on making sure that Paige Patterson gets his stained glass windows would wither.

(And P.S.: Thanks to Rachael Denhollander for her shout out to The Great Sex Rescue on her podcast with Russell Moore yesterday! That was awesome to hear!). 

This book is a groundbreaking look into what true, sacred Biblical sexuality is intended to be, and the root causes and ideas that damage a couple’s intimacy in marriage. Going straight to Scripture, the authors dig deep into ideologies that draw couples away from God-designed intimacy, and seek to construct a framework for sexuality that truly rooted in Scripture and God’s beautiful design, elevating sexuality and marriage to the glory and sacredness it was intended to have. This is a must-read.

Rachael Denhollander

Lawyer, Victim Advocate, and author,, What Is a Girl Worth?

What if you’re NOT the problem with your sex life?

What if the messages that you’ve been taught have messed things up–and what if there’s a way to escape these toxic teachings?

It’s time for a Great Sex Rescue.

What do you think? Can the SBC be saved? Should it be? Let’s talk in the comments!

Sheila Wray Gregoire

Sheila Wray Gregoire

Founder of To Love, Honor and Vacuum

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Laura

    I am no longer surprised when I hear stuff like this happening in churches. You hit the nail on the head when you said this:

    “But even more importantly, I don’t think things can change when women are still subordinate.
    I do not believe that any institution can properly deal with sexual abuse and sexual assault when that institution is focused on preserving power at the top, and focused on making sure that power is male.”

    For a lot of these major church organizations, it’s all about power and most of that power is to lord it over women. This is why I just cannot go to church these days. Thankfully, the church (Assemblies of God) I had attended for several years until the pandemic does not limit women in leadership and ministry. There are women who are ushers and pick up the tithes and offerings. We have a female youth pastor. When it comes to women’s ministry and marriage ministry in almost every church I have attended, they still like to stress that husbands are the heads of their homes and wives need to be submissive. I could spend a lot of time on here venting about that, but not today. I’m just tired of it all. Women finally got the right to vote over 100 years ago; we can obtain a credit card, buy a house, or a car and we don’t need a man’s signature. However, there’s still a long way to go before women can fully feel equal to men. And NO, being equal does NOT mean men will become emasculated.

  2. A2bbethany

    Dear Bellevue Family,

    At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), a Task Force was commissioned to investigate sexual abuse within the Convention. Yesterday, the Task Force released its report. I am grateful for their diligence and depend on their expertise as we move forward. We grieve and lament the findings.

    In 2006, a Bellevue staff member made me aware of abuse he had committed 17 years prior. When I was informed, I believed that it was being properly taken care of and did not know my obligation to report it to the authorities. I now know that I did not handle the situation properly. A thorough investigation was done at the time and there were no other incidents of abuse reported.

    Since then, our church has implemented training on how to identify and report any suspected case of abuse. This training is required annually for all staff and leaders at our church and is made available for all members.

    My desire is to lead and shepherd our congregation with grace and biblical integrity. We do not and will not tolerate abuse of any kind and want you to know that we desire complete transparency and accountability.

    Bellevue is committed to supporting survivors, working to prevent abuse, and making our church a safe place for all people to experience salvation and Christian growth.

    It is time for us as a Convention to move forward with great humility as we repent and seek the guidance of the Lord. Pray for our Convention, that we will act decisively on this report in June at the SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim. Most of all, pray for all of those who have been victims of abuse.

    If you have any questions regarding any of this, please do not hesitate to ask. You can call our church office at (901) 347-2000 or click on the following form to ask any questions. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    (I got this yesterday and then I read an article about the report. Johnny hunt has preached at our church many times and the pastor has always praised him. Now I’m wondering if he knew. And how that impacts me working in childcare. the beginning of this year I saw and reported something that qualifies as molestation. I reported it to the leaders and the CPS website. But the government concluded non actionable and the leadership said they’d investigate. He was gone for several weeks, but has resumed work in the same room. The child has been moved though….. I’ve been praying about this.)

    • A2bbethany

      I don’t know if “molestation” is the right term or not. Doesn’t matter, I’m still mulling over it.
      I’ll be processing this for a while. Helps that my pastor’s son, grant Gaines said he’s was one of the ones pushing for this investigation and reform.

    • Anon this go-round

      That they moved the child shows they know something is very wrong…
      I was at an SBC church about 10 years and the general M.O. there was to move the abused elsewhere, not “punish” the actual abuser.

      Because as great as it is to forgive someone that did egregious things, it is far better to pretend it never happened as much as possible because “well-meaning, good Christian men” wouldn’t do anything that bad(sarcasm). “Perception” was preached heavily there. (they even did this to the amazing associate pastor who was forced to leave. The lead pastor and elders said if he signed a NDA, they would provide a few extra months of insurance for their deathly-ill-at-the-time kid.) Story the church was told- look how kind and wonderful the elders have been by giving to this family generously when we didn’t have to. Seriously. But b/c of NDA, they can’t say a word. I cannot think of a situation in which I think a NDA should be used when it is a church. Aren’t we supposed to be honest in testimony to the work of God via the Holy Spirit in our lives??

