Probably the most fun I’ve had at Bare Marriage this year is doing the podcasts!
This week I’ve been looking back over the blog for the year, with the biggest traffic posts of the year, and the most debated posts of the year. I talked about my philosophy of blogging going forward–how we have to tear down the unhealthy stuff before we can build that which is healthy.
And today I thought I’d try to run the top 10 podcasts of the year, for those of you who may not have started listening yet and want a place to jump in!
Subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search for Bare Marriage!
And we made two big changes this year:
- First, the last Thursday of every month we’ve been running a podcast geared more to the guys;
- and then we’ve started video recording the podcasts so they’re up on YouTube as well (thanks, Katie, for coming on and helping me by editing the videos!). So you can subscribe to me on YouTube, too!
To be totally honest, there’s no science behind this list of top 10 podcasts for the year.
My previous lists this week have been objective measures–top traffic; most comments.
For this list, we looked at download numbers, but that doesn’t tell us play numbers, so it’s not that helpful. So we asked on Facebook which ones were your favourites, and then I threw in some of my own favourites, and here’s our list! I’ve got it in order, but the order means nothing! It’s kind of like an episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway--the game where the points mean nothing.
But all of these are great, and worth listening to, and I hope you got something out of them!
So let’s count up to #1 in a totally arbitrary fashion:
Ep. 55: We Read The Act of Marriage So You Don’t Have To!
I read excerpts from the book The Act of Marriage, the biggest sex book for Generation X Christian couples, to Rebecca, and she just reacted to it live. And Aunt Matilda made her first appearance. You’ll be hearing a lot more about Aunt Matilda when The Great Sex Rescue launches, because SHE MATTERS. In fact, I even used my dedication in the book to Aunt Matilda, and all others like her. Marital rape is NOT okay. I can’t believe we even have to say this.
But though that sounds heavy, this was actually a fun podcast to record! We’ve had a lot of requests to do other books in the new year. Once The Great Sex Rescue launches, we may do just that. In our new book, we quote liberally from some of these sex and marriage bestsellers, and show how things got so off base. It would be great to delve further into some of the more egregious ones.
Ep. 57: On Marital Rape, Consent, and Obligation Sex
We recorded this one in April, when Rebecca and I were writing The Great Sex Rescue, and exploring how the obligation sex message seriously messes up women’s sex drives and sexual response. And one of the things that so disturbed us in reading Christian sex and marriage books was how consent was never mentioned–but all too often marital rape was excused.
We’ve thought about this even more since recording this, and we’ll be revisiting it in February!
Start Your Engines Ep. 6: Do All Men Lust? Let’s Rethink Every Man’s Battle
Again, another podcast we recorded when we were in the thick of writing our manuscript! The “all men lust” message is one of those messages that isn’t just harmful to women; we can argue that it’s even more harmful to men (and we’ve looked at that in our recent survey of men, too, and we’ll be exploring it in our upcoming book The Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex).
We just need to find healthier ways of talking about this!
Ep. 45: How to Draw Boundaries Around a Spouse’s Bad Behaviour
Here’s the very first podcast of 2020–which launched our iron sharpens iron series last January! I really enjoyed this series, and I find myself linking to it all the time when I write new posts, so if you missed it, this is worth listening to (and reading what goes along with it!).
Ep. 74: You Are Not Broken–You CAN Orgasm!
We spent two months this fall looking at the trouble many women have with orgasm, leading up to the release of our Orgasm Course (it’s a great one to get in this new year! Start your year with a bang! sorry I just had to say that).
I know so many women feel broken, and in this podcast we go into why that is, and why we can have hope instead (plus some practical tips on what to do!).
The Orgasm Course is Here to Help You Experience Real Passion!
Figure out what’s holding you back. Open the floodgates to orgasm.
Start Your Engines #14: On Emotional Maturity and Stonewalling
Here’s a podcast from our emotional maturity series, where we brought on Andrew Bauman, a licensed counselor, to talk about stonewalling and why it is that some men find difficulty expressing emotions. Really enjoyed this whole series, too!
Ep. 60: Splitting the Mental Load of Housework
So many women told me that they listened to the podcasts in June with their husbands, and were finally able to articulate what they were feeling about mental load! If you missed this series, you need to catch up, because it was important.
Ep. 81: Churchianity vs. Christianity and our Year of Being Homeless
The top 3 podcasts for the year were actually our 3 last ones! I think we’ve honestly gotten better and a little bit more raw (plus having Katie on board behind the scenes helps!). But these last three really resonated. Even though more people listed the next two podcasts as their favourites, I have NEVER had as many emails as I did after airing this last one about our problems in finding a church as our eyes have been opened to the harm that is being done in so many evangelical circles. I’m glad this one resonated. I didn’t actually think it would–but I was overwhelmed with your stories. Thank you.
