We’re in The New York Times Book Review! Plus lots more to listen to!

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Books | 5 comments

Great Sex Rescue in the New York Times

So, this was kind of big news!

The New York Times Book Review actually covered The Great Sex Rescue–in a positive way!

It was one of four books looked at in its review “Looking for Sexual Healing.” Not overly long, but positive, and we can now say, “As featured in The New York Times.” So that’s kind of a big deal! I think they choose less than 1% of books submitted to them to include, so Yay US!

“The Great Sex Rescue” explores Christian teachings on sex against a backdrop of academic research on evangelism and sexuality. A chapter entitled “Your Spouse Is Not Your Methadone” is intriguing in its exploration of how one idea central to Christian sex education — that men must have to constantly control their lust and women are the sexual gatekeepers — has been disastrous for many couples. Traditionally women are blamed for men’s porn addiction. Gregoire puts the blame squarely with the addict.

I don’t want to leave the impression that Gregoire writes about sex in a punitive fashion, though. Far from it. There is a lot of joy in these pages. In fact, I’d like to suggest she retitle her book: [I’m leaving out what she said the title to be because some of you may find it iffy. But we thought it was seriously funny!]

Judith Newman

Looking for Sexual Healing?, The New York Times Review of Books

That was such an encouragement to us to be covered favorably!

I’ve also been so busy behind the scenes recording a bunch of different podcasts, and I thought I’d leave some of them here in case you wanted to listen in!

I’ve done so many I won’t be able to list them all. I’m trying to keep up with them in my Instagram stories, but if I haven’t mentioned yours, it’s nothing personal. Leave a comment and I’ll try to remember to share it next time!


The Puddcast–featuring both Rebecca and me

Jonathan Puddle has such a great podcast, and he’s on a journey to discover what healthy spirituality looks like. I loved his devotional and workbook You Are Enough, and we were blessed to be able to be on his podcast. This was a fun one since it featured both of us.
And Jonathan said about our book that it caused a whole range of emotions, including feeling convicted–and it was a long time since he had read a book that convicted him.

The Worthy Podcast: Celebrating the Value of Women

I joined Eric Schumacher and Elyse Fitzpatrick, authors of The Worthy Book, for this podcast. Something funny happened while we were recording this one. I was telling the story of Aunt Matilda, and how marital rape is a thing in so many of the evangelical books we looked at, and as I was telling the story Elyse, whom I could see on Zoom, looked like she was going to swallow a lung or something.
I had totally forgotten how shocking some of the stuff we say is, because we’re so immersed in it it’s become normal. So that was actually healing for me, to see the shock on someone else’s face and to realize that we weren’t crazy for finding this terrible!

Faith, Philosophy and Politics with Scott Coley

I’ve been interacting a lot with Scott on Twitter lately, and it was wonderful to be able to sit down with him and talk about The Great Sex Rescue. I really appreciate his voice advocating for justice and moral clarity in the evangelical church, and this was an awesome conversation. 

Dear Young Married Couple Podcast

Rebecca and I joined marriage counselors Adam and Karissa King to talk about The Great Sex Rescue! They both were blown away by what we shared about the evangelical resources that have become our go-to resources, and we had a great talk with Karissa afterwards about how to get more peer-reviewed data into evangelical hands. 

Can you help me with a MAJOR GOAL?

A bunch of people have asked how they can support us right now. Of course, the #1 thing you can do is GET THE GREAT SEX RESCUE! (And buy it for your church library; request it at  your local library; tell everyone about it!)

The Great Sex Rescue

Now Available!

What if you’re NOT the problem with your sex life?

What if the things that you’ve been taught have messed things up–and what if there’s a way to escape these messages?

Welcome to the Great Sex Rescue.

And, of course, we’d love it if you could leave a heartfelt review on Amazon and/or Goodreads and/or Christianbooks once you’re done! That helps us so immensely. Truly.

But one more thing: I am now just over 9000 followers on Instagram. If I can get to 10,000 followers, I open up a lot more ability to share links and get people to see my blog, podcasts, and books!

So if you haven’t followed me on Instagram, please do! Or share about me in a story and tell your friends to follow me! I want to see if I can get to 10,000 in two weeks! What do you think? Can we do it?

Do you know a podcast you think I’d be a great fit for? Let me know in the comments!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Whitney

    Have you hear of Jennifer Finlayson-fife? She is an LDS marriage therapist (licensed) who specializes in LDS women and sexual agency. She actually wrote her dissertation on that topic and I think it would be fascinating if you two were to compare your research.
    She doesn’t have her own podcast, but she is frequently featured on other podcasts and hosts all of her podcast appearances on her website (Finlayson-fife.com).
    Another of my Favorites is Sexy Marriage Radio with Corey and Pam Allen. Both Jennifer and Sexy Marriage Radio approach marriage from a faith-based view and a differentiation style of therapy.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Thank you, Whitney! We did approach Sexy Marriage Radio, and I’ve been on that show before, but Cory has decided not to promote our book. I’ll check out Jennifer!

  2. LL

    I was encouraged to see this book is available through Lifeway and bought some copies from there. Jamie and Aaron Ivey are doing a monthy podcast with the intention of strengthening marriages over 2021. Jamie also has her own podcast for women called the Happy Hour.

  3. HB

    “I’ll consider my yoga pants when 60% of men aren’t watching porn. Then I’ll know you’re taking lust seriously” ~Worthy podcast


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