The Dog Ate Our Podcast. Plus COVID.

by | May 21, 2020 | Life | 14 comments

Dog Ate our Podcast

This is a story about why we don’t have a podcast up today, but we still do have a dog.

For those of you who have not seen him on the blog yet, meet Winston, the 5 pound yorkshire terrier: Winston the Yorkie

Winston is a rescue dog, adopted by Becca and Connor when he was 8 three years ago.

He lived in a puppy mill for the first year of his life, in a cage, and then he went to 2-3 other owners where he was neglected by at least one, and likely treated rather badly by another (he reacts particularly badly to certain people, so it seems like he has some bad associations). When they adopted him, he was a very nervous dog. He barked like anything any time another dog came into view, acting like he was going to tear their head off (it was a fear response). He cried if they ever left him. When You Have the Flu and You Feel Terrible It took over a year, but he’s quite happy dog now. He loves sitting in laps and getting belly rubs. Winston at Beach He’s actually quite a lovely dog, even though my other daughter Katie and her husband David still call him a rat. But they agree he’s cute.

Rebecca and Connor recently moved near us, and the dog has a backyard where he can explore.

It’s fully fenced and he can’t get out. So for the first time in years he’s able to go off leash outside, which is a BIG DEAL. (They were never able to take him to dog parks because he gets nervous around other dogs and tries to attack them, which isn’t good when you’re so tiny). And the dog LOVES chasing squirrels and scaring robins. Plus he loves sticking his nose into the neighbour’s yard and talking to the dog on the other side of the fence. Anyway, yesterday I walked over to Rebecca and Connor’s house to record the podcast we were going to put up today. Rebecca and I went for a quick walk with the dog and the baby to talk it all over first, and then we came home and got ready to record. The dog wanted to go outside, so we opened the back door and let him out– and three seconds later we heard the most terrible yelps.  Rebecca ran outside to pick him up. It looked like he had fallen down the concrete stairs, but we couldn’t tell exactly what was wrong. But he was obviously in pain, and his lip was bleeding. They thought he had maybe dislocated his knee or his hip. So we called around and got an appointment at the vet. The dog was breathing funny and acting funny and everyone was very worried. And he’s an older dog who hasn’t been treated well most of his life, so he isn’t in amazing health. They were worried he was going to need surgery, but they didn’t want to have to make that decision, because they didn’t want to put him through pain that likely wouldn’t work (surgeries on small dogs are less successful). Here’s Rebecca with him right before Connor took him to the vet. Rebecca with Winston Connor drove him to the vet, but because of COVID, he had to hand the dog over to the secretary and remain in the car. An hour later he called. They had fixed his split lip, and given him a cortisol shot, and concluded he’d likely sprained or bruised himself pretty badly, but other than that he’d be okay. He just needed to be in his crate or on a lap for the next few days. So we were all very relieved, and doggy came home. So that’s why we don’t have a podcast up today.

COVID makes sad things sadder and puts a shadow on happier things.

Rebecca felt like she had to say goodbye to her puppy and was heartbroken, because if they anything did happen, she wouldn’t be allowed to be there with him. About 1000 miles away, we had a birth in the Bare Marriage extended family this week, too. One of the women who works with me on the blog became an auntie! (Sorry for being cagey – pictures of the baby aren’t online yet so we don’t want to jump the gun!) There was great rejoicing. But baby’s grandparents had to stay at their apartment, and couldn’t visit in the hospital (they were just glad that at least the new dad was able to be there, because a month ago that seemed like it might be iffy). It’s hard when you can’t visit your new grandbaby in the hospital. (here’s Keith and me with little Alex in October). Grandparents with Alex Joanna’s also due soon, and her parents can’t come up because the U.S./Canada border isn’t open (we’re praying that changes in the next month but… the outlook isn’t good). And while I got to be in the hospital when my grandson was born, Tammy, my blog administrator, is leaving for Nova Scotia soon to be there for her first grandchild’s birth, and she won’t be able to be in the delivery room. Life is just difficult. My “adopted” niece is getting married the end of July, and we have absolutely no idea what will happen at that wedding. Will it be a wedding of 10? Of 25? Of 50? We don’t know yet, so it makes it hard to plan. All of these things do start to take a toll. But at least today, doggie is limping, but quite happy to sit in laps and seems relaxed. So we don’t have a podcast for you. If you’re behind on them, though, I do recommend listening to both of these, which go along with our new book The Great Sex Rescue which we just finished (though it won’t be out until next spring): So how has COVID affected you? Or have you ever had a close call with a pet? Let’s talk in the comments!
oh, and here’s our family with the dog and the baby at Christmas: Family Christmas 2019

