The Top 10 Searches that Land People Here: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

by | May 14, 2019 | Bare Marriage | 80 comments

People land on Bare Marriage in all kinds of ways!

It may be links they saw on Twitter or Facebook. It may be posts that people emailed to them.

But the two most common ways are Pinterest and Google–with Google being the biggest one.

And because so much of my traffic comes from Google, I can learn a lot about the kinds of people who read the blog from the kinds of searches that land them  here! After all, I write a whole lot of different kinds of posts. Some are happy ones about how to make your marriage great. Some are technical ones about how to make sex great. Some are slice of life posts or things about the Christian walk. But a lot are posts about troubles that people are having in marriage, and often those drive the most traffic.

Here’s what’s cool about Google. If someone’s in a crisis in their marriage, and they type that crisis into the search bar (“I caught my husband texting another woman”), and I pop up, then when they’re looking for help for marriage, they’ll wind up here, where hopefully they’ll find some practical advice from a Christian perspective.

It’s funny, when I was younger I always wanted to be a missionary (and Keith and I still plan on going back to Kenya sometime soon!). But what’s neat is that I have thousands of people from Africa, or India, or even from the Middle East showing up here everyday for help with their marriages. It’s outreach, all on its own! (and if you ever want to be part of a prayer team for that aspect of this ministry and this blog, you can join here!).

So here’s a look at the 10 most common searches that send people here:

The Happy Searches that land people on Bare Marriage:

Maybe happy isn’t the right word, but these searches don’t mean that people are in crisis. They just may want to get a better marriage! So here they are, in descending order:

1. How to satisfy my husband

I’m hoping people aren’t searching this because their husbands have told them that they’re bad in bed or something, but I do have a post on how to make sex feel great for him!

10 Ways to Make Sex Feel Awesome for Your Husband:

I have a lot of posts on this blog on how to make sex feel great for HER (or for you, really!). And it makes sense, because let’s face it: usually, when you’re making love, no matter what you do he ends up satisfied in bed, while often you’re left unsatisfied. So it seems like we women need more help in that department.

But just because he’s often satisfied doesn’t mean that we can’t turn up the notch and make sex feel even better! Here’s how:

2. Hobbies/Conversation Starters for Couples

Definitely a happy one! People want to know about hobbies to do as a couple, or about my conversation starters for couples. What I’m hoping they’ll also do is sign up for my emotional connection email course, which can help bring them even closer.

3. “How to Initiate Sex”

One of my all-time most popular posts, 10 ways to initiate sex with your husband! I also have a follow-up to it: 10 ways to signal to your husband that tonight’s going to be a good night!

10 Ways to Initiate Sex with Your Husband

With 4 things NOT to do (don’t overthink it, don’t be embarrassed, and more!), and 6 things to do to help you feel less awkward, here are 10 tips that will make initiating sex a lot more natural for you–and more fun!

4. “Adventurous sex”

Now, people could be searching for this wanting some seriously X-rated stuff. But I’m hoping that it’s simply tips to help us relax and try new things! Really to adopt more sexual confidence and relax more. They get sent here:

10 Ways to Be More Adventurous in Bed

Want to get more adventurous in bed? Are you shy to suggest anything new? Here are 10 ways to be more adventurous!

(And try this if you feel like your husband WON’T get adventurous.)

5. “How to Flirt with Husband”

This was a HUGE post on Pinterest a few years back, and it was my top traffic generator for a few years. 16 ways to flirt with your husband (and if you sign up for the newsletter, I’ve got a downloadable freebie with 25 ways!).

The Sad Searches that land people on Bare Marriage:

Not all of the searches, though, are happy ones. Here are some with sad overtones:

6. Wife Doesn’t Want me/Wife rejects me all the time

A LOT of the people who end up on this site from Google are actually men. And here’s the most common search term: something about how a wife hates sex. In this case, they’re usually being sent here:

10 Reasons Why Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex

Here are all the reasons that women tell me they may say no–from feeling exhausted to not feeling emotionally connected to sex just plain not feeling very good.

Guys can read this and see if any of them resonate–and then go to other posts that help them talk to their wives about how they’re feeling.

7. Porn Addiction Side Effects

This is actually the one I’m MOST excited about having rank in the top 10. The only problem is that it used to be a lot higher, but because the post is older now Google isn’t giving it as much juice. But my prayer is that more people land on this post when they’re looking for the effects of porn, because maybe they’ll learn that it is worth quitting! There’s so much toxic information about porn on the internet, and I’d so much rather they end up here.

