All the Latest from "Connecting"

PODCAST: Should You Choose Between Being a Good Wife and a Good Mom? And why Date Nights Aren’t Always the Answer

Is being a good wife in conflict with being a good mom? And what does it look like to prioritize your marriage? Episode 270 of Bare Marriage!

What Makes a Good Marriage?

What do we mean by “a good marriage”?  When we say, “I want a good marriage”, what, exactly, are we talking about? A marriage that lasts 50 years? A marriage that doesn’t divorce? A marriage that produces great kids? A marriage that follows God’s “created order” of a...

Why I Believe in Amazing Men

I believe men can be emotionally healthy and available–  –just as much as women can be! I don’t believe that women are necessarily better parents, or more emotionally in tune and healthy, or more emotionally stable than men. I don’t believe that women are more...

10 Christmas Traditions When You Don’t Have Kids

Christmas is coming! And back before my blog became more about evidence-based advice for sex and marriage, I gave a lot of general marriage advice and ideas. Around Christmas, I had some posts and ideas I really liked. And so I thought I'd run some of those again as...
10 Christmas Traditions When You Don’t Have Kids

10 Christmas Traditions When You Don’t Have Kids

Christmas is coming! And back before my blog became more about evidence-based advice for sex and marriage, I gave a lot of general marriage advice and ideas. Around Christmas, I had some posts and ideas I really liked. And so I thought I'd run some of those again as...

Older posts from "Connecting"

The Funniest Fixed It for You!

The Funniest Fixed It for You!

Sometimes I laugh when making a Fixed It for You and I just can't stop. I mean, often my Fixed It for Yous are so awful that they make you angry and make you all riled up to change things all at once.  And sometimes they're so stupid (for lack of a better word) that...

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