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Kristen

    I’m so glad Winston is okay! He is too adorable!
    “Life is just difficult.” That’s true of any time, but especially so now. I graduated with my bachelor’s almost three weeks ago, and I’m still waiting to hear back from grad school. I emailed the director of the school’s English program last week, and apparently they are running way behind. It’s scary, because I had planned to move this summer and take a job as a graduate assistant. I don’t really have a plan B. But I’m just trying to stay busy catching up on my reading list or journaling, to try and keep my mind off of it. Because I know if I start fixating on the uncertainty, it’s a downward spiral that is nearly impossible to recover from.
    I feel for expectant mothers (and their extended families), as well as couples like the one you wrote about, Sheila. It’s the uncertainty that’s so hard. I think if we all had a specific date or timeframe when we could reschedule weddings, commencements, and other major events, it might be easier. Disappointing, yes, but we’d still have something to look forward to. Right now, though, there’s no real timeframe. Everything is in limbo. And as for babies, well, they can’t wait indefinitely to come into this world. 🙂

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yes, definitely, it’s the uncertainty!
      I do hope that your plans get sorted out soon. Honestly, I feel so blessed that my husband and I have the jobs that we do, and that we really aren’t being affected the way some are in the broad scheme of things. I’m sorry for what you’re going through!

  2. Lindsey

    Glad everything worked out ok.
    My new puppy is on her way to the vet today as well – she needed her second round of shots, anyway, but two days ago my two year old son picked her up and before we could get to them, dropped her. She couldn’t have fallen more than six inches, but must have landed wrong. She’s been limping. They vet will check her today, and hopefully everything will be fine. I also have a sprained ankle – so we are both a little gimpy.
    Covid (and the reaction) does make everything a little harder and sadder. Still trying to find a job – along with millions of other unemployed Americans. But I know that things will turn around. Just trying to stay positive until they do.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Ack. Looking for work right now must be so hard! I’m sorry, Lindsey.

  3. Chris

    Glad Winston is ok, because of their short legs, Yorkies are prone to taking headers. I can see that being a real problem on stairs.
    I cannot imagine being an expectant mother right now. I know one and the hospital is saying hubby can be in the delivery room but no one else is allowed at the hospital.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Thanks, Chris! Yes, he really did take a tumble. He doesn’t like going down stairs at all.

  4. Becky

    I am SO thankful that my daughter was born last year, because if I was pregnant this year, I’d be a basket case. I do have a niece that was born the weekend before quarantine started. I was able to meet her in the hospital, but my kids didn’t get to meet their new cousin until this past weekend, 2.5 months later. My brother also got laid off about a month after the baby was born, and hasn’t found a new job yet. I guess I basically lost mine, too, since I was teaching music lessons and the few students I had left after maternity leave were all circumstances that didn’t work over Zoom. Since it’s looking like schools aren’t going to be allowing music this year due to fears about singing and playing wind instruments spreading germs, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to continue for a long time, or when I’ll be able to go back to playing at church or orchestra. I’m trying to see this as God’s way of helping me focus on my own kids, since my oldest is kindergarten age this year and we’d already decided to homeschool. I’m still sad, though.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      That is sad, Becky. We really are losing a lot of what made life beautiful, and I think it’s okay to be sad about that.