The Top 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, You Sex Life, and Your Marriage

Porn is not harmless!

And in this post I list 10 of the most common effects, including a loss of libido, an increase in erectile dysfunction (and other sexual dysfunction), a loss of intimacy, and more.

If you’re talking to teenagers about why they shouldn’t use porn, it’s more effective to show them a post like this than to just say, “God doesn’t want you to do it!”

8. “I cheated on my husband”

I’m surprised this ranks so high! Google has recently found me for this search term. We tend to think that it’s husbands who have the affairs, but I get a lot of emails from women who have cheated, too.

How to Rebuild Your Marriage--When You're the One Who Cheated

How do you recover from an affair if you’re the one who strayed?

I actually get that question a lot on the blog–and so I’ve got 8 things to remember in this post. Here’s just one:

Allow Room for Anger

You may think that several months have gone by, and things are progressing, so he shouldn’t be angry anymore. But it’s often just as you are starting to talk that his anger starts really surfacing. Now he may have a lot of questions–what did you do with that guy? Tell me in detail! What were you thinking when you spent all that money? etc. etc.

When he starts demanding answers, don’t say, “I’ve said I’m sorry! What else can I say? You seem to want to punish me indefinitely!” That may be natural, but he does need time to get his questions out. I’d advise answering them as honestly and succinctly (you don’t need to go into a lot of detail) as you can.

Also, avoid the impulse to defend yourself. “I wouldn’t have had the affair if you had shown some interest in me!” Or “If you hadn’t spent so much time on video games maybe I wouldn’t have felt so lonely!” Those are real issues, and do need to be dealt with. But leave them for another time, or bring them up with a counselor. For now, let him express his anger. Once you have talked about his issues, you can say, “I don’t ever want to be tempted in this way again. Can we talk about how to build our relationship so that neither of us ever strays?” Then you can mention some of your issues–video games, for instance. But leave this until after he has had a chance to deal with his anger.

Read the rest of it here.

9. “Sex boring”

Sex shouldn’t be boring! And if it is, here’s a pep talk I gave about that:

Sex is SO Boring!

You know, it really shouldn’t be.

And so if it is–it’s up to you to figure it out! That may take some work. But life shouldn’t be something that happens to you. It should be something that you intentionally live out!

I lay out the reasons that sex gets boring in this post, and then show the mindsets that need to change to figure out how to make sex an exciting part of your relationship again.

10. “Husband prefers hand over me”

When I asked Connor to find the top 10 searches on this blog for me, I was not expecting to see this one! But apparently a lot of people end up here with that problem! Wow. I’m going to have to write more about that (and boy is that sad). But when they type that in, they get sent to this post on red flags in marriage:

Top 10 Sex and Marriage Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore

Sometimes I get sent horrible emails from women who are in awful marriage situations–but they don’t seem to know how bad it is.

We simply don’t talk about sex very much with our friends, and least not in detail, and so we don’t always realize when our experience actually is strange.

So I thought it was worth being very clear about 10 things that AREN’T normal, and that should cause you concern. (and, yes, your husband preferring masturbation over sex is one of them!)

So now you’ll have a feel of how people find me. And you’ll see why I consider Google a mission field! From Pinterest I tend to get people looking for more generic, happy posts on marriage, so that’s good. But a lot of people who land on the site really are in crisis, which is likely why I get so many sad reader emails.

Top 10 Searches that land people on Bare Marriage marriage blog

I’d love to know in the comments: How did you find me? What were you looking for? Let me know!

Written by

Sheila Wray Gregoire


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Sheila Wray Gregoire

Author at Bare Marriage

Sheila is determined to help Christians find biblical, healthy, evidence-based help for their marriages. And in doing so, she's turning the evangelical world on its head, challenging many of the toxic teachings, especially in her newest book The Great Sex Rescue. She’s an award-winning author of 8 books and a sought-after speaker. With her humorous, no-nonsense approach, Sheila works with her husband Keith and daughter Rebecca to create podcasts and courses to help couples find true intimacy. Plus she knits. All the time. ENTJ, straight 8

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  1. Kay

    On a mom group on FB a mom recommended this blog! So, here I am and we have gotten so much good information from this. Things we were way to scared to google because of not wanting porn to pop up. So, love rhat this is good, clean information! So thankful God led us to find you and help strengthen our relationship even more!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yay! So glad you found me. And I’m so glad that people recommend me, too!

