All the Latest from "Theology of Marriage and Sex"

He’d Die for You. But Will He Do the Dishes?

"The husband has to be prepared to die for his wife." One of the most bizarre arguments defending men being in authority over women is the idea that one day, he may have to take a bullet for you. A husband has to be prepared to die for his wife, but God doesn’t ask...

What’s the Difference Between a “Christian Marriage” and a Good Marriage?

How do you have a Christian marriage? And is a healthy Christian marriage different from a healthy marriage of two non-Christians? A woman wrote in asking:You guys do a wonderful job showing what biblical marriage is NOT but sometimes I’d love just a clear and concise...

Why Complementarianism Is Part of the Bad Outcomes Package for Marriage

Does complementarianism lead to good marriage outcomes? I'm going to answer that question in this post, but I want you to keep something in the back of your head as you're reading this. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t...

PODCAST: Why Teamwork Works Better Than Hierarchy

When it comes to marriage, teamwork is associated with all the good stuff! Hierarchy, on the other hand, is associated with all the bad stuff. We explain today on the Bare Marriage podcast some of our biggest picture findings in The Marriage You Want, and how we...
PODCAST: Why Teamwork Works Better Than Hierarchy

PODCAST: Why Teamwork Works Better Than Hierarchy

When it comes to marriage, teamwork is associated with all the good stuff! Hierarchy, on the other hand, is associated with all the bad stuff. We explain today on the Bare Marriage podcast some of our biggest picture findings in The Marriage You Want, and how we...

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