Want something to help you have some deep conversations with your spouse?
Keith and I are in the throes of finishing up the first big draft of our marriage book that comes out next spring! It’s due in at the publishers on March 1.
A big part of that book is the results of our marriage survey that we ran in December, and that so many of you took (thank you so much!).
After taking it, we had so many requests to receive a copy so that people could talk it over with their spouse. We kept hearing,
The whole time I was answering this I wanted to talk to my husband about why I answered the way I did, and I wanted to find out how he was answering the same question! I wish we could have seen each other’s answers!
Now, we couldn’t show you each other’s answers because we wanted to preserve anonymity (and that would never have passed ethics approval anyway!).
Plus if you knew your spouse could see your answers, it may affect how you answer.
But now that the marriage survey is over, we want to give the opportunity to talk about it!
You can download it, and, as it’s a long weekend for most North Americans (I’m not sure about the rest of the world!), it’s something you can work through over the weekend. Make a cup of tea or coffee on Sunday afternoon, or curl up in bed on Sunday night, and talk it through!
Get it here:
Download Our Marriage Survey
To Talk Over With Your Spouse!
It’s formatted either to be printed out, or to be read on a computer. You could likely get away with reading it on an iPad, but it’s likely too big to see on a phone. But a computer screen would be fine!
How to Use the Marriage Survey
Option 1: Print it out, take it separately, and talk it over
You could do this all at once, or divide up the survey and do a bit at a time. It is a really LONG survey (we gave you pretty much the whole thing), so it may be hard to do it again in one go!
Option 2: Just talk it through
Find questions that you’re curious about, and just talk about them. Or do a few of the spectrum type questions (how would you rate these parts of our marriage) separately, and talk about them right there and then!
I hope you find this leads to some great conversations!
Have a good weekend!
It’s not working for me