      Same church- a kid was bullying others in an older kids’ class, but b/c the bully was the kid of someone (honestly a great person) who had the right “connections,” the bullied kids were told they needed to learn to forgive better. Same family endured an adult on kids’ min. staff yelling at them (often at the whole class, to be fair) that they left b/c the church continued the narrative of: you should forgive better if there really even IS anything that really needs to be forgiven. And your kids are too sensitive if they are crying just because someone might have screamed at them.

      Praying discerment for you now.

  3. Nathan

    Many people in this situation often claim that they’re just helping and supporting and reaching out to the person who committed the abuse, forgiving just like Jesus would do.

    Okay, fine. But would Jesus not also reach out to and comfort the victim? Jesus certainly would NOT vilify the victim and blame her.

    They need to stop the idea that only men are the true children of God, and that women are here only to serve them, and they don’t need a voice or comfort when they’re abused. That’s NOT Jesus in any way.

    And as for the ludicrous comment that aiding abused women is a satanic plot, there are no words (none that I can post here, anyway).

  4. Meredith

    I feel like my faith is broken. I’ve been following abuse in the church for years, and none of it surprises me anymore. Christianity seems like a joke- ever since the Roman emperor Constantine it’s been wedded to political power and used as a tool by power hungry men to oppress the powerless. I don’t want to call myself a Christian any longer. I don’t even know if I qualify. When you talk about Jesus’ heart for the oppressed, Sheila, I think “maybe” but how can we know it’s true? If God really cares about the oppressed, why has this been going on for millennia? People do horrific things in the name of God. And how can we know who the true God really is? The Bible contains more questions than answers, even if you take it at face value, which I can’t any longer. And it too has been used as a weapon.

    I’m just weary. My body, heart, and mind are weary of this ceaseless evil done in the name of God, and all the while the message preached by the Christian Elite is that Jesus died because we, the ordinary people just trying to survive day to day, are so wicked and horrible. And yet these same Elite gnash their teeth when people try to talk about systemic wickedness like racism and nationalism. I’m over it.

    • Marie

      Honestly I feel the same. The only thing that keeps me from throwing my faith away is Hagar’s description of “the God who sees me”. Between the God who cared about her and the thousands of years of messed up humans who have misinterpreted Him, I’m more inclinded to be done with “church” organizations in general and try to seek Him out without all the self-important chatter of fallible human beings getting in the way.

  5. exwifeofasexaddict

    Anyone who is a member of an SBC church needs to take a long, hard look at themselves and figure out if this is really an organization worth supporting. To me, it’s obviously not. But I’ve never been SBC. At the least, I would be having a talk with my pastor and putting serious pressure on them to withdraw from the SBC. If your church handles abuse well, tell them to either pull out, withhold financial contributions, or put serious pressure on these muckity mucks to do the right thing.

    This is infuriating! Turning your back to a victim telling her story! Sneering and chortling at her. Pure evil.

    • Nessie

      We went to an SBC years ago. We approached the pastor about some concerns. He started telling us how WE were in sin and certainly didn’t have hearts for Jesus if we were looking for the bad in those (the higher-ups) who were taking their calling of ministry very seriously, etc.

      We left, praise be to God!

      If your pastor isn’t like that though, these are good suggestions, especially the with-holding money part as that seems to be a big thing these men want.

      If you aren’t sure about the pastor though, read up on gaslighting before you talk to them for your safety.

    • Alison

      I am a member of the SBC and have been for a year; I’ve been attending our church for nearly five years. And I have no plans of leaving. This is why:

      Skip to the 24 minute mark to deal with this issue directly. The first 24 minutes are talking about all of the recent shootings.

      My pastor is handling this situation extremely well. He is intelligent, godly, open, and conscientious and I truly agree with everything he says about this sexual abuse report release in this podcast episode. Our church is a part of the SBC for missions, and it is the SBC itself that it moving to deal with and change these issues head-on. Is there poor leadership among the SBC? Sure. But there is also magnificent leadership, such as my pastor. Is he a perfect man? No, and he would be the first to admit that. But he loves Jesus and continues to shepherd his flock faithfully and with humility. Like he said, if we see that the SBC is moving in a poor direction and nothing is changing, then we would disconnect from them. Anyway, he says it much better than I could, so please give the podcast episode a listen.

