All the Latest from "Pornography"

PODCAST: Shame Must Switch Sides (You’re Not a Prude for Not Wanting Pornified Sex)

I'm tired of being called uptight for not wanting pornified views of sex. The amazing Gisele Pelicot, who is genuinely a hero, has famously said "shame must switch sides." She's the woman whose husband arranged for almost 100 men to rape her while she was unconscious,...

What Should Men Struggling with Lust Do Other than “Bouncing Your Eyes”?

What if a guy is struggling with lust, but honestly wants to do better? But at the same time, he finds that when he’s out in public, he DOES immediately focus on women’s body parts or imagine them naked. He doesn’t want to. He’s in counseling. He’s trying to stop it....

Let’s Stop Taking Advice from Men with a Pornified View of Women

When men reveal they objectify women–treat those men accordingly. One of the things that shocks me about evangelical culture is that a man can reveal that he has a really low view of women, or that he objectifies women or blames them for men’s sin, and that doesn’t...

PODCAST: Why Every Young Man’s Battle Makes Boys’ Lust Problems Worse

Every Young Man's Battle is a dangerous book. Part of the Every Man's Battle series, it is addressed to teenage boys to help them battle lust and pornography.  I hear about Christian schools and youth groups that are still going through it with 13, 14, or 15-year-old...

Older posts from "Pornography"

2 Things Pastors Should Never Say

2 Things Pastors Should Never Say

I do not believe that pastors need to be perfect. I absolutely believe that all of us are works in progress, and that we will always have areas where we need to grow. And I think it's a good idea, in general, for pastors to admit when they're still growing or where...

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