      • Laura

        I’ve been a follower for years but really diving into your posts. I had vaginismus when first married and 10 years later still working through some issues. But thanks to you I found out that staying “pure” until marriage has hindered me in my thinking. Ready for a break through!

  2. Kristina

    Found your blog when I was researching vaginismus as a newlywed (about 9 years ago) and have been reading ever since :). Thanks for all your hard work!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, that’s one of the topics nearest and dearest to my heart because I experienced it, and I know how much that affects your marriage. I hope I can help point people to resources to help them experience a breakthrough!

      • Lydia purple

        I think I came here the first time researching vaginismus also roughly 9 years ago. Then again when searching about spanking – or not spanking. And that’s when I stuck around…

        • Sheila Wray Gregoire

          And I’m so glad you did! I love your comments. and I still want to visit you one day!

    • Gina

      I was getting my incredibly dysfunctional marriage back on track about 5 years ago with the “help” of a blog that teaches extreme submission. It helped to a point – I wasn’t as mean anymore! But I began to be more and more flabbergasted by some of the stuff she was teaching, as well as her calloused attitude toward women who were suffering in truly terrible situations. I wondered if I was the only one. Thanks to a google search I found a forum discussing that particular blog and I was definitely not alone in my hesitations. One of the commentators said “I wish people would check out tolovehonorandvacuum instead.” And I never looked back! Thank you for your ministry!

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        Gina, that’s amazing! I’m so glad I’m the antidote to such toxic teaching. Let’s just point couples to JESUS, people! Is that really so hard????? Oh, dear.

        I said a prayer of thanks for that person on the forum who sent you here!

  3. Jane Eyre

    A bit before I got married (a few months ago), I googled for – Christian wedding night, Christian honeymoon tips, etc. (My husband did similar searches but without “Christian,” and was a bit put off by what the Internet showed him.) I might have done a quick scan of a post or two then.

    We have problems that are typical of newlyweds, and more searching lead me back here.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      So glad you found me! And, yes, if you left off the word Christian I can just imagine what you’d get!

    • Tiffany

      Before we were married when my now husband confessed to using porn (he stopped right after as he was so relieved) and I was devastated. I also found out he wasn’t a virgin and that also was heartbreaking. 5 years later and I’m still following because you have great helpful pictures content!

  4. Laura

    I probably found you by searching about the harm purity culture inflicts and how to get over it. I wish I could remember my Google search, but I was enthralled with your blog about the purity culture. You identified things for me I had not been able to fully grasp yet and how it was affecting my marriage. I’ve been following and recommending your blog ever since!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      That’s awesome! I’ve got a 3-book book proposal out to publishers right now looking at the effects of the purity culture. Pray it goes somewhere!

  5. Momof17

    I was googling scriptures for kids to memorize 🙂

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Wow! You must have been really surprised at what the rest of the blog was about. 🙂 But I still love my post on 50 best bible verses to memorize. 🙂

      • Momof17

        I was surprised! I learned a few things though even after 30 years of marriage:) Good stuff:)

    • RNmom

      I was searching for ways to keep your husband interested…yrs ago!!! I bookmarked the site and was hooked. I tell every female I talk to about motherhood, sex, relationships, marriage, etc. About your site. It all applies, it’s universal. You cover it all and I am so so so grateful ❤️.

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        You’re so welcome, RNmom! And thank you so much for referring others here, too!

  6. Emilie

    I found your blog in college when I was on Pinterest and found your ways to flirt post! I’ve also done a few searches in the sad end of these 10, but your blog has been a ministry to me unlike any other. Thank you for the work you do, Sheila!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, that’s awesome! I love how younger women are finding the blog, too. I guess I’m not young anymore (though I like to think I am), but it’s so great to see another generation here!

      • Kacey

        I was looking for Christian honeymoon resources on Pinterest and found The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex. That got me here.

        • Sheila Wray Gregoire

          Oh, cool! I’m so glad that the book came up on that search! Interestingly, Rebecca and I are creating a honeymoon course as we speak which should launch in about three weeks. I guess it’s too late for you now, but it will be there for others who follow! 🙂

  7. Melissa

    I found you on Pinterest! I really want to share you on my personal Facebook page( I’m scared of the people that will say tmi)
    So I’m just going to send it and share this post! I love reading your post ❤️

  8. Anonymous

    As a man, I found this site through Google…my search terms were Christian sex-starved marriage, Christian wife has low sex drive, etc.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      And you’re definitely not alone! I feel so badly for so many of the men here. I really do hope I can help.

