Struggling in your marriage–or with sex?
Below you’ll find some of the biggest challenges that send people to this blog, along with the best posts that tackle these problems. Click through, and you’ll find even more help! I’ve written over 2,400 blog posts on almost every topic,and there’s a search bar at the bottom if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for.
When your husband is hurting the marriage
- When Your Husband Won’t Change (2-part series)
- Iron sharpens Iron Series (our 5-part series on change in marriage)
- Be a spouse, not an enabler
- Three Kinds of Relationship Problems — And why we shouldn’t confuse them
- 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage (Sheila’s book!)
When she has no libido
For Low-Libido Wives:
- Boost Your Libido course
- Why do I want to say no when my husband initiates sex?
- Why is it so hard to say yes to sex?
- Are women like slow cookers?
- Do we understand what rejection does to men?
- 31 Days to Great Sex–to work through this with your husband
- The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex–to change how you see sex and learn how to anticipate it.
For Husbands of Low-Libido Wives:
- Why your husband wants you to read this marriage blog (to show your wife)
- 10 reasons your wife doesn’t want sex
- 10 ways to get your wife more in the mood
- 31 Days to Great Sex
When He Has No Libido
- 10 things higher libido wives need to know
- Why Your Husband Doesn’t Want to Make Love (4-part series)
- 9 things sexually frustrated wives need to know
- 31 Days to Great Sex
What does submission in marriage mean?
- Our Submission Series (4-part series)
- Do marriages work better if the husband makes the decisions?
- How I understand what “head of the wife” means (podcast)
- Are you following a legalistic view of marriage?
- 10 Signs your respecting your husband too much
- 9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage
Abuse Resources
- How Do I Admit to Myself That I’m Being Abused?
- Letter to the woman with the controlling husband
- Why God permits divorce for abuse
- If You pray hard enough, will God stop your husband from abusing you?
- 10 Truths about Emotionally Destructive Marriages
- Can you provoke someone into abuse?
- Summary of Issues from Love & Respect
How Do I Reach Orgasm?
- How to Become More Orgasmic
- Can the “Do Not Deprive” Verses Apply to Women’s Needs, Too?
- 10 Tips for Women Who Haven’t Reached Orgasm
- The Key to Arousal: Listening to Your Body
- Women Deserve Orgasm, Too (It’s not selfish for a woman to want one)
- 31 Days to Great Sex–do this research project with your husband!
- The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex–learn what sex is supposed to be like
My Husband Uses Porn
- Top 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Marriage, and Sex Life (series)
- 4 Things You Must Do if Your Husband Uses Porn
- How Porn Use Before Marriage Affects Marriage Now (podcast)
- You Can’t Recover from Porn by Running away from Women
- How Porn Use Stunts Emotional Growth
- Covenant Eyes: An Internet Accountability Program to Overcome & Prevent Pornography Addiction

You’re telling me WHAT goes WHERE?!
Talking about sex with your kids doesn’t always go smoothly.
That’s why we created The Whole Story, our online course that walks parents through the tough conversations and does the hard parts for you!
Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
I tackle so many more issues on the blog, like spicing things up, resolving conflict, women who use porn, figuring out who to marry, parenting, and more!
Just type your topic into the search bar and see what comes up–or check out my categories and tags!