All the Latest from "Resolving Conflict"

PODCAST: The Marriage Hierarchy of Needs–and Why Compromise Often Backfires

If you're in conflict, you just compromise, right? Well, not necessarily!  Here's the thing: compromise only works if you're starting from an even playing field. If one of you is bearing significantly more of the load for the relationship, then it's not about each of...

3 Point Difference Between Hurt and Harm

Can you feel hurt without actually being harmed? And is there a difference between hurt and harm? This is a conversation that we’ve been having in our Patreon facebook group (exclusive for our Patreon supporters; you can join for as little as $5 a month!), and I...

5 Strategies If You’re Married to an Entitled Spouse

What do you practically do about entitlement in marriage? We’re at the end of our entitlement series, and all month we’ve been looking at how entitlement can impact a marriage. We’ve looked at the difference between realistic expectations and entitlement. We’ve looked...

You Deserve a Grown-Up Spouse: Let’s Talk Weaponized Incompetence

What if a lot of entitlement comes from a desire to not have to grow up?  It’s Rebecca on the blog today, and I’m expanding on what I sent in a newsletter back last week. But I want to start with a story of a time when I was refusing to be a grown up, and it caused me...
3 Point Difference Between Hurt and Harm

3 Point Difference Between Hurt and Harm

Can you feel hurt without actually being harmed? And is there a difference between hurt and harm? This is a conversation that we’ve been having in our Patreon facebook group (exclusive for our Patreon supporters; you can join for as little as $5 a month!), and I...

5 Strategies If You’re Married to an Entitled Spouse

5 Strategies If You’re Married to an Entitled Spouse

What do you practically do about entitlement in marriage? We’re at the end of our entitlement series, and all month we’ve been looking at how entitlement can impact a marriage. We’ve looked at the difference between realistic expectations and entitlement. We’ve looked...

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