      • Chris

        I found this blog through google back when i was trying to figure out why i was in a sexless marriage.

        • Sheila Wray Gregoire

          I’m glad you’re here, Chris. And I am sorry about what you’re going through. I really am.

  9. Elissa

    I found you through searching for two-person board games couples can play. Your post on that is still one I go back to regularly for gift ideas for friends who are getting married. After looking around the blog your other posts helped me identify a problem with dissociation I knew I had, but didn’t have the terms to put it into words, and didn’t have a clue how to start dealing with it. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      That’s awesome, Elissa! I want to add more games to that post, too. Actually, I’m thinking of doing a follow up one with some more, because we’re such game people and we’ve discovered some new ones!

  10. Natalie

    I’m so glad you pop up so quickly on Google, Sheila!!! You’re right, it really is a form of missions work! I found you when googling “husband too fat for sex” lol. Your article about husbands with large guts was really the only article in the first several pages of Google’s results that popped up with any substance to it and it was exactly what I needed to hear right then. Now, after a year or so of reading your blog regularly, I honestly can’t believe how the Lord has used your ministry to change our marriage!! Thank you SO much for what you and your team do!!! I have to wonder if my husband and I would still be in our same ol’ sexless newlyweds (& perpetually frustrated with each other) rut without it!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yay! I’m so glad, Natalie. And thank you so much for all your comments and contributing to the community here. I really appreciate it.

      • Natalie

        Well, I appreciate how you reply back to all our comments!! Thank you! (even our sometimes random tangents lol). I was really surprised when you replied the first time. I wasn’t expecting that, seeing as how large a platform you have and how many comments you receive! I think your personal touch is another thing that sets your blog apart from others, and also fosters a really wonderful, encouraging community!!

        • Sheila Wray Gregoire

          Aw, thank you! I just want people to know I’m a real person, and that I’m approachable, too. 🙂

    • Michele

      Sheila, I found your site earlier this year when looking for Christian counsel on having a marriage where two truly become one. I was researching information by Shannon Etheridge and somehow came across your blog. I was hooked! You have so many topics to read about, your perspective relates to my heart and mind and a bonus is that your website is easy to navigate. Thank you!

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        Oh, I’m so glad you’re here, Michele! You’re someone who found it by deliberately looking for a Christian blog, so that’s really interesting!

  11. Allison

    Thank you for so many great resources! I’m excited to dive deeper into them as I am almost 6 weeks away from marriage!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, congratulations! I hope it’s a wonderful day for you. We’re working on a honeymoon course right now that should launch June 1. I hope it’s ready for you! 🙂

  12. Erin

    Sheila – thank goodness you are a cyber missionary! You are reaching more people with your blog and speaking than you ever could by physical travel. God puts you where He wants you. Thank you for your daily yes!!! You’re may favorite!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Aw, thank you, Erin!

  13. Brittney

    Tip from someone who works in digital marketing- with that old post you want to rank better- go back, do some updates (we typically recommend headers, image, alt text, and post description) and update the date stamp to be current. Then tweet the link to get it recrawled. The search engines prefer newer, more relevant content and they will usually reward an update to an evergreen post. Email me if you need more help! I’m a reader who finds hour posts super valuable and want others to find them too!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Aw, thank you, Brittney! I have done all of that (we have 150 posts we regularly update quite frequently, changing out graphics, links, etc.). But we don’t change the date because it’s in the URL and that would change the URL of the post. So that might wreck the ranking because it wouldn’t have all the incoming links. Does that make sense? Should we still be doing that anyway?

  14. Lindsey

    I was first exposed to your blog when a friend on Facebook shared an article on submission years ago. At that point I thought you were a little too feminist for my taste, and I disagreed with your post. (I loved your sex articles, though, and they kept me around) Boy! Have things ever changed! I still would never refer to myself as a feminist, but my husband and I now refer to ourselves as having an egalitarian marriage. The other day my young son wanted to do something the opposite of how I had said, and he asked my husband “can’t you just overrule her?” Now, used to be when he would say something like that, my husband would back me up – but with the understanding that he could overrule if he wanted to. That day, for the first time ever I heard him say to my son, “No, I can’t just over rule her. Mommy and I are equal. We are a team.”. I’m getting misty-eyed just writing it. It’s my hope that the further we get away from bad ways of operating, the healthier and better example for our kids we will set. Thanks for your blog.