  6. Chris

    Ok, so I am not a Southern Baptist. I do remember the name Paige Patterson from back in the ‘90s. So I looked up this whole “stained glass” window thing you mention Sheila. Hoooooooolyyyyyyy smokes! I realize it was technically his wifes project but still. Someone commissioning stained glass of themselves?? To be displayed publicly????? I think you are waaaaaaay passed narcissism at that point. Thats on a whole different level of ego. I mean that’s red flags that can be seen from space. All the stained glass I have ever seen depicts people or events from the scriptures, or saints. And in rare circumstances, historical events……like the two stunning stained glass windows inside the church in St. Mere Eglise France… depicting the paratroopers (and their units) who landed there on D-Day. But of yourself? Ya that’s just plsin nuts!!!!
    Sheila I am looking forward to tomorrow’s post about the Pastor down in Indiana. 🤔

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I’m not posting on it on the 25th because it’s my birthday! But I’ll talk about it on Friday. 🙂

  7. Viva

    I believe that the dearth of comments regarding this blog post says it all.
    We do not understand the gravity and impact of abuse. Seemingly, no one cares. However, there are countless women and children who are harmed by abuse which is made light of by leaders of the church every day.
    Are we willing to make the connection from these high profile reports of abuse to the systemic abuse of women in the church through infidelity of all kinds including rage and sexual immorality (pornography being the most common)?

    • Jo R

      I think rather that too many of us are, like Meredith said, weary. We’ve seen it all, heard it all, maybe even experienced it all. And we’re not sure what to do, or what we CAN do that will be meaningful.

      Because, after all, the thoughts and opinions of women just don’t matter much, if at all, to these men.

      Because these men have told us that it’s our place to just submit more, have sex more, respect more no matter what our husbands (and other men in the church) might be doing. And if we women don’t do all those things, then we’re in serious danger of not only losing our church membership but our faith, and we may even be in danger of being separated from God for eternity.

      Those are some seriously high prices to pay…as long as they’re true.

      Of course, once we jump out of the boiling water, we see that membership in such a “church” is more than worth losing, and if we pluck up the courage to leave such an organization, we may well (eventually, anyway; I’m still waiting) have our faith strengthened and so our relationship with God strengthened. Still waiting on that one, too.

      Perhaps also the dearth of comments reflects that so many of us either have no words to express our shock and horror…or that the words, the really PROPER words we ought to use to express our shock and horror, would not be very polite.

      • Viva

        I agree.
        Confronting the evil of abuse is exhausting and horrifying.
        Victims are silenced by those who should listen and defend them. The weariness of victims and those who are invested in caring and helping is reasonable. It is hard to maintain energy for the battle when breath and life are stolen as the hands of the powerful perpetrators smother the mouths of victims with lies and arrogance. And the threat of loss of community.
        In addition, there are so many tentacles and layers of abuse it seems there is no end to how far reaching and entrenched it is. Justice and peace seem impossible in the face of the destruction caused by those who use power to harm others.
        Where does our strength come from?

    • Laura

      If you have Facebook, there are many comments about this post.

    • Mara R

      I watched the video of this the other day. Someone posted it on Facebook. I felt sick inside for the young lady and her family and what she stepped up to do. Brave, brave girl, she and her husband who stood with her.
      But a part of me is hopeful that this will pave the way for more women to step forward and hold their abusers publicly accountable.
      And hopefully this will strike fear into the hearts of these abusers who have thrived in the secrecy of darkness and in the shaming of women.

  8. Lora

    “I understand God’s patience with the wicked, but I do wonder how he can be so patient with the pious!” George MacDonald.

  9. Sarah O

    First off, if you are reading these things, and you are a person who has been subjected to or affected by SBC or church abuse: I am so sorry. What utter, indefensible depravity you have faced. I am sorry if this report adds to your sufferring. I hope you have some comfort and care today, wherever you are.

    Rant: The challenge I see in the western church right now is that so many people and organizations call themselves “Christian” and many of them simply are not. As Beth Moore recently pointed out, there is no such thing as a “Godly” abuser. After following the SBC scandal for the past several years, I don’t think Jesus has attended a single EC meeting, nor has He been invited. If you did it to the least of these, you did it to Him. The “least” in SBC are women and children, according to their own doctrine of male headship. There is no scriptural take that makes this ok. They neglected both the leadership function of justice and accountability and the servant function of love and care and sacrifice. There is not a single Christian virtue displayed.

    We have built up all these extracurricular rules and traditions and turned them boxes to check and then hills to die on. And managing the rule list is now the full time job of churches, and a full distraction from Jesus.

    Having regular fellowship with other believers is a biblical mandate. Attending a church organization weekly, never missing a Sunday at either 8:30am or 11am is NOT a biblical mandate, and may not even meet the criteria for “fellowship”. People are using church attendance as a substitute and excuse to avoid actual relationships, which is much harder and coincidentally much more in line with what God wants us to be doing.

