All the Latest from "Sex"

Does Sex Hurt the First Time?

Is sex really painful the first time? That’s one of the most common questions I get asked from engaged women waiting for the wedding night. How much is going to hurt? What should I expect? This month I’m going to look at some “myths” that we often have around sex....

What If Sex Is Like Going out to Dinner?

This week The Good Guy’s Guide and Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex Turn 2! Two years ago, these two books launched. I wrote the original Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex in 2012, and Zondervan contracted with Keith and me to write a companion guy’s version, to come out...

The 72-Hour Rule Isn’t a Thing: How Evangelicals Coerced Women into Sex Every 72 Hours

The 72 Hour Rule is Made Up by Evangelical Authors.  Yep. This month on the blog we're "fact checking" common sex beliefs, and one of the biggest ones in evangelical circles is the 72 hour rule: the idea that a wife must have sex with her husband every 72 hours,...

FACT CHECKED IT: Are Blue Balls Real?

Is there really such a thing as “blue balls”?  This month I want to start a new series on the blog called “Fact Checked it For You”, where we look up some of the most common outrageous claims made about sex, and see if they actually stand up to scrutiny. We’ll be...
Why Can’t I Reach Orgasm after Menopause?

Why Can’t I Reach Orgasm after Menopause?

What happens to your ability to orgasm after menopause? In the last few months I’ve talked to three women in my social circle who say that orgasm has completely stopped once they started menopause, though it was pretty easy before. For one woman it’s been ten years...

What Happens to the Vagina After Menopause?

What Happens to the Vagina After Menopause?

A healthy vagina is lubricated, supple, and elastic. It's supposed to be able to stretch (for obvious reasons, like both penetrative sex and childbirth), but then it's also supposed to go back into place afterwards. It's supposed to get lubricated and stay at least a...

Does Sex Hurt the First Time?

Does Sex Hurt the First Time?

Is sex really painful the first time? That’s one of the most common questions I get asked from engaged women waiting for the wedding night. How much is going to hurt? What should I expect? This month I’m going to look at some “myths” that we often have around sex....

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