All the Latest from "Books"

What if Emerson Eggerichs is Asking Men to look nothing like Jesus?

What if Emerson Eggerichs is asking men to look nothing like Jesus? Let’s ask a question: What’s the goal of the Christian life? Is it to look more and more like Christ? After all, Romans 8:29 tells us that we are to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus. 1 Peter...

Focus on Guys: Some New Books to Read, Plus a Fun Hobby

I've got some fun stuff for you today! Several quick things I wanted to share, and I thought I'd do it in a post. First, two new books launched this week that are amazing, and that I wanted to direct your attention to. The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood by Philip Payne...

The Doors are Open and It’s Time for a Party!

I've been talking about this day for so long, and it's finally here! The Launch Team for She Deserves Better launches--for lack of a better word--today! We're so excited to have anyone who has preordered She Deserves Better join us for a whole lot of behind-the-scenes...

When We Said Women Were Hurt, They Said We Were Gaslighters

Sheila here! When I was planning last week's podcast looking at how the authors and organizations that we critiqued in The Great Sex Rescue had responded to our book, I started making a list of all the things that they had acccused us of. By the end of that effort, I...
The Doors are Open and It’s Time for a Party!

The Doors are Open and It’s Time for a Party!

I've been talking about this day for so long, and it's finally here! The Launch Team for She Deserves Better launches--for lack of a better word--today! We're so excited to have anyone who has preordered She Deserves Better join us for a whole lot of behind-the-scenes...

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