    There is no such thing as “senior pastor” in the new testament, which means there’s no moratorium on women holding the position. I would argue instead (along with Wade Burleson) that the position itself should not exist as it has a tendency to put something between people and Jesus, the single arbiter and perfector of our faith. There were elders who served and mentored according to their gifts, which we have largely prevented by applying a bunch of litmus tests to “who can be in charge”. Which means we tell God that he gave gifts to the wrong people.

    We have a whole legalism around baptism, which was meant to be a gift. Now instead of recognizing “what” is being done we focus on “how” and “when” it is done. As though by holding someone’s pinky toe above the water we can prevent God from showing them grace.

    And while we debate doctrines that have no relevance to salvation and build seminaries and document policies and feel so sophisticated, we are utterly neglecting everything that matters. Caring for the sick and injured. Visiting prisoners. Treating immigrants fairly. Providing for widows. Seeking justice. TELLING THE TRUTH because THE TRUTH IS IN US.

    “Are you the teacher of Israel, and yet you don’t know these things?”

    What gets me about this report is that if I have to explain to you, a seminary graduate, why pastors sexual abuse of congregants is wrong, you’re already a totally lost cause. If you are unwilling to defend the faith if it means putting your wallet at risk, you are already a totally lost cause. If you are only willing to protect the vulnerable in fights you can easily win, you are already a totally lost cause because you are a hired hand who doesn’t love the sheep.

    EC is a leadership org within SBC. SBC folks, what would it take? I’m sorry for what you’re facing, but is there literally no violation of scripture that would bring you to disavow? What would it take?

  10. Nessie

    There has been a trend the past few years in my area for SBC churches to adjust their names due to “preconceived notions” of the SBC. The SBC church we attended advertised themselves as non-denominational because they didn’t want to “hinder anyone coming” that may have those preconceived notions of Baptist churches. Many in that church never looked hard enough to know that it was/is a SBC church plant.

    Do your research. Make sure you know what your church is. Familiarize yourself with gaslighting (it’s a great discernment skill to have for life) before talking to your church staffers, and keep reading things like this blog that really search for the heart of Jesus in the bible. I had started to give up on Jesus because of the evilness of men. I found this site and am very slowly coming out of the mire, and hope to find joy in Jesus again.

    On a positive note- we recently found a church (not SBC!) that I think we can trust… at the very least, my whole family is actually excited to go to church again and sing praise songs alongside other believers. First time for that in many, many years!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I’m so glad you found a new church! That’s wonderful! And I”m glad I could be part of your journey.

    • Lisa M

      Yes, many churches do hide their affiliations, whether it’s an ARC affiliation, and SBC affiliation, friendly with Douglas Wilson, etc. Dig, ask, and wait for proof before giving money.

  11. Boone

    I’ll admit it. I’ve been SBC my whole life. I don’t plan on leaving. There’s a brawl coming and I wouldn’t miss it.
    For almost all SBC church members the convention is a once a year deal where messengers go and elect a president and pass non binding resolutions half of which make us look like idiots. The Executive Committee runs the day to day business of the convention, foreign and domestic missions, seminaries, etc. Each church is autonomous and runs itself. As long as the local church’s statement of faith lines up with the Baptist Faith and Message you’re in.
    Now, my thought is that the whole EC should be abolished and an independent form of some type be appointed by the convention to run the day to day matters of the convention until such time as a new governing body can be established with new rules and methods that insure that something like this never happens again. All past and current members of the EC are to be henceforth ineligible to hold any office in the organization.
    All victims should immediately file suit, naming everybody that enabled the coverup and defamed them from their local church up to the EC.
    Remember, it isn’t the crime that does you in. It’s the coverup. Think Watergate.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I love the fact that you wouldn’t miss the brawl! That sounds so much like you, Boone. 🙂 I’d be scared if I were them.

    • Lisa M

      Of course it’s freely your choice to associate with the SBC or not and I completely understand wanting to be there for the brawl. But, during this time, your money is going to this evil organization. That’s the part I could not stomach. I’m watching the brawl from the free section, I will not pay for a ticket.

  12. Lucie

    “Depart from me, I never knew you.” That’s what popped into my head almost immediately after reading about some of those reactions. Years ago I didn’t quite understand that verse. It makes more and more sense the older I get.

  13. Lisa M

    “I don’t think things can change when women are still subordinate.

    I do not believe that any institution can properly deal with sexual abuse and sexual assault when that institution is focused on preserving power at the top, and focused on making sure that power is male.”

    I wholeheartedly agree. Except I wouldn’t phrase it, “I don’t think things can change when women are still subordinate.”

    I KNOW things can’t change when women are still subordinate.

    Everyone who is fed up with this garbage needs to stop funding complementarian churches and para-church organizations. They have a right to their beliefs but they do not have a right to our support.


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