Sheila Wray Gregoire

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

Read posts by Sheila Wray Gregoire

How the 93% Myth Affects Women’s Ministries

How the 93% Myth Affects Women’s Ministries

The myth that men matter more than women in churches hurts people. Yesterday on the podcast I was talking with Beth Allison Barr and Miranda Zapor Cruz about the myth of the 93%, which goes something like this: The Myth of the 93% When dad comes to Christ first, 93%...

The Evangelical Sex Report Card

The Evangelical Sex Report Card

What quality of sex do evangelical couples tend to have? This was one of the questions that we set out to answer when we launched our ground-breaking survey to 20,000 married evangelical women and our followup survey with 3000 evangelical men. We used the data from...