    • EM

      That made me misty eyed too! I have had a similar change in thinking. God is so good!

      • Sheila Wray Gregoire

        So glad!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, Lindsey. I’m so misty-eyed, too! That’s amazing. I’m going to print this one out and put it on my fridge! Thank you so much!

  15. Christina

    My dear friend Lois told me about you. Lois, who you finally got to meet on the weekend at a speaking engagement near Edmonton! She is probably as good for your blog as any advertising you could buy!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I LOVED meeting Lois on Friday night! That was so awesome! I love people who tell others about my blog, too.

      • Wifey

        As a newlywed who didn’t know much (which I don’t think is a problem, by the way, I knew the basics and have had a ton of fun learning more with my hubby!) I searched for Christian books on sex at our library and yours came up. I didn’t even end up looking at the other 2 books I requested! That’s where it all started. 😄

        • Sheila Wray Gregoire

          Awesome, Wifey! And you’re right–I don’t think it’s a big deal to not know a ton when you get married, as long as you are both committed to figuring things out together so that they work for both of you! And as long as you know where to turn if you need help. 🙂

  16. Kate

    As a single woman i can’t remember how i found you, Sheila. All i know is i have been reading for couple of years and started commenting a year and half ago. You are my favorite marriage blogger and is my favorite singles ministries blog. I love their podcasts on Thursdays with Lisa Anderson who’s also a single woman in her 40s. I’m just grateful i have two blogs i love dearly catering perfectly to my needs. I love the internet, it has helped me SO MUCH!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I’m so glad, Kate! And thank you so much for all your comments and really making this a community, too.

  17. Mrssplat

    A friend who took your libido course told me about you! Love your posts!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Aw, thank you!

  18. Brokenhearted

    I’m pretty sure that I found you from Pinterest. I was searching for hope after porn and adultery. =(
    I am so thankful that you talk about such difficult topics and I have shared your blog with friends as well.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, I’m sorry you were searching for such sad stuff, but I’m glad you found me! I find that most people who stick around are often from Pinterest, which is why I don’t give up on Pinterest even though it’s changed so much. So glad you’re here.

  19. Mom2boys

    I love seeing your emails arrive in my inbox!!! And I also enjoy forwarding on several of them for my husband to read!!! I’ve also introduced your blog to my sisters and purchased several of your books! You are awesome and I’m so glad I found you through Google!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yay! Thank you so much! And thank you for commenting today for the first time! 🙂

  20. Mitch

    I have Covenant Eyes on all my devices. It was one of the articles that you wrote and I read a number of years back. I went to you website and am hooked. Both my wife and I glean so much great knowledge. Wish this info had been around when we were first married 42 years ago. We’re still best of friends and madly in love with each other. Thank you Sheila, keep up the great trailblazing work.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, so great to see a man here who’s been married so long. I’m actually so excited to see more men on the blog. I’m hoping that one of the next books I write will be more for couples instead of only women. So glad you’re here!

  21. Maria

    I’m pretty sure I landed here from Pinterest (which I don’t even use anymore!) because of the post about date ideas and ways to be romantic with your husband. I remember a picture of two people on bicycles holding hands, whichever post that was!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yes, the hobbies post! That one went huge on Pinterest. So glad you’re here!

  22. KellyK

    I found you via Courtney Joseph’s blog Women Living Well back in 2011, after I’d discovered my husband’s affair. It was your post on how divorce affects children and THAT one article made me change my mind, so thank you. And I can say that I’ve met both of you in person! 😀

    Tomorrow, my husband and I celebrate 20 years of marriage! 🙂 So thank you!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, Kelly, I remember that story well! And congratulations on your anniversary! That’s wonderful.

  23. Sam

    I found you by buying your book on Amazon, the Good Girl’s Guide to Sex. I was looking up ways to keep our sex life fabulous, and was wanting more tips, from a Christian perspective. Then I read about your blog from your book, and I visit your website at least once a day. I love how you cover ALL topics: kids, grandparents, parenting, sex, love, marriage, etc. You don’t shy away from hard topics; and your posts are a cool drink of refreshing water. Thanks, Shelia!

