All the Latest from "Life"

Why My Heart Breaks for TradWife Influencers

I’m finding the new trend of tradwife influencers rather distressing. You know those accounts--that hearken back the 1950s housewife, and espouse a life where the husband brings home the paycheque, makes the decisions, and is in authority of the wife, while she does...

5 Questions to Ask Before You Talk to a Woman About What She’s Wearing

"How do I talk to a woman about what she's wearing?" I've received a number of social media messages from women lately asking how to approach a woman about her clothing choices. In some cases it's been a work situation. In others a ministry situation. In several...

9 Ways to Help Bare Marriage This Christmas!

I am so grateful to all of you who show up in this community, engage on this blog and on social media. I’m so grateful to those of you who listen to the podcast, send me messages, and let me know we’re making a difference! And I know that so many of you have said that...

Why Women Want an Equal Partner

This has been a strange week on the blog and social media, with a bunch of new male commenters flooding this space complaining about women. The complaints were prompted by two things: our continued discussion about the Psychology Today article and the fact that women...
Why My Heart Breaks for TradWife Influencers

Why My Heart Breaks for TradWife Influencers

I’m finding the new trend of tradwife influencers rather distressing. You know those accounts--that hearken back the 1950s housewife, and espouse a life where the husband brings home the paycheque, makes the decisions, and is in authority of the wife, while she does...

Older posts from "Life"

Why Downsizing Can Be Worth It

Why Downsizing Can Be Worth It

Downsizing sounds like a failure--we didn't live up to our dreams. Maybe we need to see it a different way! This month we're looking at doing marriage on hard mode--are we making marriage, and life, more difficult than it needs to be? And one of the biggest things...

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When Did You Feel Like an Adult?

When Did You Feel Like an Adult?

When did you officially feel grown up? I'm sure we all woke up this morning to a little bit of a fog that we weren't necessarily expecting. I didn't watch the election returns last night, and only tuned in at 7:15. I don't want to get political in this post, or in the...

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