Jesus didn’t call out the Romans. Instead, he spent his life calling out the religious leaders of His day. He left the Romans pretty much alone. But what do we do? I have seen far too many pastors, and too many best-selling authors, making their main talking point...
Sheila Wray Gregoire
Read posts by Sheila Wray Gregoire
What Were You Wearing When Teenage You Was Harassed in Church?
A few years ago, one of our podcasts on the harm of the modesty message caused a ruckus online. And so I asked people, "if you were ever sexually assaulted in church, what were you wearing?" I had so many heartbreaking responses, and I turned them into a post. I...
A Letter of Apology to Girls in My Youth Group About Purity Culture
Recently in our Patreon group, a member posted a letter that she’s sending out to the girls (now young women) in a youth group she used to lead, apologizing for teaching toxic things. I thought it was so wonderful I asked if I could run it here. I just want to say:...
Revisiting “Don’t Be a Stumbling Block”
Are women responsible for keeping men from lusting? There’s a chilling and glaring error in complementarian theology; men are supposed to lead women and children - both at home and in the church (with many teachers going so far as to say that women cannot even give...
How the 93% Myth Affects Women’s Ministries
The myth that men matter more than women in churches hurts people. Yesterday on the podcast I was talking with Beth Allison Barr and Miranda Zapor Cruz about the myth of the 93%, which goes something like this: The Myth of the 93% When dad comes to Christ first, 93%...
The Evangelical Sex Report Card
What quality of sex do evangelical couples tend to have? This was one of the questions that we set out to answer when we launched our ground-breaking survey to 20,000 married evangelical women and our followup survey with 3000 evangelical men. We used the data from...