by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Feb 12, 2019 | Sexual Intimacy
Kissing in marriage should be fun! But too often kissing stops once we’re married. We see it as foreplay, and many women don’t want to put a downpayment down on something they may not want to buy later, if you know what I mean. And many men don’t see...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Jan 16, 2018 | Resolving Conflict
How do you talk to your kids about your marriage problems? It’s Rebecca here on the blog today tackling that big question: what do you tell your kid when you and your spouse just aren’t getting along? We’re in the middle of a week talking about how...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Jul 11, 2017 | Libido
Has your sex life gotten boring? Help is here! We’re in our second week of our Sizzling Summer Sex Series, and today I want to help those of you who feel like sex isn’t sizzling whatsoever. And that is sad–because sex is meant to be awesome!...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Feb 14, 2017 | Making Sex Feel Good, Sex
How Can You Make Your Husband Feel Good for Valentine’s Day? Romance is in the air–or, if it’s not at your house, maybe you can sprinkle it there! Because Valentine’s Day lands on a Top 10 Tuesday for my blog, I was debating what I should write...
by Sheila Wray Gregoire | Jan 17, 2017 | Marriage
Should married couples share finances? I asked on Facebook recently whether people kept joint back accounts or separate ones, and quite a few people said that they kept separate accounts. They either divide expenses down the middle, or they delegate certain expenses...