Ep. 79: Can We Please Stop Talking about Girls Being Stumbling Blocks?
If you want to see Rebecca get passionate–you should actually watch this one on YouTube! But we had a lot of fun recording this one because we’re just so passionate about it. After a number of posts about modesty went totally viral on Facebook, and people kept blaming 13-year-olds for what they were wearing, rather than the adult men who were lusting, I just had to let loose and get real. So many people told me that this podcast gave them a way to talk to their kids about this. I even had some moms tell me that they watched the YouTube version with their teen boys!
Ep. 80: Why Unconditional Respect Isn’t a Thing
Really, the stumbling block podcast was called out as often as this one, but THIS ONE was seriously BOOM. Major BOOM.
In a nutshell: the whole premise behind the “men need unconditional respect and women need unconditional love” is based on two things: Ephesians 5:33 and one study. So we looked at both. Dr. Cynthia Westfall showed how Ephesians 5:33, in Greek, insinuates something very different. And that study? Based on 400 men. Ambiguous question. They never asked women. When others did, women answered the same way as men.
In short, this whole thesis doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
So how about we put this all to rest now? What was sad about this podcast was how easy it was to actually do. Why didn’t anyone look into this beforehand, before this idea permeated EVERYWHERE in the church and hurt so many marriages? The information about the problems with the study was in the very book! Just very concerning about the state of intellectual honesty in evangelical circles.
Those were your favourite podcasts this year!
Or maybe you had another? Leave it in the comments and I’ll try to put a link to it in reply so others can see.
And if you haven’t listened in, again, please subscribe! I’m finding that more people actually listen to the podcasts than read the blog, so next year we’re planning on reversing our blog a bit. We’ll START the topic in the podcast on Thursday, and then the next four posts will elaborate on that topic, rather than having the podcast summarize what we’ve already been talking about. And we’ve got about 10 all planned out already. I’m excited!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Did you find a podcast that didn’t make the list really spoke to you? Leave it in the comments! Or did you agree with these choices? Let me know why, too!
Hi Sheila – my favorite podcast from this year was actually when you were at Katie’s place and she was talking about what does she tell her friends she does for work….but that entire podcast was my favorite from this year that I can recall – but I really just enjoy them all. I will say that you put in my “least favorite” podcast as number 5! A while back I told you I would tell you a story of a big event that took place and it has to do with number 5! It turns out it was probably the MOST useful Podcast for me in 2020. I recently took on a new job. My Boss is a woman. First time for me being managed by a woman and I was actually looking forward to it from the standpoint of my living amends that I am constantly working on with regards to women in general as a gender. Well long story short I found out my new boss is a hurting 14 year old girl in a 54 year old body. We got into conflict as I was asked to do something that was impossible to do without her giving me the information I needed to do the work. It was down right crazy. I ended up yelling at her as she was swearing at me and well it didn’t go well. But I thought we had resolved it. We talked it out. But she likes to throw daggers and get revenge as I found out and before you know it she was accusing me of not working and not doing my job and sitting at home. Her argument had no merit…and we got to a point where I couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying to me. It was just so off the wall. So in her dysfunction I got so confused by the conversation I said apparently we have had a communication break down and we need to meet to sort this out. With that I was told that No – our relationship was over and apparently she is not cut out to manage sales people and this conversation is over and she is an expert at relationships and she knows when to throw in the towel. BOOM – There it was …something I just learned about the week before here on TLHV. Stonewalled! I couldn’t believe it. Honestly…that Podcast was one of my least favorites….I just didn’t have interest in it…although I did laugh along with the acting….but that turned out to be so important for me. She refused to talk to me and made a sales meeting with the owner. I was absolutely through the roof! My anger and intensity was according to my counselor at least a 9 lol. For this meeting I stuck to 1 goal for the meeting and stuck to facts and I did not throw my boss under the bus to the owner. I DID NOT HARM HER. I knew that she had been hurt as a little girl and she has apparently never recovered… and so what little trust I might have would be absolutely broken if I threw her under the bus and well there other complications with the situation as well… So I ended up winning the meeting – but the war is still on. I took my anger which was pulling on my sex addiction at some certain point and turned it around and did positive. I can honestly tell you I did not act out sexually (with porn) specifically just so I could stay sober to not screw up the upcoming meeting. Then I took my anger and used it to stand my ground and deliver the message that I am not the enemy. I am a man who works with you and I KNOW you. I WILL NOT HARM YOU. I WILL HELP YOU…… It is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done in my career. And as I found out it is not over yet. That is my 2020 Saga in addition to everything else including getting Covid here in mid December. So here is a Cheers to you and TLHV and ALL – Happy New Year and best wishes to us all in 2021! Take care and see you next year!