  24. Melanie E.

    Sheila, my reading here goes back BEFORE you became a Christian sex blogger! First thing I remember is your homeschooling book report outline/template that you offered for free.

    You’ve always been such a positive blogger that I just hung on even as you switched focus from family and homeschooling to marriage and sex. What a ride it’s been! 😁

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, wow! That is quite a long time ago! I actually really liked those book report outlines and essay outlines! Rebecca ended up building a whole website based on the essay outlines teaching people how to write university papers. 🙂

  25. A

    I found your blog Googling vaginal pain during sex. I didn’t know the word “vaginismus” until I found your blog!

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I didn’t know it, either, until I experienced it! Not fun at all. Glad I can help others now, though.

  26. Brievel

    3 AM, couldn’t stop crying as my husband slept because I’d found a porn game on his phone again and felt like I was drowning. Not sure if it was the porn post you mentioned or a different one, but I opened several links (I only remember you and Yahoo Answers,) and you were… everything I needed to hear. I started reading voraciously, and over a few months you taught me everything no one else had… (and I found out that, despite my best efforts, I was doing almost everything wrong.)

    It was TLHV that gave me the courage to separate from him during the abusive period, now we’re back together and working hard on making it work. We still have a long way to go, and he’s not a Christian (yet… any prayers in that department are appreciated,) but we’re both determined to do it right. I still dream of one day having enough money left over after necessities to get some of your books…

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      I’m so glad you found me, Brievel! Honestly, that’s why I consider Google a mission field. I know people type stuff in when they’re desperate, and that’s when I want them to find me the most. And thank you for commenting. It’s been encouraging to follow the journey of your marriage. I’ll keep you in my prayers!

  27. A regular reader

    I found you a few months ago while searching for information on Christian married orgasm, lol! I’ve sent so many friends here already, and will keep sending more. Your perspective on MUTUAL sex was paradigm-changing for our marriage of 26 years, and it’s the catalyst that’s taking us to the next level. We have a baby marriage with a pathological history, and this blog came into our lives at just the right time. We are both 100% in, which wasn’t the case until the past few years. I’ve only noticed one tiny thing I’ve disagreed with you on, and I’ve read nearly all your posts on sex, and sent countless posts to my husband (and read countless posts together with my husband). 😀 But my different perspective comes from living out a very different life experience than yours, in the world of disability. There’s so much more I could say, but there really aren’t words sufficient to thank you adequately. I’m praying for your ministry.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Thank you so much! That’s such an encouraging comment. I really appreciate it!

  28. Liz

    I found this website through a friend’s suggestion when we were talking about our favorite marriage resources. I’ve read it off and on for a while for great tips to help me communicate better with my husband and to feel more comfortable with how much I enjoy sex (a good problem to have!) Recently, I’ve been reading trying to find godly counsel to pass along to some newlywed friends who are having problems connecting sexually when/if/as they invite me and my husband into their life.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Oh, I’m so glad you found me, Liz! And thanks for telling other people about the blog!

  29. Jane

    Confirmation, if you plug your website into a SEO tool, the top 10 searches (other than your website name) that people make to find you are… 1. hobbies for couples 2. soul ties 3. important bible verses 4. why won’t my husband touch me 5. how to please your husband 6. conversation starters for couples 7. why is my wife so boring in bed 8. wife hates sex 9. amish sex 10. husband fantasies

  30. unmowngrass

    I can’t remember why or how (or even really when…) I first encountered you. But I remember the first post I read of yours: “sex flowers”. And it was an aha moment for me. But, it was at a time where I had been kinda idolising romantic relationships and so I was deliberately putting things like sappy romantic songs away from me, so I didn’t follow you then. But I loved your style, so that was a real wrench!! So I did pray that I would be allowed to find you again, when I could handle it! And when I was in a relationship, I did find you again!! Probably from the couples hobby post on Pinterest, as already mentioned…?

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      Yay! so glad you’re here. And I remember Keith bringing me sex flowers. That was actually a pretty funny story!

  31. ANW

    I found your site YEARS ago (7 maybe). I don’t remember what I was searching for but I came across your 29 Days to Great Sex series. I think it was about a week or so into the series. I’ve been following along, and recommending your site ever since.

    • Sheila Wray Gregoire

      That’s amazing! So glad you’ve stuck around!


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