  5. Donna L

    I have found myself crying a lot during this difficult and uncertain time. We are blessed with still having jobs but because of my job, I was around people from all over the country, we went 8 weeks without seeing our granddaughter. My mom is in a nursing home and has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t understand why we cannot come and see her. We are allowed to FaceTime time her once a week and she keeps asking us when we are coming to see her. Like so many others I want my mom to be safe, but I miss her and worry about her mental state. I know God is faithful and He will see us through this and I should not complain but it is so hard cancelling trips, not getting to see family, not having church, etc. like everyone else I am sure, my heart desires normal.

  6. Anon

    I’m so glad Winston is ok! He’s gorgeous – I have a very nervous rescue dog who is 10. She’s loads more confident than she used to be, but I think she will always have some issues due to her past.
    Covid has affected us big time. Four weeks today should be our wedding day…and as of now, we don’t even know if it will be able to go ahead or not! We’re waiting for the next round of announcements to see if weddings with two witnesses will be allowed (legal minimum in our country). If they don’t allow that in the next review, we will have to reschedule…who knows when. It’s really hard, anticipating such a major life change and not knowing when it will happen! We’re not living together before marriage, so we cant’ even go through the waiting together. I’m not thinking about what it will be like if I have to spend my wedding day at home on my own!!!

  7. Bre

    Wow, I’m glad you guy’s dog is okay! This is not exactly the greatest time for anyone, human OR animal to have any sort of medical emergency!
    “Life is just difficult.” Never has a truer statement been spoken! I’m now in my first 1-room efficiency apartment; I wanted to experience summer in my “home”, my college town, but the fun stuff is pretty shot and I’m reaching the point of going nuts. Seriously; One. Room. But I’m in a place that is between two big lakes and the river (think Island) and there is lots of nature stuff, so I’ve been walking a lot. I’m trying to find a job at a gas station or something (I was planning to get a job at a daycare center, but obviously all the places around here are strict and not hiring now) because rent and groceries are things. And the litteral night before I moved, we found out that my grandpa who has bad Alzheimer’s and Dementia and is in a nursing home, has COVID and has been moved to a COVID ward in his facility (four days before, the first person got it, then when we found out about grandpa, there were almost 40) Grandpa has been doing bad and my mom was pretty resigned to the fact that he wouldn’t last the year, but she’s an awful hot mess because of the idea that he might die alone after not seeing her or my grandma in almost 3 months. But so far no change either way (knock on wood!) My grandma’s 10,000 health issues of picked now of all times to act up and nessisate tons of doctors visits. Oh, and one of my two best friends is getting married this weekend and I have to watch over zoom cause it can only be their family, and we’re all waiting to see if they can have a big party towards the end of summer or not to belatedly celebrate. Sigh.
    It’s not as bad as other people have it, but it’s still so frustrating. It’s a pretty strong reminder that God is in control an I’m not and that my happiness can’t be dependent on everything going perfectly. It’s still hard to think that way but, aside from the mental stress of being alone in a small place, moving out has been a blessing because I have lots of time to think and pray and journal, so I’m trying to get my brain to stop running crazy. Here’s to hoping that things get better soon, especially for the sake of everyone here with upcoming weddings and babies that are now complicated!

  8. Madeline

    So glad Winston is okay!! Hope everyone has recovered from the incident. It seems like medical emergencies can be about as hard on the humans as it is on the pets in terms of stress, so I hope everyone is have a peaceful day today!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      The problem with pets is that they can’t tell you what’s wrong. My husband’s a pediatrician, and he says it’s the same with little kids! It’s just a lot of detective work. 🙂 But it does make it a lot more stressful.

  9. Maria from dogseeks

    A dog can bring so much joy to our lives. Thanks for this amazing podcast story.


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