All the Latest from "Marriage"

Are the WRONG People Getting the RIGHT Marriage Advice?

I’ve spent years trying to untangle the Christian marriage advice puzzle. When we started researching the best-selling marriage books when we were writing The Great Sex Rescue, we found, to our dismay, that the majority of them ended up giving really bad advice, that...

PODCAST: Is Caling Acts of Service a Love Language Missing Something HUGE? New Bonus Stats!

Is it a "love language" to do basic chores? When we wrote The Great Sex Rescue, one of the things that really bothered us was that evangelical marriage authors talked a ton about increasing the frequency of sex without ever mentioning the orgasm gap or sexual pain...

Is the “Acts of Service” Love Language Really a Cry for Help?

Is "Acts of Service" a real love language? Many of you may be familiar with the runaway best-seller by Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages, which argues that there are five different love languages, and we all have a preferred one: Acts of Service Gifts Words of...

PODCAST: Should You Choose Between Being a Good Wife and a Good Mom? And why Date Nights Aren’t Always the Answer

Is being a good wife in conflict with being a good mom? And what does it look like to prioritize your marriage? Episode 270 of Bare Marriage!

Older posts from "Marriage"

What Makes a Good Marriage?

What Makes a Good Marriage?

What do we mean by “a good marriage”?  When we say, “I want a good marriage”, what, exactly, are we talking about? A marriage that lasts 50 years? A marriage that doesn’t divorce? A marriage that produces great kids? A marriage that follows God’s “created order” of a...

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Why I Believe in Amazing Men

Why I Believe in Amazing Men

I believe men can be emotionally healthy and available–  –just as much as women can be! I don’t believe that women are necessarily better parents, or more emotionally in tune and healthy, or more emotionally stable than men. I don’t believe that women are more...

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