Every month on the blog, I like to focus on a particular topic.
It doesn’t mean that every post in that month has to do with that topic, but often I have more to say on something than just one post will allow, and so I dedicate a month to go more in-depth.
In August, we’ve been talking about periods! But I’ve also tackled emotional labor, MBTI personalities, birth control, submission in marriage, and so much more.
I know some of you have joined the blog only relatively recently, and so you may not have had time to delve into some of the series that I’ve done in the past. Since there’s an extra Monday in August, I thought I’d post my most recent series, so that you all can peruse and catch up if there’s a topic you’ve missed. And the other posts in each series should be listed at the bottom of these posts, too.
Have fun!
PODCAST: The Problems with Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans
What happens when a charismatic man with no qualifications starts a marriage ministry? You end up with a book that sounds like he wants the best for...
The Problems with Marriage on the Rock (and XO Marriage) with Jimmy Evans
One of the things we’re passionate about on this blog is making sure the self-help and relationship advice in the evangelical world is healthy. Over...
Giving Tuesday: Help Us Reach Those Still in Toxicity
We've figured out our biggest problem. Recently I was talking with a young couple who got married after having done everything "right." They thought...
The Best Bibles to Choose–That Honour Women
So many people want a Bible that reflects God’s heart for honouring and respecting women. But with so many Bibles offering biased translation work...
Podcast: Her Rites: The 6 Rites of Passage for Women Feat. Christy Bauman
What if, as women, we miss out on wholeness because we don't honour ourselves? What if we've missed out on the rites on passage that actually honour...
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PODCAST: Is GENTLE Parenting Just PERMISSIVE Parenting?
How do you avoid power struggles with your kids--without just becoming a pushover? I'm sure you've heard it before--"Gentle parenting is just...
Can Christians Please Stop Talking about Spanking Babies?
We shouldn't be spanking babies. Well, spanking at all is problematic--but we especially shouldn't be spanking babies! This month I'm reposting some...
Are Girls Responsible for Making Boys Feel Less Lonely?
Are teen girls responsible for helping teen boys fit in? There's a disturbing trend I've noticed lately where, when a disturbed man goes on a...
What Should Men Struggling with Lust Do Other than “Bouncing Your Eyes”?
What if a guy is struggling with lust, but honestly wants to do better? But at the same time, he finds that when he’s out in public, he DOES...
PODCAST: They’re coming after BLUEY now?!
Do good dads play with their kids, or is that a feminine trait? It's a wild question, right? But that's a large amount of an absolutely bonkers...
Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted in Cases of Abuse?
Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted in Cases of Abuse? So many people ask for a robust Biblical investigation into whether divorce is allowed in...
He Says Good Things: A Poem Inspired by Josh Howerton’s Jokes
We don't have to accept pastors demonizing little girls. Recently, I was sent a clip by someone who attends Lake Pointe church and was concerned–I...
On Al Mohler, Samantha Killary, Empathy, and the Romans
Jesus didn’t call out the Romans. Instead, he spent his life calling out the religious leaders of His day. He left the Romans pretty much alone. But...
PODCAST: For Our Daughters: Plus Why Sex Abuse Scandals Keep Happening
We're not going to end sexual abuse in the church until we confront its causes. It's not just a matter of getting rid of abusers (they have a habit...
A Letter of Apology to Girls in My Youth Group About Purity Culture
Recently in our Patreon group, a member posted a letter that she’s sending out to the girls (now young women) in a youth group she used to lead,...
Revisiting “Don’t Be a Stumbling Block”
Are women responsible for keeping men from lusting? There’s a chilling and glaring error in complementarian theology; men are supposed to lead women...
How to Heal Your Faith After Toxic Teachings
Next Tuesday, Dr. Camden Morgante's new book Recovering from Purity Culture launches! I'm so excited about it, because not only does Dr. Camden...
PODCAST: Recovering from Purity Culture
What if purity culture really did a number on you? We talk a lot here at Bare Marriage about how harmful much of the purity culture rhetoric was: It...
Overcoming Shame from the “Damaged Goods” Myth of Purity Culture
Do you need to recover from purity culture? This is a first for me--but I wrote a foreword to a book! Dr. Camden Morgante's first book Recovering...
Tender Truths for the Evangelical Woman Who Feels Trapped
A few weeks ago I got involved in a conversation on X (I still think of it as Twitter) about how to reach women in evangelical spaces who are...
How the 93% Myth Affects Women’s Ministries
The myth that men matter more than women in churches hurts people. Yesterday on the podcast I was talking with Beth Allison Barr and Miranda Zapor...
PODCAST: The 93% Myth That Fathers Matter MOre than Mothers
What happens when churches make up a ridiculous stat--and spread it? Ever heard the stat that when fathers come to Christ first, in 93% of families...
The Evangelical Sex Report Card
What quality of sex do evangelical couples tend to have? This was one of the questions that we set out to answer when we launched our...
Where Can I Find a Good Counselor if the Church is Toxic?
Recently, I received a question from a reader about how to find a good counselor“I really need help knowing how to find the right kind of counselor....
Does Spanking Actually Work?
Does spanking help kids obey? Yesterday on the Bare Marriage podcast I had an amazing conversation with David and Amanda Erickson about their new...
Are there any other topics you’d like me to cover? Let me know in the comments!
Great round up! I’m looking forward to reading these. 🙂
Since you asked what we would like to see in a series:
Getting your marriage back on track after it has been derailed by (fill in the blank, and maybe this changes depending on what derailed it)
The emotional and perspective issues for newlyweds. Sorry if this is hard to describe, but I think a lot of newlyweds, especially younger ones, start marriage with ideas like:
the wedding is a big party
your first loyalty is still to your family of origin
this is just a more permanent version of a dating relationship where God allows us to have sex
it’s okay to disagree in public or in front of the kids
if your friends and family have always given you good advice, you should continue to turn to them for advice (even if it has the effect of putting marital decisions up to a popular vote)
I would love something about how and when to give marriage advice to friends. When is it appropriate to mention if you feel like something is off and how to bring that up.
Oh, that’s a great idea for a series! About how to support marriages in your circle/community, and support people when something is really off. Maybe for December when we’re talking about family? I’ll put that in the docket!